AABB.h | Functions defining axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs) |
AABB2D.h | |
AABB3D.h | |
AABBTemplate.h | |
AnalyticIK.h | |
angle.h | Planar (R2) rotation utilities |
AngleBracket.h | |
AngleSet.h | |
AnyCollection.h | |
AnyGeometry.h | |
AnyMapper.h | |
AnyMotionPlanner.h | |
AnyValue.h | |
AOMetaPlanner.h | |
ApproximateShortestPaths.h | |
apputils.h | |
APSP.h | |
AreaGrid.h | |
Arrangement1D.h | |
array2d.h | |
array3d.h | |
ArrayMapping.h | |
arraynd.h | |
arrayutils.h | Convenience routines for C arrays and STL vectors |
ASCIIShade.h | |
AsyncIO.h | |
backsubstitute.h | |
BallTree.h | |
spline/basis.h | |
math3d/basis.h | Utilities to compute special orthogonal bases (that is, rotation matrices) |
BernoulliDistribution.h | |
BetaDistribution.h | |
bits.h | |
BLASInterface.h | |
BlockPrinter.h | |
BlockTridiagonalMatrix.h | |
BlockVector.h | |
BoundedLSQRSolver.h | |
Box2D.h | |
Box3D.h | |
BoxWidget.h | |
brent.h | Brent's methods for parabolic minimization of a 1D function |
BSpline.h | |
Callback.h | |
camera.h | |
CartesianDrive.h | |
cast.h | |
CategoricalDistribution.h | |
Chain.h | |
CholeskyDecomposition.h | |
Circle2D.h | |
Circle3D.h | |
camera/clip.h | |
math3d/clip.h | Functions for clipping lines against geometric primitives |
ClosestPoint.h | |
cmp_func.h | |
CollisionImplicitSurface.h | |
CollisionMesh.h | |
CollisionPointCloud.h | |
ColorGradient.h | |
combination.h | Various combination utilities |
CommandLine.h | |
complex.h | |
ConditionedConstraint.h | |
Conditioner.h | Numerical conditioners for a matrix equation A*x=b |
conjgrad.h | Template routine using preconditioned conjugate gradient to solve a linear system |
ConnectedComponents.h | |
ConstrainedDynamics.h | Functions for computing dynamics under constraints |
Contact.h | |
ContextStack.h | |
ControlSpace.h | |
Conversions.h | 3D geometry conversion routines |
ConvexHull2D.h | 2-D convex hull routines |
ConvexHull3D.h | 3D-D convex hull routines |
CostSpace.h | |
CoverSet.h | |
CSet.h | |
CSetHelpers.h | |
CSpace.h | |
CSpaceAnalysis.h | |
CSpaceHelpers.h | |
CVSpace.h | |
Cylinder3D.h | |
DataSet.h | |
DCEL.h | |
DenavitHartenberg.h | |
DensityEstimator.h | |
DiagonalMatrix.h | |
diffeq.h | Various methods for solving ordinary differential equations |
differentiation.h | Numerical differentiation routines |
DiracDistribution.h | |
DirectedGraph.h | |
DirtyData.h | |
DisplacementPlanner.h | |
DistributionCollector.h | |
DoubleIntegrator.h | |
drawextra.h | |
drawgeometry.h | |
drawMesh.h | |
DynamicChain.h | |
DynamicChain3D.h | |
Edge.h | |
EdgePlanner.h | |
EdgePlannerHelpers.h | |
Ellipsoid3D.h | |
EquivalenceMap.h | |
errors.h | |
Expand.h | |
EZTrace.h | |
fastarray.h | |
FastFindHeap.h | |
fastmath.h | Miscellaneous lightweight math routines |
FastSampler.h | |
File.h | A unified interface for reading/writing binary data to file |
fileutils.h | Cross-platform wrapper for file utilities |
Fitting.h | |
FixedSizeHeap.h | |
FMM.h | |
FMMMotionPlanner.h | |
format.h | |
formats.h | |
Frame.h | |
frustum.h | |
function.h | Abstract base classes for function interfaces |
gaussian.h | |
GaussianDistribution.h | |
GaussianHMM.h | |
GaussianMixtureModel.h | |
gdi.h | |
GeneralizedAStar.h | |
GeneralizedBezierCurve.h | |
Geodesic.h | |
GeodesicSpace.h | |
Geometric2DCSpace.h | |
Geometry.h | Basic geometric utilities for rotations, intersections |
geometry2d.h | |
geometry3d.h | |
GeometryAppearance.h | |
GL.h | |
GLColor.h | |
GLDisplayList.h | |
GLError.h | |
GLFog.h | |
GLLight.h | |
GLMaterial.h | |
GLOffscreenContext.h | |
GLPKInterface.h | |
GLRenderToImage.h | |
GLScreenshot.h | |
GLScreenshotProgram.h | |
GLTexture1D.h | |
GLTexture2D.h | |
GLTextureObject.h | |
GLUINavigationProgram.h | |
GLUIProgram.h | |
GLUTNavigationProgram.h | |
GLUTProgram.h | |
GLUTString.h | |
GLView.h | |
GramSchmidt.h | |
Graph.h | |
Grid.h | |
Grid2DCSpace.h | |
GridSubdivision.h | |
GridTable.h | |
Heap.h | |
Hermite.h | |
HierarchicalClustering.h | |
Histogram.h | |
Histogram2D.h | |
Histogram3D.h | |
HistogramND.h | |
Householder.h | Functions for householder transformations |
IK.h | |
IKFunctions.h | Helper classes and functions for solving iterative inverse kinematics problems |
image.h | |
import.h | |
IndexedPriorityQueue.h | |
math/indexing.h | Utilities for matrix/vector access / manipulation with index vectors |
utils/indexing.h | |
IndexSet.h | |
InequalityConstraint.h | |
Inertia.h | |
infnan.h | Cross-platform infinity and not-a-number routines |
inlinetypes.h | |
interpolate.h | Convenience functions for linear interpolation of vectors and matrices |
d/interpolate.h | |
Interpolator.h | |
InterpolatorHelpers.h | |
Interval.h | |
IntervalMap.h | |
IntervalSet.h | |
IntPair.h | |
IntTriple.h | |
IntTuple.h | |
graph/IO.h | |
meshing/IO.h | |
ioutils.h | Utilities for I/O |
iteratorutils.h | Provides basic utilities to increment/decrement an iterator by a certain amount, 2D range iterators, etc |
JointStructure.h | |
KDTree.h | |
KinematicChain.h | |
KinematicChain3D.h | |
Kinematics.h | |
KinodynamicMotionPlanner.h | |
KinodynamicOptimizer.h | |
KinodynamicPath.h | |
KinodynamicSpace.h | |
KMeans.h | |
LAPACKInterface.h | |
LCP.h | |
LDL.h | |
LeastSquares.h | |
linalgebra.h | |
Line2D.h | |
Line3D.h | |
LinearAlgebra.h | |
LinearlyDependent.h | |
d/LinearlyDependent.h | |
LinearModel.h | |
LinearPath.h | |
LinearProcessHMM.h | |
LinearProgram.h | |
LocalCoordinates2D.h | |
LocalCoordinates3D.h | |
Logger.h | The logging system used in KrisLibrary |
LogisticModel.h | |
LP_InteriorPoint.h | |
LPOptimumFunction.h | |
LPRobust.h | |
LSConformalMapping.h | |
lsqr.h | |
LSQRInterface.h | |
LUDecomposition.h | |
MarchingCubes.h | The marching cubes algorithm for extracting an isosurface of a 3D function |
math.h | Common math typedefs, constants, functions |
matinline.h | |
matrix.h | |
MatrixEquationPrinter.h | |
MatrixPrinter.h | |
MatrixTemplate.h | |
MCRPlanner.h | |
MCRPlannerGoalSet.h | |
Meshing.h | Utilities for manipulating triangle meshes |
MeshPrimitives.h | Constructors for basic mesh primitives |
metric.h | Standard vector/matrix metrics |
Minimization.h | |
MinNormProblem.h | |
misc.h | Miscellaneous math functions |
d/misc.h | Miscellaneous utilities on 3D primitives |
MonotoneChain.h | |
MonotonicSpline.h | |
MotionPlanner.h | |
MultiModalCSpace.h | |
MultiModalPlanner.h | |
MultiRobot2DCSpace.h | |
MultiVolumeGrid.h | |
NeighborGraph.h | |
Newton.h | |
NewtonEuler.h | |
NewtonSolver.h | |
Node.h | |
NonlinearProgram.h | |
Objective.h | |
Octree.h | |
OLS.h | |
OMPLInterface.h | |
OnlineLASSO.h | |
OnlineMoments.h | |
OnlineOLS.h | |
Operations.h | |
OptimalMotionPlanner.h | |
optimization.h | |
ParabolicRamp.h | Functions for optimal acceleration-bounded trajectories |
ParabolicRampConfig.h | |
ParamList.h | |
path.h | |
planning/Path.h | |
graph/Path.h | |
PenetrationDepth.h | |
permutation.h | Various permutation utilities |
PerturbationCSpace.h | |
PiecewisePolynomial.h | |
Plane2D.h | |
Plane3D.h | |
Point.h | |
PointCloud.h | |
PointLocation.h | |
polar.h | Conversions between rectangular and polar forms |
Polygon2D.h | |
Polygon3D.h | |
Polyhedron3D.h | |
polynomial.h | |
Polynomial.h | |
PolytopeProjection.h | |
ppm.h | |
geometry/primitives.h | Contains ordering primitives used in geometry computations |
math3d/primitives.h | Class declarations for useful 3D math types |
PrimitiveValue.h | |
priority_queue2.h | |
ProbabilityDistribution.h | |
ProgressPrinter.h | |
PropertyMap.h | |
PRT.h | |
QRDecomposition.h | |
QuadProgPPInterface.h | |
QuadraticProgram.h | |
quadrature.h | Several functions for performing quadrature (function integration) |
QuasiNewton.h | |
quatinline.h | |
math/random.h | Defines a standard method for random floating-point number generation |
math3d/random.h | Sampling routines for 3D primitives |
utils/random.h | |
RangeMap.h | |
RangeMap2D.h | |
RangeSet.h | |
RangeSet2D.h | |
Rasterize.h | 2D rasterization routines |
Ray2D.h | |
Ray3D.h | |
rayprimitives.h | Contains primitives that allow rays to be represented as points at infinity |
realfunction.h | |
RedBlack.h | |
RegularizedLinearProgram.h | |
ResourceLibrary.h | |
RigidBodyCSpace.h | |
RigidBodyDynamics.h | |
RigidRobot2DCSpace.h | |
RigidRobot3DCSpace.h | |
RLG.h | |
RobotDynamics3D.h | |
RobotKinematics3D.h | |
RobotLink3D.h | |
RobotWithGeometry.h | |
root.h | Numerical root-solving routines |
rotation.h | 3D rotation representations |
Rotation.h | Utility functions for converting between different rotation representations and computing derivatives |
rotationfit.h | Least-squares fitting for rotations (and rigid body transformations) |
RowEchelon.h | |
sample.h | Functions for random sampling of various sets |
SBL.h | |
SBLTree.h | |
Segment2D.h | |
Segment3D.h | |
SegmentOverlay.h | |
robotics/SelfTest.h | |
math/SelfTest.h | |
optimization/SelfTest.h | |
shift.h | Cyclical shifts of array elements |
ShortestPaths.h | |
SignalHandler.h | |
SimpleFile.h | |
SimpleParser.h | |
Simulate.h | |
SmartPointer.h | |
socketutils.h | |
SparseArray.h | |
sparsefunction.h | Vector field classes with sparse jacobians |
sparsematrix.h | |
SparseMatrixTemplate.h | Several sparse matrix classes |
sparsevector.h | |
SparseVectorTemplate.h | |
SparseVolumeGrid.h | |
specialfunctions.h | |
Sphere3D.h | |
SphereWidget.h | |
spline.h | |
Stability.h | |
stacking.h | |
StatCollector.h | |
StatDatabase.h | |
statistics.h | Basic statistical utilities |
SteeringFunction.h | |
stl_tr1.h | |
stringutils.h | Utilities for string manipulation |
Subset.h | |
SVDecomposition.h | |
Tabular.h | |
textureops.h | |
threadutils.h | |
TimeCSpace.h | |
TimedPath.h | |
Timer.h | |
TimeSegmentation.h | |
TorqueSolver.h | |
Trace.h | |
transform.h | |
TransformWidget.h | |
TranslatingRobot2DCSpace.h | |
Tree.h | |
Triangle2D.h | |
Triangle3D.h | |
TriMesh.h | |
TriMeshAtlas.h | |
TriMeshOperators.h | Utilities for operating on, and walking the topology of, triangle meshes |
TriMeshTopology.h | |
TSDFReconstruction.h | |
UnboundedPolytope2D.h | |
UndirectedGraph.h | |
UniformDistribution.h | |
unionfind.h | |
utils.h | Utilities commonly used throughout a program |
vecinline.h | |
vector.h | |
vectorfunction.h | Various basic function classes |
VectorPrinter.h | |
VectorTemplate.h | |
viewport.h | |
VisibilityGraphPlanner.h | |
VolumeGrid.h | |
Voxelize.h | |
WeibullDistribution.h | |
Widget.h | |
WorkspaceBound.h | |
Wrench.h | |