KrisLibrary  1.0.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NGeometryContains all definitions in the Geometry package
 NGLDrawContains all definitions in the GLDraw package
 NGraphNamespace for all classes and functions in the Graph subdirectory
 NMathContains all definitions in the Math package
 NMath3DContains all the definitions in the Math3D package
 NMeshingThe namespace for all classes/functions in the Meshing package
 NOptimizationNamespace for classes and functions in the Optimization package
 NStatisticsContains all definitions in the statistics directory
 CAdaptiveCSpaceA class that optimizes constraint testing order using empirical data
 CAnalyticalIKSolverHook for an analytic inverse kinematics solver. The Solve method must be defined by the subclass
 CAnalyticIKSolutionA structure containing computed analytic IK solutions
 CAnyCollectionA flexible hierarchical collection of AnyValues, which can be easily initialized to contain primitive values, arrays, or maps. Arrays and maps can be nested as well
 CAnyKeyableAny primitive value (bool, char, unsigned char, int, unsigned int, float, double, string) that we know how to make into a hashable object
 CAnyValueA polymorphic container class that can contain data of any type
 CArc3DAn arc segment of a circle in space
 CArray2DA two-dimensional m x n array
 CArray3DA three-dimensional m x n x parray
 CArrayMappingAn invertible mapping from indices in [0,imax), which operates in two modes: offset mode adds an offset, and mapping mode stores an explicit mapping
 CArrayNDAn N-D array class
 CAsyncPipeQueueAsynchronous reader/writer with queues
 CAsyncPipeThreadAn asynchronous read/writer that uses multithreading. Subclass will define the transport protocol by setting the transport member (usually blocking I/O)
 CAsyncReaderQueueAsynchronous reader with queue
 CAsyncReaderThreadAn asynchronous reader that uses multithreading. User/subclass will initialize the transport protocol (usually blocking I/O) by setting the transport member
 CAsyncWriterQueueAsynchronous writer with queue
 CAxisSweptPointParameterizes a circle in space by sweeping a point around a line
 CBallTreePointLocationAn accelerated point location algorithm that uses a ball tree
 CBasicArrayResourceA basic array data type
 CBasicResourceA basic data type
 CBidirectionalRRTKPA bidirectional RRT planner for kinodynamic systems
 CBidirectionalRRTPlannerA single-query RRT (Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree) planner
 CCartesianDriveSolverSimultaneously moves joints on the robot to achieve one or more Cartesian velocity goals. A highly configurable and reliable solver suitable for long-duration, precise cartesian motions
 CChainA tree-based chain structure
 CCombinationA class that enumerates combinations
 CCompositeObjectiveAn objective that merges contributions from multiple other objective functions
 CCompoundResourceBaseA resource that is composed of multiple sub-objects, which can themselves be considered resources
 CConfigObjectiveA cost that measures distance to a goal configuration qgoal
 CContactFormationA robot-environment contact formation. The list of contacts contacts[i] is associated with links[i] (pointing from the opposing body into the robot). Usually the opposing body is the environment, but if targets is non-empty, it gives the index of the body for which contact is made
 CContactPointA single contact point, i.e. a position, normal, and friction coefficient
 CContactPoint2DA 2D contact point, i.e. a position, normal, and friction coefficient
 CContextStackA helper for maintaining and printing context
 CControlSpaceEncodes the dynamics of a system, including the dynamics function f(x,u), control bounds, and available steering functions
 CCostSpaceESTPlannerAn optimizing planner that progressively produces better paths using state-cost space. Plan() returns true only if a better path was found in the last maxIters iterations. Done() and GetPath() return true if there ANY solution has been found
 CCostSpaceRRTPlannerAn optimizing planner that progressively produces better paths using state-cost space. Plan() returns true only if a better path was found in the last maxIters iterations. Done() and GetPath() return true if there ANY solution has been found
 CCSetA subset of a CSpace, which establishes a constraint for a configuration must meet. Mathematically, this is a set S which imposes the constraint [q in S]
 CCSpaceMotion planning configuration space base class. The configuration space implements an interpolation space with obstacles. To implement obstacles, the user will create some CSets (or predicates) and add them via the AddConstraint method
 CCSpaceInterpolatorAn interpolator that uses a CSpace's Interpolate function
 CCustomContactFormationA more advanced ContactFormation that accepts custom contact points and custom constraints
 CCustomContactPointA contact point with custom force / wrench constraints
 CCVSpaceA C-space on configurations and velocities (q,v) that linear uses linear interpolation on velocities
 CDensityEstimatorBaseA base class for density estimators. Each point in an N dimensional space is attached to some data pointer. Density in the space is measured by the Density() function, and only matters in a relative sense
 CDirectionCosines9-D rotation parameterization that lays out the columns of the rotation matrix in a single vector
 CDisplacementPlannerA planner that minimizes the the displacement cost of violated constraints using a RRT-like strategy
 CDoubleIntegratorKinodynamicSpaceSpace that combines configuration and velocity in the state x=(q,v), and is controlled by acceleration v' = a. The control u = (dt,a) is composed of a time step and acceleration
 CEdgeCheckerAn EdgePlanner that just checks a given interpolator or straight line path between two configurations
 CEdgePlannerAbstract base class for an edge planner / edge checker (i.e., local planner)
 CEdgePlannerWithCSpaceContainerConvenience class for edge planner that holds a smart pointer to a CSpace so that the temporary CSpace is destroyed when the edge is destroyed. Typically used for single-constraint edge checkers as follows:
 CEndpointEdgeCheckerEdge planner that only checks the endpoint
 CEpsilonEdgeCheckerEdge checker that divides the path until epsilon resolution is reached
 CEquilibriumTesterTesting COM equilibrium given some number of contacts
 CESTKinodynamicPlannerThe EST planner for kinodynamic systems
 CEZCallTraceHelper class that eases function call tracing
 CEZTraceA Trace that dumps on destruction. Only one may be active at any time
 CFalseEdgeCheckerEdge planner that is never visible
 CFastFindHeapImplements a heap that stores objects of type type, with priority keys of type ptype
 CFastSamplerSamples from a weighted discrete set in O(log(n)) time after an O(n) initialization
 CFileA cross-platform class for reading/writing binary data
 CFixedSizeHeapA heap of fixed maximum size N. Each element is indexed by an integer 0...N-1. The priority key of each element is of type ptype
 CFreeRLGRLG that sets a virtual linkage of free dof's using analytic IK
 CFrictionConePolygonPolygonal pyramid representation of the friction cone
 CGeneralizedCubicBezierCurveA generalized Bezier curve that uses the CSpace's Interpolate routine to generate the smooth interpolation
 CGeneralizedCubicBezierSplineA Bezier spline with segment durations
 CGeodesicInterpolatorAn interpolator that uses a GeodesicSpace's Interpolate function
 CGeodesicSpaceA space with geodesics and (optionally) geodesic derivatives
 CGeometric2DCSpace2D cspace whose obstacles are geometric primitives
 CGLUINavigationProgramA 3D navigation program based on GLUI
 CGLUTNavigationProgramA 3D navigation program based on GLUT
 CGrid2DCSpaceA simple CSpace that lets you add geometric obstacles as blocked off grid cells
 CGrid2IndicesA 2D lattice of irregular ranges
 CGridDensityEstimatorA grid-based (n-d projected histogram) density estimator
 CHaltingConditionA termination condition for a planner. Supports max iteration count, time limit, absolute cost, and cost improvement conditions
 Chash< AnyKeyable >
 CHeapImplements a heap that stores objects of type type, with priority keys of type ptype
 CHermiteCSpaceA C-space on configurations and velocities (q,v) that uses Hermite interpolation to construct continuously differentiable curves
 CHollowBallA 3-D annulus innerRadius <= |x-center| <= outerRadius
 CIKGoalA structure defining a link's desired configuration for IK
 CIKGoalFunctionFunction class that returns the position/rotation errors associated with a given IKGoal
 CIncrementalizedEdgePlannerAn incremental edge planner that calls a non-incremental edge planner. This adapts one-shot edge planners to be used in lazy motion planners
 CIndexedPriorityQueueContains a priority queue with an associated index, allowing updates of the priority value. Priority defined with lowest value first
 CIndexSetA generic set of indices, either listed explicitly or in a range. If imax < imin, this indicates that the indices should be used instead
 CIntegratedControlSetA cartesian-product control space in which groups of states are controlled by individual control spaces
 CIntegratedControlSpaceBase class for adapting a simulation function by integrating forward dynamics into a ControlSpace. The "base" control set does not contain timing information, while the control set for this space also includes a timestep
 CIntegratedKinodynamicSpaceA class that produces a KinodynamicCSpace from a dynamics function subclassed from IntegratedControlSpace. Collision checking is performed at the integration resolution given in the dynamics function
 CIntegratorObjectiveFunctionalA cost functional of the form J[x,u] = int_0^T L(x(t),u(t)) dt + Phi(x(T))
 CInterpolatorA base class for all 1D interpolators
 CIntPairA lightweight integer 2-tuple class
 CIntTripleA lightweight integer 3-tuple class
 CIntTupleAn integer tuple class
 CJointStructureCalculates workspace bounds for a robot with constrained links
 CKDTreePointLocationAn accelerated point location algorithm that uses a K-D tree
 CKernelDensityEstimatorKernel Density Estimation density estimator
 CKinematicControlSpaceAdapts a kinematic cspace (given to the constructor) to a control space
 CKinematicCSpaceAdaptorAdapts a kinematic cspace (given to the constructor) to a kinodynamic one
 CKinodynamicMilestonePathStores a kinodynamic path with piecewise constant controls
 CKinodynamicSpaceA class used for kinodynamic planning. Combines a CSpace defining the state space, as well as a ControlSpace
 CKinodynamicSteeringCSpaceAdaptorAdapts a kinodynamic space with steering function to a kinematic cspace where the steering function is used as the visibility function
 CKinodynamicTreeData structure for a kinodynamic planning tree
 CLazyRRTKinodynamicPlannerA lazy version of kinodynamic RRT
 CLengthObjectiveAn objective that measures path length
 CLinearInterpolatorAn interpolator that goes between two Configs
 CMCRPlannerA planner that minimizes the the number of violated constraints using a RRT-like strategy
 CMCRPlannerGoalSetA planner that minimizes the the number of violated constraints using a RRT-like strategy
 CMilestonePathA sequence of locally planned paths between milestones
 CMotionPlannerFactoryA motion planner creator
 CMotionPlannerInterfaceAn abstract class for a sample-based motion planner
 CMotionPlanningProblemA structure to specify the space, endpoints, and cost function of a motion planning problem
 CMultiEdgePlannerAn edge planners that plans a stacked list of edges
 CMultiGridDensityEstimatorA multiple-grid based density estimator that attempts to avoid data fragmentation by collecting histograms on multiple axes and fusing them together
 CMultiInterpolatorA cartesian product of interpolators
 CMultiModalCSpaceMulti-modal configuration space base class
 CMultiRobot2DCSpaceOne or more 2D robots translating and/or rotating in a 2D workspace
 CNaivePointLocationThe Naive O(n) point location algorithm
 CNewtonEulerSolverThe Featherstone algorithm for O(n) computation of either joint torques from accelerations, or accelerations from torques
 CObjectiveFunctionalBaseA base class for objective functionals of the form J[x,u] = sum_0^N-1 L(xi,ui) dt + Phi(xN)
 CObstacleDisplacementCSpaceA class that needs to be subclassed in order to implement a minimum constraint displacement problem
 CObstacleDistanceEdgeCheckerEdge checker that divides the path until the segment distance is below CSpace.ObstacleDistance()
 COrientedSupportPolygonCalculation of a support polygon with a non-vertical gravity vector
 CPathEdgeCheckerAn edge checker that checks a sequence of edges
 CPathInterpolatorAn interpolator that concatenates a list of other interpolators. The interpolators may have nonuniform duration
 CPermutationA class that enumerates permutations
 CPerturbationTreePlannerA tree-based randomized planner that extends the roadmap by sampling the neighborhood of existing samples
 CPiggybackCSpaceA helper class that assists with selective overriding of another cspace's methods (similar to "monkey-patching")
 CPiggybackMotionPlannerHelper class for higher-order planners – passes all calls to another motion planner
 CPointLocationBaseA uniform abstract interface to point location data structures. The point locator operators in-place on a vector of Vectors and does not allocate any extra memory unless this is desired
 CPointToSetMotionPlannerTries to produce a path between a start node and a goal space. Does so via goal sampling. NOTE: only works on base motion planners that accept dynamic goal insertion, such as PRM or SBLPRT. For other motion planners, need to use the PointToSetMotionPlannerAdaptor
 CPointToSetMotionPlannerAdaptorTries to produce a path between a start node and a goal space. Does so via goal sampling / reinitializing
 CPrimitiveValueA basic primitive value type, including integers, floats, and strings
 CPRMStarPlannerImplements the asymptotically optimal kinematic motion planners PRM*, RRT* / RRG*, Lazy-PRM*, and Lazy-RRG*. Also allows the asymptotically sub-optimal method LBT-RRG*
 CProgressPrinterPrints the progress of an iterative, long computation
 CPropertyMapA simple map from keys to values
 CPRTPlannerThe PRT (Probabilistic Roadmap of Trees) planner
 CQuadraticObjectiveA cost that measures quadratic tracking error and control cost. Note that the time must exist in the state
 CR2CSpaceAn axis-aligned subset of the space R^2 with convenient casts from Math3d::Vector2, and with variable names x,y
 CR3CSpaceAn axis-aligned subset of the space R^3 with convenient casts from Math3d::Vector3, and with variable names x,y,z
 CRandomBestPointLocationThe approximate O(k) point location algorithm that returns the closest of k randomly chosen points
 CRandomBiasReverseSteeringFunctionA simple approximate steering function that simply draws several samples and picks the closest one in terms of CSpace distance
 CRandomBiasSteeringFunctionA simple approximate steering function that simply draws several samples and picks the closest one in terms of CSpace distance
 CRandomPointLocationThe approximate O(1) point location algorithm that simply returns a random point
 CRange2IndicesA 2D lattice of regular ranges
 CRange3IndicesA 3D lattice of regular ranges
 CRangeIndicesA regular range of indices ik = start+k*stride, for k=0 to size-1
 CRangeMapSame as RangeSet, but a map rather than a set. O(1) find as well
 CRangeMap2DSame as RangeSet2D but a map. O(1) find as well as count
 CRangeSetA set of integers within a range. Operates in two modes, set or bit vector mode. In bit-vector mode, allows O(1) membership testing (but the range is fixed). Set mode is just like a regular set
 CRangeSet2DA set of 2d indices within a range. Operates in two modes, set or bit matrix mode. In bit-matrix mode, allows O(1) membership testing (but the range is fixed). Set mode is just like a regular set
 CResourceBaseA generic "resource" that can be saved/loaded to disk
 CResourceLibraryA collection of resources, which may be loaded/saved as separate files in a directory or inlined into a single XML file. Helps with managing subdirectories of data
 CResourceLibraryResourceA resource that contains a ResourceLibrary. Useful for hierarchical resource libraries
 CRestartMotionPlannerA multiple-restart motion planner that turns a feasible motion planner into an anytime optimal motion planner by keeping the best path found so far
 CRestartShortcutMotionPlannerA multiple-restart motion planner that turns a feasible motion planner into an anytime optimal motion planner by keeping the best path found so far and shortcutting the best path
 CReverseInterpolatorAn interpolator that reverses another one
 CRigidBodyDynamicsA class for simulating a rigid body. Uses Euler integration
 CRigidRobot2DCSpaceTranslating and rotating 2D robot in a 2D workspace
 CRigidRobot3DCSpaceTranslating and rotating 3D robot in a 3D workspace
 CRLGA sampler for closed-chain kinematics that takes joint workspace bounds into account
 CRNG48Uses the ANSI C rand48 functions
 CRoadmapPlannerA base roadmap planner class
 CRobotCOMFunctionFunction class that measures the difference between the robot's center of mass and a desired COM
 CRobotDynamics3DClass defining kinematic and dynamic state of a robot, with commonly used functions. Inherits from RobotKinematics3D
 CRobotIKFunctionA vector field function class defining C(q)=0 for IK
 CRobotIKSolverA Newton-Raphson robot IK solver
 CRobotKinematics3DClass defining kinematics of a robot, and commonly used functions
 CRobotLink3DKinematic and physical parameters of a link
 CRobotWithGeometryThe base class for a robot definition
 CRRTKinodynamicPlannerThe RRT planner for kinodynamic systems
 CRRTPlannerA basic RRT (Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree) planner
 CSBLPlannerThe SBL motion planner
 CSBLPlannerWithGridAn SBL planner whose trees use grids for point location
 CSBLPRTA probabilistic roadmap of trees, where SBL is used for local planning
 CSBLTreeA tree of configurations to be used in the SBL motion planner
 CSBLTreeWithGridAn SBL motion planner that uses a SBLSubdivision to pick the next node to expand, and nodes to connect
 CSBLTreeWithIndexAn SBLTree with a node index
 CSE2CSpaceThe space of rigid body transforms SE(2). Still need to implement IsFeasible, PathChecker
 CSE3CSpaceThe space of rigid body transforms SE(3). Still need to implement IsFeasible, PathChecker
 CShortcutMotionPlannerPlans a path and then tries to shortcut it with the remaining time
 CSignalHandlerA base class for an object-oriented signal handler. Properly restores old signal handlers once the class is destroyed
 CSimpleFileA simple file format that has named items and whitespace-delimited values
 CSimpleParserA simple class to break files into tokens, punctuation, comments, and whitespace
 CSmartPointerA smart pointer class. Performs automatic reference counting
 CSO2CSpaceThe space of rotations SO(2). The representation is a single angle. Still need to implement IsFeasible, PathChecker
 CSO3CSpaceThe space of rotations S0(3). The representation is a MomentRotation. Still need to implement IsFeasible, PathChecker
 CSocketClientTransportA transport protocol that connects as a client to the given address
 CSocketPipeWorkerLaunches a thread for asynchronous bidirectional communication with a socket
 CSocketReadWorkerLaunches a thread for asynchronous reading from a socket
 CSocketServerTransportA transport protocol that hosts a client and sends messages to the clients after they connect
 CSpaceTimeCSpaceA cspace that prepends a time variable to the given CSpace. This is best used with perturbation-sampling planners, and/or SpaceTimeIntegratedKinodynamicCSpace
 CSpaceTimeIntegratedControlSpaceGiven an IntegratedControlSpace on a certain state space, this will produce a control space for the t-c state space that has time prepended to state
 CSpaceTimeIntegratedKinodynamicSpaceThis KinodynamicCSpace prefixes time onto the state of the given CSpace instance and automatically increments the time state variable as the dynamics are integrated forward
 CSpaceTimeSteeringFunctionGiven a steering function on a base space q' = f(q,ubase), adapts it to the proper steering function on a SpaceTimeIntegratedControlSpace where the state component is x=(t,q) and the control is u=(dt,ubase)
 CSparseArrayA sparse 1D array class
 CStandardRNGInterface for a random number generator
 CStatCollectorCollects statistics (min,max,mean,stddev,etc) on floating-point data
 CStatDatabaseA heirarchical database of statistical data (counts and StatCollectors). Useful for performance testing
 CStateCostControlSpaceA control space that adapts a state-space control space to a state-cost space. The new state space is (x,c) where c is accumulated cost
 CSteeringFunctionA function in a ControlSpace that attempts to connect two states with a sequence of one or more controls
 CStreamTransportA transport protocol that uses STL streams
 CStripe2IndicesA 2D lattice indexing into a linear sequence, in a striping pattern
 CStripe3IndicesA 3D lattice indexing into a linear sequence, in a striping pattern
 CSubsetA finite subset of numbered items with convenient operators for union, intersection, difference, etc
 CSubsetConstraintCSpaceConverts an CSpace so that it only checks one or a subset of selected constraints
 CSubspaceSetTests whether the range of values from x[imin:imax] is contained within base
 CSupportPolygonCalculation of the support polygon given a number of contacts
 CSyncPipeAn synchronous reader/writer. User/subclass will initialize the transport protocol (usually blocking I/O) by setting the transport member
 CTable1DA 1D tabular function interpolated over a grid
 CTabular1DLevelSetA 1D level set f(x) <= threshold
 CTabular1DObjectiveA cost that penalizes via a 1D table lookup of a single index
 CTabular1DSetA 1D set that includes some marked regions on a grid
 CTabular2DLevelSetA 2D level set f(x) <= threshold
 CTabular2DObjectiveA cost that penalizes via a 2D table lookup of a single index
 CTabular2DSetA 2D set that includes some marked regions on a grid
 CTabular3DLevelSetA 3D level set f(x) <= threshold
 CTabular3DObjectiveA cost that penalizes via a 3D table lookup of a single index
 CTabular3DSetA 3D set that includes some marked regions on a grid
 CTimeControlSpaceA 1D ControlSpace that simulates time
 CTimeCSpace1D cspace in the range [0,inf) but where Sample samples from the range [0,timeStepMax]
 CTimeObjectiveAn objective that measures path execution time. Accumulated time is assumed to be part of the state, specifically the element indexed by timeIndex
 CTimeRemappedInterpolatorAn interpolator that remaps a time interval of another interpolator. Maps the parameter range [pstart,pend] (by default [0,1]) to the range [a,b] on the base interpolator
 CTraceAllows detailed tracing of program execution
 CTranslatingRobot2DCSpaceTranslating 2D robot in a 2D workspace
 CTransportBaseA base class for a transport protocol for unstructured data
 CTreeRoadmapPlannerA base class to be used for tree-based roadmap planners
 CTrueEdgeCheckerEdge planner that always is visible
 CUnionFindFrom an indexed set of elments, allows fast unioning of the elements into sets
 CWildcardAn any-schema is a simple validation and mapping scheme for AnyCollections. The keys in the document must match up with the schema
 CWorkspaceBoundBounds the workspace of a robot linkage with a simple bound
 CWorldPositionFunctionFunction class that returns the world-space position of a point on the robot