KrisLibrary  1.0.0
math Directory Reference


file  AABB.h [code]
 Functions defining axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs).
file  angle.h [code]
 Planar (R2) rotation utilities.
file  brent.h [code]
 Brent's methods for parabolic minimization of a 1D function.
file  Conditioner.h [code]
 Numerical conditioners for a matrix equation A*x=b.
file  conjgrad.h [code]
 Template routine using preconditioned conjugate gradient to solve a linear system.
file  diffeq.h [code]
 Various methods for solving ordinary differential equations.
file  differentiation.h [code]
 Numerical differentiation routines.
file  fastmath.h [code]
 Miscellaneous lightweight math routines.
file  function.h [code]
 Abstract base classes for function interfaces.
file  Householder.h [code]
 Functions for householder transformations.
file  math/indexing.h [code]
 Utilities for matrix/vector access / manipulation with index vectors.
file  infnan.h [code]
 Cross-platform infinity and not-a-number routines.
file  interpolate.h [code]
 Convenience functions for linear interpolation of vectors and matrices.
file  math.h [code]
 Common math typedefs, constants, functions.
file  metric.h [code]
 Standard vector/matrix metrics.
file  misc.h [code]
 Miscellaneous math functions.
file  quadrature.h [code]
 Several functions for performing quadrature (function integration)
file  math/random.h [code]
 Defines a standard method for random floating-point number generation.
file  root.h [code]
 Numerical root-solving routines.
file  sample.h [code]
 Functions for random sampling of various sets.
file  sparsefunction.h [code]
 Vector field classes with sparse jacobians.
file  SparseMatrixTemplate.h [code]
 Several sparse matrix classes.
file  vectorfunction.h [code]
 Various basic function classes.