KrisLibrary  1.0.0
Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >, including all inherited members.

add(const MyT &, const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
axpby(T a, const MyT &x, T b, const MyT &y) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
base (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
BaseT typedef (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
begin() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
clear() (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
componentDiv(const MyT &a, const MyT &b) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
componentMadd(const MyT &a, const MyT &b) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
componentMul(const MyT &a, const MyT &b) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
componentOp(const MyT &a, UnaryOp &f)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
componentOp(const MyT &a, const MyT &b, BinaryOp &f)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
componentOp(const MyT &a, T c, BinaryOp &f)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
copy(const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
copy(const VectorTemplate< T2 > &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
copy(const T *vals) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
copy(const std::vector< T2 > &vals) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
copyDiagonal(const MatrixT &m) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
copySubVector(int i, const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
dec(const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
determinant() const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
DiagonalMatrixTemplate() (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
DiagonalMatrixTemplate(const BaseT &) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
DiagonalMatrixTemplate(int m) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >explicit
DiagonalMatrixTemplate(int m, T diagVal) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
DiagonalMatrixTemplate(int m, const T *diagVals) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
distance(const MyT &) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
distanceSquared(const MyT &) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
div(const MyT &, T) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
dot(const MyT &) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
dotSelf() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
dotSelf() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
empty() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
end() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
getCapacity() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
getConjugate(MyT &v) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
getCopy(MyT &) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
getCopy(T *vals) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
getNegative(MyT &v) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
getNormalized(MyT &v) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
getPointer() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
getRef(MyT &, int base=0, int stride=1, int size=-1) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
getStart() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
getSubVectorCopy(int i, MyT &) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inc(const T &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inc(const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceComponentDiv(const MyT &c) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceComponentMul(const MyT &c) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceComponentOp(UnaryOp &f)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceComponentOp(const MyT &c, BinaryOp &f)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceComponentOp(T c, BinaryOp &f)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceConjugate() (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceConjugate() (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceDiv(T) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceInverse() (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
inplaceMul(T) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceNegative() (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplaceNormalize() (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
inplacePseudoInverse() (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
isCompact() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
isEqual(const MyT &, T eps=0) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
isIdentity(T eps=Zero) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
isInvertible(T eps=Zero) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
isReference() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
isUninitialized() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
isValid() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
isValidIndex(int i) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
isZero(T eps=Zero) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
ItT typedef (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
madd(const MyT &, T) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
MatrixT typedef (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
maxAbsElement(int *index=NULL) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
maxAbsElement(int *index) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
maxElement(int *index=NULL) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
maxElement(int *index) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
minAbsElement(int *index=NULL) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
minAbsElement(int *index) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
minElement(int *index=NULL) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
minElement(int *index) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
mul(const MyT &, T) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
mulInverse(const VectorT &, VectorT &) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
mulMatrix(const MyT &a, const MyT &b) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
mulPseudoInverse(const VectorT &, VectorT &) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
mulVector(const VectorT &, VectorT &) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
MyT typedef (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
n (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
norm() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
normSquared() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
numCols() const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >inline
numRows() const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >inline
operator const T *() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
operator std::vector< T >() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
operator T *() (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
operator!=(const MyT &a) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
operator()(int i) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
operator()(int i) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
operator*=(const MyT &) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
operator*=(T c) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >inline
operator+=(const MyT &m) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >inline
operator+=(const MyT &a) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
operator-=(const MyT &m) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >inline
operator-=(const MyT &a) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
operator/=(T c) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >inline
operator=(const MyT &m) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >inline
operator=(const MyT &v) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
operator=(MyT &&v) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
operator=(const std::vector< T > &v) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
operator==(const MyT &) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
operator[](int i) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
operator[](int i) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
postMultiply(const MatrixT &a, MatrixT &x) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
postMultiplyInverse(const MatrixT &a, MatrixT &x) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
postMultiplyTranspose(const MatrixT &a, MatrixT &x) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
preMultiply(const MatrixT &a, MatrixT &x) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
preMultiplyInverse(const MatrixT &a, MatrixT &x) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
preMultiplyTranspose(const MatrixT &a, MatrixT &x) const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
Read(File &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
resize(int size) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
resize(int size, T initval) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
resizePersist(int size) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
resizePersist(int size, T initval) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
set(T) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
setConjugate(const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
setConjugate(const MyT &a) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
setIdentity() (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
setInverse(const MyT &) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
setNegative(const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
setNormalized(const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
setPseudoInverse(const MyT &) (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
setRef(const MyT &, int base=0, int stride=1, int size=-1) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
setRef(T *vals, int length, int base=0, int stride=1, int size=-1) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
setZero() (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
size() const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >inline
stride (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
sub(const MyT &, const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
swap(MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
swapCopy(MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
trace() const (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
VectorT typedef (defined in Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >)Math::DiagonalMatrixTemplate< T >
VectorTemplate() (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
VectorTemplate(const MyT &) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
VectorTemplate(MyT &&) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
VectorTemplate(int n) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >explicit
VectorTemplate(int n, T initval) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
VectorTemplate(int n, const T *vals) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
VectorTemplate(const std::vector< T > &vals) (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >explicit
Write(File &) const (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >
~VectorTemplate() (defined in Math::VectorTemplate< T >)Math::VectorTemplate< T >