Source code for klampt.vis.glinit

import sys
global _GLAvailable,_GLModule,_BackendStatus,_GLBackend
_GLAvailable = None
_GLModule = None
_BackendStatus = dict()
_GLBackend = None
_BackendString = None
_PIP_String = 'pip' if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else 'pip3'

#compatibility with MacOS X 11.x
    import OpenGL.GL   # this fails in <=2020 versions of Python on OS X 11.x
    _GLAvailable = True
    _GLModule = OpenGL.GL
except ImportError:
    import sys
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        print("Couldn't import OpenGL, trying patch for Big Sur")
        from ctypes import util
        orig_util_find_library = util.find_library
        def new_util_find_library( name ):
            res = orig_util_find_library( name )
            if res: return res
            return '/System/Library/Frameworks/'+name+'.framework/'+name
        util.find_library = new_util_find_library
            import OpenGL.GL
            _GLAvailable = True
            _GLModule = OpenGL.GL
        except ImportError:
            print("Couldn't import OpenGL, try running pip install PyOpenGL")
            _GLAvailable = False
        print("Couldn't import OpenGL, try running pip install PyOpenGL")
        _GLAvailable = False

[docs]def init(backends=['PyQt','GLUT']): """Initializes the OpenGL system with one of the backends provided in the `backends` list. Each backend is tried in order. If this has already been called, then the previously initialized backend is returned. Returns: QtBackend, GLUTBackend, or None """ global _GLAvailable,_BackendStatus,_BackendString,_GLBackend if _GLAvailable == False: return None if _GLBackend is not None: return _GLBackend #print("glinit TRYING BACKENDS",backends) for backend in backends: if tried(backend): continue if backend == 'PyQt': try: from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from .backends.qtbackend import QtBackend _BackendStatus[backend] = 'available' _BackendStatus['PyQt5'] = 'available' _BackendString = 'PyQt5' _GLBackend = QtBackend() print("*** klampt.vis: using Qt5 as the visualization backend ***") return _GLBackend except ImportError: try: from PyQt4 import QtCore from PyQt4 import QtGui from .backends.qtbackend import QtBackend _BackendStatus[backend] = 'available' _BackendStatus['PyQt4'] = 'available' _BackendString = 'PyQt4' _GLBackend = QtBackend() print("*** klampt.vis: using Qt4 as the visualization backend ***") return _GLBackend except ImportError: print('PyQt4/PyQt5 are not available... try running "%s install PyQt5"'%(_PIP_String,)) _BackendStatus[backend] = 'unavailable' _BackendStatus['PyQt4'] = 'unavailable' _BackendStatus['PyQt5'] = 'unavailable' elif backend == 'PyQt5': try: from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from .backends.qtbackend import QtBackend _BackendStatus[backend] = 'available' _BackendStatus['PyQt'] = 'available' _BackendString = 'PyQt5' _GLBackend = QtBackend() print("*** klampt.vis: using Qt5 as the visualization backend ***") return _GLBackend except ImportError: print('PyQt5 is not available... try running "%s install PyQt5"'%(_PIP_String,)) _BackendStatus[backend] = 'unavailable' elif backend == 'PyQt4': try: from PyQt4 import QtCore from PyQt4 import QtGui from .backends.qtbackend import QtBackend _BackendStatus[backend] = 'available' _BackendStatus['PyQt4'] = 'available' _BackendString = 'PyQt4' _GLBackend = QtBackend() print("*** klampt.vis: using Qt4 as the visualization backend ***") return _GLBackend except ImportError: print('PyQt4 is not available... try running "%s install PyQt4"'%(_PIP_String,)) _BackendStatus[backend] = 'unavailable' elif backend == 'GLUT': try: from OpenGL import GLUT from .backends.glutbackend import GLUTBackend _BackendString = 'GLUT' _BackendStatus['GLUT'] = 'available' _GLBackend = GLUTBackend() print("*** klampt.vis: using GLUT as the visualization backend ***") print("*** Some functionality may not be available! ***") return _GLBackend except ImportError as e: print(e) import traceback traceback.print_exc() _BackendStatus['GLUT'] = 'unavailable' print("Neither QT nor GLUT are available... visualization disabled") print(_BackendStatus) return None
[docs]def GL(): global _GLModule return _GLModule
[docs]def active(): global _BackendString return _BackendString
[docs]def available(backend): global _BackendStatus return _BackendStatus.get(backend,False) == 'available'
[docs]def tried(backend): global _BackendStatus return backend in _BackendStatus