Source code for klampt.plan.kinetrajopt.trajopt_task_space

"""Defines task space constraints for use in
import numpy as np

from klampt import WorldModel
import klampt.math.so3 as so3

from .utils import CostInterface, ConstrInterface, MaskedRobot

[docs]class PoseConstraint(ConstrInterface): """Yet another way to impose pose constraint from the moment perspective""" def __init__(self, wrobot : MaskedRobot, linkid : int, target_pose): assert isinstance(wrobot, MaskedRobot) R, t = target_pose self.p0 = np.array(t) self.target_R = R self.robot = wrobot = self.linkid = linkid
[docs] def compute(self, x, grad_level=0): self.robot.setConfig(x) # p0 =[0, 0, 0]) R, p0 = moment = so3.error(R, self.target_R) # for point x val = np.concatenate((np.array(p0) - self.p0, moment)) if grad_level == 1: rel_R = so3.from_moment(moment) J0 = self.robot.positionJacobian(self.linkid, lcl_pos=[0, 0, 0]) J1 = self.robot.orientationJacobian(self.linkid) m_omega = np.array([MomentDerivative(moment, rel_R, [1, 0, 0]), MomentDerivative(moment, rel_R, [0, 1, 0]), MomentDerivative(moment, rel_R, [0, 0, 1])]).T jac = np.r_[J0,] return (val, jac) return (val,)
[docs]def uncross(R): return [R[2, 1] - R[1, 2], R[0, 2] - R[2, 0], R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]]
[docs]def Sinc(x): small=1e-7 if np.abs(x) < small: c = [1.0,-1.0/6.0,1.0/120.0,-1.0/5040.0,1.0/362880.0] x2= x * x return c[0]+x2*(c[1]+x2*(c[2]+x2*(c[3]+x2*c[4]))) else: return np.sin(x) / x
[docs]def Sinc_Dx(x): small=1e-4 if np.abs(x) < small: c = [-2.0/6.0,4.0/120.0,-6.0/5040.0,8.0/362880.0] x2=x*x return x*(c[0]+x2*(c[1]+x2*(c[2]+x2*c[3]))) else: return np.cos(x)/x-np.sin(x)/(x*x)
[docs]def MomentDerivative(m, R, z): """Compute the derivative of rotation vector given the value, rotation, and angular velocity Args: m (arr): the rotation vector R (arr): the rotation matrix z (arr): the angular velocity Returns: dm ([arr]): the dereivative """ angleEps = 1e-3 Half = 0.5 npR = np.array(R).reshape((3, 3), order='F') # since it is column major trace = np.trace(npR) theta = np.arccos((trace - 1) / 2) if np.abs(theta) < angleEps: return z # compute matrix derivative dR = np.zeros((3, 3), order='F') for i in range(3): dR[:, i] = np.cross(z, npR[:, i]) vdR = uncross(dR) tracedR = np.trace(dR) if np.abs(theta - np.pi) < angleEps: dmx = np.pi*0.25/np.sqrt((npR[0, 0]+1)*Half)*dR[0, 0] dmy = np.pi*0.25/np.sqrt((npR[1, 1]+1)*Half)*dR[1, 1] dmz = np.pi*0.25/np.sqrt((npR[2, 2]+1)*Half)*dR[2, 2] return [dmx, dmy, dmz] sinctheta = Sinc(theta) dsinctheta = Sinc_Dx(theta) scale = Half / sinctheta gamma2 = dsinctheta/sinctheta/(2*np.sin(theta)) dm = [dm_ * tracedR * gamma2 + scale * vdR_ for dm_, vdR_ in zip(m, vdR)] # dm.inplaceMul(tracedR*gamma2); # dm.madd(vdR,scale); return dm
[docs]class DirectionConstraint(ConstrInterface): """Constraints to keep one direction up""" def __init__(self, wrobot : MaskedRobot, linkid : int, lcl_dir=[0, 0, 1], world_dir=[0, 0, 1]): assert isinstance(wrobot, MaskedRobot) self.linkid = linkid self.robot = wrobot = self.lcl_dir = lcl_dir self.world_dir = np.array(world_dir)
[docs] def compute(self, x, grad_level=0): self.robot.setConfig(x) p0 =[0, 0, 0]) p1 = # val = np.array([p0[0] - p1[0], p0[1] - p1[1]]) val =, np.subtract(p1, p0)) if grad_level == 1: J0 = self.robot.positionJacobian(self.linkid, lcl_pos=[0, 0, 0]) J1 = self.robot.positionJacobian(self.linkid, lcl_pos=self.lcl_dir) Jac =[None, :], J1 - J0) return (val, Jac) return (val,)
[docs]class OrientationConstraint(ConstrInterface): """Keeps a link at some orientation""" def __init__(self, robot : MaskedRobot, linkid : int, R): self.robot = robot self.linkid = linkid = self.target_R = R
[docs] def compute(self, x, grad_level=0): self.robot.setConfig(x) R, _ = moment = so3.error(R, self.target_R) # for point x val = np.array(moment) if grad_level == 1: rel_R = so3.from_moment(moment) J1 = self.robot.orientationJacobian(self.linkid) m_omega = np.array([MomentDerivative(moment, rel_R, [1, 0, 0]), MomentDerivative(moment, rel_R, [0, 1, 0]), MomentDerivative(moment, rel_R, [0, 0, 1])]).T jac = return (val, jac) return (val,)
[docs]class PositionConstraint(ConstrInterface): """To constrain the position of a link local position""" def __init__(self, wrobot : MaskedRobot, linkid : int, lcl_pos : list, world_pos : list): assert isinstance(wrobot, MaskedRobot) self.robot = wrobot self.linkid = linkid self.lcl_pos = lcl_pos self.world_pos = world_pos =
[docs] def compute(self, x, grad_level=0): self.robot.setConfig(x) wpos = val = np.subtract(wpos, self.world_pos) if grad_level == 1: jac = self.robot.positionJacobian(self.linkid, lcl_pos=self.lcl_pos) return (val, jac) return (val,)