Source code for klampt.plan.cspaceutils

"""General utilities for creating and operating with C-spaces.

import math
import time
from ..math import vectorops
from .cspace import CSpace,MotionPlan
import warnings
import itertools
import random

[docs]def default_sampleneighborhood(c,r): return [ci + random.uniform(-r,r) for ci in c]
[docs]def default_visible(a,b): raise RuntimeError("Can't check visibility")
[docs]def default_distance(a,b): return vectorops.distance(a,b)
[docs]def default_interpolate(a,b,u): return vectorops.interpolate(a,b,u)
[docs]def make_default(space): """Helper: makes a space's callbacks perform the default Cartesian space operations.""" space.sampleneighborhood = default_sampleneighborhood space.visible = default_visible space.distance = default_distance space.interpolate = default_interpolate
[docs]class CompositeCSpace(CSpace): """A cartesian product of multiple spaces, given as a list upon construction. The feasible method can be overloaded to include interaction tests.""" def __init__(self,spaces): CSpace.__init__(self) self.spaces = spaces #construct optional methods def sampleneighborhood(c,r): return self.join(s.sampleneighborhood(cs,r) for (s,cs) in zip(self.spaces,self.split(c))) def visible(a,b): return all(s.visible(ai,bi) for (s,ai,bi) in zip(self.spaces,self.split(a),self.split(b))) def distance(a,b): return sum(s.distance(ai,bi) for (s,ai,bi) in zip(self.spaces,self.split(a),self.split(b))) def interpolate(a,b,u): return self.join(s.interpolate(ai,bi,u) for (s,ai,bi) in zip(self.spaces,self.split(a),self.split(b))) if any(hasattr(s,'sampleneighborhood') for s in spaces): for s in self.spaces: if not hasattr(s,'sampleneighborhood'): s.sampleneighborhood = default_sampleneighborhood self.sampleneighborhood = sampleneighborhood if any(hasattr(s,'visible') for s in spaces): for s in self.spaces: if not hasattr(s,'visible'): s.visible = default_visible self.visible = visible if any(hasattr(s,'distance') for s in spaces): for s in self.spaces: if not hasattr(s,'distance'): s.distance = default_distance self.distance = distance if any(hasattr(s,'interpolate') for s in spaces): for s in self.spaces: if not hasattr(s,'interpolate'): s.interpolate = default_interpolate self.interpolate = interpolate #TODO: should add feasibility tests for subspaces -- this will allow the planning module to optimize #constraint testing order.
[docs] def subDims(self): return [len(s.sample()) for s in self.spaces]
[docs] def split(self,x): d = self.subDims() res = [] pos = 0 for di in d: res.append(x[pos:pos+di]) pos += di return res
[docs] def join(self,xs): res = [] for x in xs: res += x return res
[docs] def feasible(self,x): for (xi,si) in zip(self.split(x),self.spaces): if not si.feasible(xi): return False return True
[docs] def sample(self): return self.join(s.sample() for s in self.spaces)
[docs]class EmbeddedCSpace(CSpace): """A subspace of an ambient space, with the active DOFs given by a list of DOF indices of that ambient space. .. note :: A MotionPlan constructed on this object operates in the embedded space, NOT the ambient space. To push endpoints to the embedded space you will need to call :meth:`EmbeddedCSpace.project`, and to pull a plan back to the ambient space, use the :meth:`EmbeddedCSpace.liftPlan` method. To make this more convenient, the :class:`SubsetMotionPlan` class is provided for you. :class:`EmbeddedMotionPlan` does the same thing. .. note :: Sampling does not work directly when the ambient space has implicit manifold constraints, e.g., closed-loop constraints. ``sample`` and ``sampleneighborhood`` will need to be customized so that the constraint solving is done without perturbing the seed configuration except for the dofs in the moving subset. Attributes: ambientspace (CSpace): the ambient configuration space mapping (list): the list of active indices into the ambient configuration space xinit (list, optional): the initial configuration in the ambient space (by default, 0 vector) """ def __init__(self,ambientspace,subset,xinit=None): CSpace.__init__(self) self.ambientspace = ambientspace n = len(ambientspace.sample()) self.mapping = subset #start at the zero config if no initial configuration is given if xinit==None: self.xinit = [0.0]*n else: self.xinit = xinit #construct optional methods def sampleneighborhood(c,r): return self.project(self.ambientspace.sampleneighborhood(self.lift(c),r)) def visible(a,b): return self.ambientspace.visible(self.lift(a),self.lift(b)) def distance(a,b): return self.ambientspace.distance(self.lift(a),self.lift(b)) def interpolate(a,b,u): return self.project(self.ambientspace.interpolate(self.lift(a),self.lift(b),u)) if hasattr(ambientspace,'sampleneighborhood'): self.sampleneighborhood = sampleneighborhood if hasattr(ambientspace,'visible'): self.visible = visible if hasattr(ambientspace,'distance'): self.distance = distance if hasattr(ambientspace,'interpolate'): self.interpolate = interpolate self.eps = self.ambientspace.eps self.bound = [self.ambientspace.bound[i] for i in self.mapping] = if self.ambientspace.feasibilityTests is not None: self.feasibilityTests = [(lambda x,f=f:f(self.lift(x))) for f in self.ambientspace.feasibilityTests] self.feasibilityTestNames = self.ambientspace.feasibilityTestNames[:] self.feasibilityTestDependencies = self.ambientspace.feasibilityTestDependencies[:]
[docs] def project(self,xamb): """Ambient space -> embedded space""" if len(xamb) != len(self.xinit): raise ValueError("Invalid length of ambient space vector: %d should be %d"%(len(xamb),len(self.xinit))) return [xamb[i] for i in self.mapping]
[docs] def lift(self,xemb): """Embedded space -> ambient space""" if len(xemb) != len(self.mapping): raise ValueError("Invalid length of embedded space vector: %d should be %d"%(len(xemb),len(self.mapping))) xamb = self.xinit[:] for (i,j) in enumerate(self.mapping): xamb[j] = xemb[i] return xamb
[docs] def liftPath(self,path): """Given a CSpace path, lifts it to a full ambient C-space path""" return [self.lift(q) for q in path]
[docs] def projectPath(self,path_amb): """Given an ambient C-space path, projects it to a C-space path""" return [self.project(q) for q in path_amb]
[docs] def feasible(self,x): return self.ambientspace.feasible(self.lift(x))
[docs] def sample(self): return self.project(self.ambientspace.sample())
[docs]class AffineEmbeddedCSpace(CSpace): """A subspace of an ambient space, with the active DOFs given by variables x that are transformed to the ambient space by the transform x_amb = A*x+b. Here A is a sparse matrix. .. note :: A MotionPlan constructed on this object operates in the embedded space, NOT the ambient space. To push endpoints to the embedded space you will need to call :meth:`AffineEmbeddedCSpace.project`, and to pull a plan back to the ambient space, use the :meth:`AffineEmbeddedCSpace.liftPlan` method. To make this more convenient, the :class:`EmbeddedMotionPlan` class is provided for you. .. note :: Sampling does not work directly when the ambient space has implicit manifold constraints, e.g., closed-loop constraints. ``sample`` and ``sampleneighborhood`` will need to be customized so that the constraint solving is done without perturbing the seed configuration except for the dofs in the moving subset. Attributes: ambientspace (CSpace): the ambient configuration space A (list of dict, numpy array, or scipy sparse matrix): the map from embedded space to ambient space b (list, optional): the offset in the ambient space (by default, the 0 vector) """ def __init__(self,ambientspace,A,b=None): CSpace.__init__(self) self.ambientspace = ambientspace n = len(ambientspace.sample()) self.A = A if hasattr(A,'shape'): #numpy array or scipy.sparse matrix m = A.shape[1] if self.A.shape[0] != n: raise ValueError("Coefficient matrix must have n rows") else: if len(self.A) != n: raise ValueError("Coefficient matrix must have n rows") m = 0 for row in A: if not isinstance(row,dict): raise ValueError("Coefficient matrix must be a list of dicts, numpy array, or scipy matrix") for j in row: if j < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid entry {} in coeffcient matrix".format(j)) m = max(j,m) if m >= n: warnings.warn("Embedded space has more DOFs than ambient space?") self.m = m self.n = n #start at the zero config if no offset is given if b==None: self.b = [0.0]*n else: self.b = b if len(b) != n: raise ValueError("Offset matrix must have n entries") #construct optional methods def sampleneighborhood(c,r): return self.project(self.ambientspace.sampleneighborhood(self.lift(c),r)) def visible(a,b): return self.ambientspace.visible(self.lift(a),self.lift(b)) def distance(a,b): return self.ambientspace.distance(self.lift(a),self.lift(b)) def interpolate(a,b,u): return self.project(self.ambientspace.interpolate(self.lift(a),self.lift(b),u)) if hasattr(ambientspace,'sampleneighborhood'): self.sampleneighborhood = sampleneighborhood if hasattr(ambientspace,'visible'): self.visible = visible if hasattr(ambientspace,'distance'): self.distance = distance if hasattr(ambientspace,'interpolate'): self.interpolate = interpolate self.eps = self.ambientspace.eps inf = float('inf') self.bound = [[-inf,inf] for i in range(m)] #set naive bounds Aentries = [] if hasattr(A,'tocoo'): Acoo = A.tocoo() Aentries = zip(Acoo.row,Acoo.col, elif hasattr(A,'dot'): import numpy as np Aentries = [(i,j,v) for (i,j),v in np.ndenumerate(A) if v != 0] else: Aentries = [(i,j,v) for (j,v) in row.items() for i,row in enumerate(A)] for (i,j,v) in Aentries: if v < 0: if self.bound[j][0]*v > self.ambientspace.bound[i][1]: self.bound[j][0] = self.ambientspace.bound[i][1]/v if self.bound[j][1]*v < self.ambientspace.bound[i][0]: self.bound[j][1] = self.ambientspace.bound[i][0]/v elif v > 0: if self.bound[j][0]*v < self.ambientspace.bound[i][1]: self.bound[j][0] = self.ambientspace.bound[i][1]/v if self.bound[j][1]*v > self.ambientspace.bound[i][0]: self.bound[j][1] = self.ambientspace.bound[i][0]/v = if self.ambientspace.feasibilityTests is not None: self.feasibilityTests = [(lambda x,f=f:f(self.lift(x))) for f in self.ambientspace.feasibilityTests] self.feasibilityTestNames = self.ambientspace.feasibilityTestNames[:] self.feasibilityTestDependencies = self.ambientspace.feasibilityTestDependencies[:] print("AffineEmbeddedCSpace projects from dimension",self.m,"to",self.n)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromRobotDrivers(robot,ambientspace,drivers=None): """Creates an AffineEmbeddedCSpace for a robot's drivers. Args: robot (RobotModel): the robot that you'd like to move ambientspace (CSpace): an ambient space on the robot's full DOFs, e.g., RobotCSpace. drivers (list of int or list of str, optional): if provided, gives a list of robot's active drivers. """ if drivers is None: drivers = range(robot.numDrivers()) m = robot.numDrivers() else: m = len(drivers) try: import scipy.sparse data = [] rows = [] cols = [] b = [0]*robot.numLinks() for i,dind in enumerate(drivers): d = robot.driver(dind) links = d.getAffectedLinks() if d.getType() != 'affine': data.append(1) rows.append(links[0]) cols.append(i) else: scale,offset = d.getAffineCoeffs() for j,s,o in zip(links,scale,offset): data.append(s) rows.append(j) cols.append(i) b[j] = o A = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data,(rows,cols)),shape=(robot.numLinks(),m)) except ImportError: A = [dict() for i in robot.numLinks()] b = [0]*robot.numLinks() for i,dind in enumerate(drivers): d = robot.driver(dind) links = d.getAffectedLinks() if d.getType() != 'affine': A[links[0]][i] = 1 else: scale,offset = d.getAffineCoeffs() for j,s,o in zip(links,scale,offset): A[j][i] = s b[j] = o return AffineEmbeddedCSpace(ambientspace,A,b)
[docs] def project(self,xamb): """Ambient space -> embedded space""" if len(xamb) != len(self.b): raise ValueError("Invalid length of ambient space vector: %d should be %d"%(len(xamb),len(self.b))) import numpy as np #xamb = A*xemb + b if hasattr(self.A,'todense'): import scipy.sparse.linalg xemb = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(self.A,np.asarray(xamb)-np.asarray(self.b))[0].tolist() elif hasattr(self.A,'dot'): xemb = np.linalg.lstsq(self.A,np.asarray(xamb)-np.asarray(self.b))[0].tolist() else: import scipy.sparse A = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((self.A.shape[0],self.m)) for i,row in enumerate(self.A): for j,v in row.items(): A.rows[i].append(j)[i].append(v) xemb = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(A.tocsr(),np.asarray(xamb)-np.asarray(self.b))[0].tolist() assert len(xemb)==self.m return xemb
[docs] def lift(self,xemb): """Embedded space -> ambient space""" if len(xemb) != self.m: raise ValueError("Invalid length of embedded space vector: %d should be %d"%(len(xemb),self.m)) if hasattr(self.A,'dot'): #numpy array or scipy.sparse matrix xamb = vectorops.add(self.b, else: xamb = self.b[:] #list of dicts for (i,dofs) in enumerate(self.A): for j,c in dofs.items(): xamb[j] += c*xemb[i] return xamb
[docs] def liftPath(self,path): """Given a CSpace path, lifts it to a full ambient C-space path""" return [self.lift(q) for q in path]
[docs] def projectPath(self,path_amb): """Given an ambient C-space path, projects it to a C-space path""" return [self.project(q) for q in path_amb]
[docs] def feasible(self,x): return self.ambientspace.feasible(self.lift(x))
[docs] def sample(self): return self.project(self.ambientspace.sample())
[docs]class SubsetMotionPlan (MotionPlan): """An adaptor that "lifts" a motion planner in an :class:`EmbeddedCSpace` to a higher dimensional ambient space. Used for planning in subsets of robot DOFs. """ def __init__(self,space,subset,q0,type=None,**options): MotionPlan.__init__(self,space,type,**options) self.subset = subset self.q0 = q0
[docs] def project(self,xamb): """Ambient space -> embedded space""" if len(xamb) != len(self.q0): raise ValueError("Invalid length of ambient space vector: %d should be %d"%(len(xamb),len(self.q0))) return [xamb[i] for i in self.subset]
[docs] def lift(self,xemb): """Embedded space -> ambient space""" if len(xemb) != len(self.subset): raise ValueError("Invalid length of embedded space vector: %d should be %d"%(len(xemb),len(self.subset))) xamb = self.q0[:] for (i,j) in enumerate(self.subset): xamb[j] = xemb[i] return xamb
[docs] def setEndpoints(self,start,goal): """Takes care of projecting the start and goal (represented in the ambient space) down to the subset. Works with both config and set goals. """ #take care of the moving subset -- make sure to lift MP configurations back to #space configurations embstart = self.project(start) if hasattr(goal,'__iter__'): if len(goal)==2 and callable(goal[0]) and callable(goal[1]): #it's a (test,sample) pair def goaltest(x,test=goal[0]): return test(self.lift(x)) def goalsample(sample=goal[1]): qamb = sample() qproj = self.project(qamb) return qproj embgoal = [goaltest,goalsample] else: #it's a configuration embgoal = self.project(goal) elif callable(goal): def goaltest(x,goal=goal): return goal(self.lift(x)) embgoal = goaltest MotionPlan.setEndpoints(self,embstart,embgoal)
[docs] def addMilestone(self,x): """Manually adds a milestone from the ambient space, and returns its index""" return MotionPlan.addMilestone(self,self.project(x))
[docs] def getPath(self,milestone1=None,milestone2=None): """Lifts the motion planner's lower-dimensional path back to the ambient space""" spath = MotionPlan.getPath(self,milestone1,milestone2) if spath == None: return None return [self.lift(q) for q in spath]
[docs] def getRoadmap(self): """Lifts the motion planner's lower-dimensional roadmap back to the ambient space""" V,E = MotionPlan.getRoadmap(self) return [self.lift(v) for v in V],E
[docs]class EmbeddedMotionPlan (MotionPlan): """An adaptor that "lifts" a motion planner in an :class:`EmbeddedCSpace` or :class:`AffineEmbeddedCSpace` to a higher dimensional ambient space. Used for planning in robots with frozen DOFs (EmbeddedCSpace) or "affine" drivers (AffineEmbeddedCSpace). """ def __init__(self,space,q0,type=None,**options): if not isinstance(space,(EmbeddedCSpace,AffineEmbeddedCSpace)): if not hasattr(space,'project') or not hasattr(space,'lift'): raise ValueError("space argument must have the project and lift methods") else: warnings.warn("EmbeddedMotionPlan has not been tested with classes other than EmbeddedCSpace and AffineEmbeddedCSpace") MotionPlan.__init__(self,space,type,**options)
[docs] def setEndpoints(self,start,goal): """Takes care of projecting the start and goal (represented in the ambient space) down to the subset. Works with both config and set goals. """ #take care of the moving subset -- make sure to lift MP configurations back to #space configurations embstart = if hasattr(goal,'__iter__'): if len(goal)==2 and callable(goal[0]) and callable(goal[1]): #it's a (test,sample) pair def goaltest(x,test=goal[0]): return test( def goalsample(sample=goal[1]): qamb = sample() qproj = return qproj embgoal = [goaltest,goalsample] else: #it's a configuration embgoal = elif callable(goal): def goaltest(x,goal=goal): return goal( embgoal = goaltest MotionPlan.setEndpoints(self,embstart,embgoal)
[docs] def addMilestone(self,x): """Manually adds a milestone from the ambient space, and returns its index""" return MotionPlan.addMilestone(self,
[docs] def getPath(self,milestone1=None,milestone2=None): """Lifts the motion planner's lower-dimensional path back to the ambient space""" spath = MotionPlan.getPath(self,milestone1,milestone2) if spath == None: return None return [ for q in spath]
[docs] def getRoadmap(self): """Lifts the motion planner's lower-dimensional roadmap back to the ambient space""" V,E = MotionPlan.getRoadmap(self) return [ for v in V],E
[docs] def setCostFunction(self, edgeCost=None, terminalCost=None): """Sets edge / terminal costs from functions in the ambient space""" if edgeCost: projectedEdgeCost = lambda a,b:edgeCost(, else: projectedEdgeCost = None if terminalCost: projectedTerminalCost = lambda a:terminalCost( else: projectedTerminalCost = None MotionPlan.setCostFunction(self,projectedEdgeCost,projectedTerminalCost)
[docs] def pathCost(self,p): """Calculates the cost of a path in the ambient space.""" return MotionPlan.pathCost(self,[ for x in p])