Source code for klampt.model.workspace

"""Functions for computing robot workspaces, with lots of options for setting
feasibility conditions.

.. versionadded:: 0.9

from klampt import RobotModel,RobotModelLink,RigidObjectModel,TerrainModel,VolumeGrid,IKObjective
from klampt import vis
from klampt.math import vectorops,so3,se3
from klampt.model import ik
from typing import Union,Sequence,Dict,Callable
from klampt.model.typing import Vector3,Config
import math
import numpy as np

[docs]def compute_occupancy_grid(points : Sequence[Vector3], resolution=0.05, dimensions=None, bounds=None, value='occupancy') -> VolumeGrid: """ Helper to compute an occupancy grid given a set of points. Args: points (list of Vector3 or nx3 array): the points resolution (float, 3-vector, or None): the resolution of the resulting grid. dimensions (int or 3-vector optional): if resolution=None and dimensions is given, the number of dimensions. If a single int, the cell size is determined by dividing the longest side by dimensions. bounds (pair of 3-vectors, optional): specifies the minimum and maximum range of the grid. If not given, calculated by the value (str): either 'occupancy', 'count', or 'probability'. """ points = np.asarray(points) auto_bounds = False expand = False if bounds is not None: lower_corner,upper_corner = bounds if len(lower_corner) != 3 or len(upper_corner) != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid bounds") else: if len(points) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot compute occupancy grid of empty set of points") lower_corner,upper_corner = np.min(points,axis=0),np.max(points,axis=0) assert len(lower_corner) == 3 assert len(upper_corner) == 3 auto_bounds = True expand = True if dimensions is not None: if hasattr(dimensions,'__iter__'): cellsize = vectorops.div(vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner),dimensions) invcellsize = vectorops.div(dimensions,vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner)) auto_bounds = False else: w = max(*vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner)) cellsize = [w / dimensions]*3 invcellsize = [dimensions/w]*3 dimensions = [int(math.floor(d/c)+1) for d,c in zip(vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner),cellsize)] else: if resolution is None: raise ValueError("One of resolution or dimensions must be given") cellsize = resolution if not hasattr(resolution,'__iter__'): cellsize = [resolution]*3 invcellsize = [1.0/c for c in cellsize] dimensions = [int(math.floor(d/c)+1) for d,c in zip(vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner),cellsize)] if auto_bounds: #adjust limits to reduce artifacts bmax = vectorops.add(lower_corner,[d*c for (d,c) in zip(dimensions,cellsize)]) shift = vectorops.mul(vectorops.sub(upper_corner,bmax),0.5) lower_corner = vectorops.add(lower_corner,shift) upper_corner = vectorops.add(upper_corner,shift) if expand: lower_corner = vectorops.sub(lower_corner,cellsize) upper_corner = vectorops.add(upper_corner,cellsize) dimensions = [d+2 for d in dimensions] #compact way to compute all valid indices of points if len(points)==0: valid_indices = [] else: indices = np.multiply(points - np.asarray(lower_corner),np.asarray(invcellsize)) indices = np.floor(indices).astype(int) valid_points = np.all((0 <= indices) & (indices < np.array(dimensions)),axis=1) valid_indices = indices[valid_points,:] #output reachable = np.zeros(dimensions) if value=='occupancy': for ind in valid_indices: ind=tuple(ind) reachable[ind] = 1.0 elif value in ['count','probability']: for ind in valid_indices: ind=tuple(ind) reachable[ind] += 1 if value == 'probability' and len(points)>0: reachable *= 1.0/len(points) vg = VolumeGrid() vg.setBounds(lower_corner,upper_corner) vg.setValues(reachable) return vg
[docs]def compute_field_grid(points : Sequence[Vector3], values : Sequence[float], resolution=0.05, dimensions=None, bounds=None, aggregator='max', initial_value='auto') -> VolumeGrid: """ Helper to compute a gridded value field over a set of scattered points. Args: points (list of Vector3 or nx3 array): the points values (list of float): the values at each point resolution (float, 3-vector, or None): the resolution of the resulting grid. dimensions (int or 3-vector optional): if resolution=None and dimensions is given, the number of dimensions. If a single int, the cell size is determined by dividing the longest side by dimensions. bounds (pair of 3-vectors, optional): specifies the minimum and maximum range of the grid. If not given, calculated by the aggregator (str or pair): either 'max', 'min', 'sum', 'average', or a pair of functions (f,g) giving an arbitrary aggregator f(x,value) -> x', g(x) -> float. x is an arbitrary object, which for each cell is initialized to the value specified by initial_value (default None). initial_value (float or 'auto'): the initial value of the cell before aggregation. If aggregator is a pair of functions, 'auto' sets x to None by default. """ points = np.asarray(points) auto_bounds = False expand = False if bounds is not None: lower_corner,upper_corner = bounds if len(lower_corner) != 3 or len(upper_corner) != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid bounds") else: if len(points) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot compute occupancy grid of empty set of points") lower_corner,upper_corner = np.min(points,axis=0),np.max(points,axis=0) assert len(lower_corner) == 3 assert len(upper_corner) == 3 auto_bounds = True expand = True if dimensions is not None: if hasattr(dimensions,'__iter__'): cellsize = vectorops.div(vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner),dimensions) invcellsize = vectorops.div(dimensions,vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner)) auto_bounds = False else: w = max(*vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner)) cellsize = [w / dimensions]*3 invcellsize = [dimensions/w]*3 dimensions = [int(math.floor(d/c)+1) for d,c in zip(vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner),cellsize)] else: if resolution is None: raise ValueError("One of resolution or dimensions must be given") cellsize = resolution if not hasattr(resolution,'__iter__'): cellsize = [resolution]*3 invcellsize = [1.0/c for c in cellsize] dimensions = [int(math.floor(d/c)+1) for d,c in zip(vectorops.sub(upper_corner,lower_corner),cellsize)] if auto_bounds: #adjust limits to reduce artifacts bmax = vectorops.add(lower_corner,[d*c for (d,c) in zip(dimensions,cellsize)]) shift = vectorops.mul(vectorops.sub(upper_corner,bmax),0.5) lower_corner = vectorops.add(lower_corner,shift) upper_corner = vectorops.add(upper_corner,shift) if expand: lower_corner = vectorops.sub(lower_corner,cellsize) upper_corner = vectorops.add(upper_corner,cellsize) dimensions = [d+2 for d in dimensions] #compact way to compute all valid indices of points if len(points)==0: valid_indices = [] else: indices = np.multiply(points - np.asarray(lower_corner),np.asarray(invcellsize)) indices = np.floor(indices).astype(int) valid_points = np.all((0 <= indices) & (indices < np.array(dimensions)),axis=1) valid_indices = indices[valid_points,:] result = None if aggregator == 'max': if initial_value == 'auto': initial_value = -float('inf') value_grid = np.full(dimensions,fill_value=initial_value) f=max g=None elif aggregator == 'min': if initial_value == 'auto': initial_value = float('inf') value_grid = np.full(dimensions,fill_value=float('inf')) f=min g=None elif aggregator == 'sum': if initial_value == 'auto': initial_value = 0.0 value_grid = np.full(dimensions,fill_value=initial_value) elif aggregator == 'average': if initial_value == 'auto': prior,strength = 0.0,0 else: if not isinstance(initial_value,(tuple,list)) or len(initial_value) != 2: raise ValueError("Initial value for average must be of the form (prior,strength)") prior,strength = initial_value vsum = np.full(dimensions,fill_value=prior*strength) count = np.full(dimensions,fill_value=strength) for ind,v in zip(valid_indices,values): vsum[ind] += v count[ind] += 1 if strength > 0: result = np.divide(vsum,count) else: result = np.zeros(dimensions) nz = (count > 0) result[nz] = np.divide(vsum[nz],count[nz]) elif isinstance(aggregator,tuple): f,g = aggregator value_grid = np.full(dimensions,fill_value=initial_value) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for aggregator, must be min, max, sum, average, or a pair of callables") if result is None: for ind,v in zip(valid_indices,values): ind=tuple(ind) value_grid[ind] = f(value_grid[ind],v) if g is not None: result = np.empty(dimensions) for i in range(dimensions[0]): for j in range(dimensions[1]): for k in range(dimensions[2]): result[i,j,k] = g(value_grid[i,j,k]) else: result = value_grid vg = VolumeGrid() vg.setBounds(lower_corner,upper_corner) vg.setValues(result) return vg
[docs]def compute_workspace(link : RobotModelLink, constraint_or_point : Union[Vector3,IKObjective], Nsamples=100000, resolution=0.05, dimensions=None, fixed_links : Sequence[Union[int,str]] = None, qmin : Config = None, qmax : Config = None, obstacles : Sequence[Union[RigidObjectModel,TerrainModel]] = None, load : Union[float,Vector3] = None, load_type : str = None, gravity : Vector3 = (0,0,-9.8), self_collision : bool = True, feasibility_test : Callable = None, value='occupancy', all_tests=True) -> Union[VolumeGrid,Dict[str,VolumeGrid]]: """Compute the reachable workspace of a point on a robot's end effector. Has several options to ensure various feasibility conditions. Ensures that the robot does not collide with itself, optionally with obstacles. Arguments: link (RobotModelLink): the link on the robot for which the workspace should be computed constraint_or_point (3-vector or IKObjective): the point on the link. For fixed orientations, use an IKObjective. Nsamples (int): the number of configuration samples to use resolution (float, 3-vector, or None): the resolution of the resulting grid. dimensions (int or 3-vector optional): if resolution=None and dimensions is given, the number of dimensions. If a single int, the cell size is determined by dividing the longest side by dimensions. fixed_links (list of int or str, optional): list of fixed link indices qmin (Config, optional): overrides the robots lower joint limits qmax (Config, optional): overrides the robots upper joint limits obstacles (list of RigidObjectModel or TerrainModel): Ensures that the robot is collision free with environment obstacles load (float or vector, optional): a required load capacity, either an isotropic load or a specific vector load_type (str, optional): either 'auto' (default), 'isotropic', 'force', 'torque', 'wrench', 'force_local', 'torque_local', or 'wrench_local'. gravity (3-vector, optional): if load testing is used, the gravity vector used for gravity compensation. self_collision (bool): whether self collision should be tested. feasibility_test (callable, list, or dict): a function feasible(q)->bool that tests whether the configuration is feasible. If a list, a list of callables. If a dict, a map of str->callable. value (str): either 'occupancy', 'count', or 'probability'. all_tests (bool): whether to return a dict of results. Returns: The grid of reached points. If ``all_tests=True``, gives a set of grids of reached points indexed by strings. Key 'workspace' gives the reachable workspace of points meeting every feasibility condition. Keys 'self_collision_free', 'obstacle_X_collision_free' (X in range 0,...,len(obstacles)-1), 'load', 'feasibility_test' give the set of points passing each feasibility condition. """ robot = link.robot() # type: RobotModel qmin_orig,qmax_orig = robot.getJointLimits() if qmin is None: qmin = qmin_orig else: if len(qmin)!=len(qmin_orig): raise ValueError("Invalid length of qmin") if qmax is None: qmax = qmax_orig else: if len(qmax)!=len(qmax_orig): raise ValueError("Invalid length of qmin") if fixed_links is not None: import copy q = robot.getConfig() qmin = copy.copy(qmin) qmax = copy.copy(qmax) for l in fixed_links: i = qmin[i] = q[i] qmax[i] = q[i] robot.setJointLimits(qmin,qmax) else: robot.setJointLimits(qmin,qmax) if isinstance(constraint_or_point,IKObjective): point_local,_ = constraint_or_point.getPosition() constraint = constraint_or_point else: point_local = constraint_or_point constraint = None #setup feasibility test feasibleTests = _setup_feasible_tests(robot,link,point_local,fixed_links, obstacles,load,load_type,gravity,self_collision,feasibility_test) def overall_feasibility_test(): return all(test() for k,test in feasibleTests.items()) #run tests if all_tests: points = {} points['workspace'] = [] for name in feasibleTests: points[name] = [] if isinstance(constraint_or_point,IKObjective): #first do a run to figure out the possible cells vg_temp,_,_ = _naive_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,Nsamples, resolution,dimensions) vg_temp,_,_ = _expand_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,vg_temp) bmin,bmax = [vg_temp.bbox[0],vg_temp.bbox[1],vg_temp.bbox[2]],[vg_temp.bbox[3],vg_temp.bbox[4],vg_temp.bbox[5]] cellsize = vectorops.div(vectorops.sub(bmax,bmin),vg_temp.dims) vals = vg_temp.getValues() #now solve the IK constraint i,j,k = vals.nonzero() num_restarts = max(5,Nsamples//len(i)) print("Using",num_restarts,"restarts to solve IK constraint") for n in range(len(i)): ind = (i[n],j[n],k[n]) target = vectorops.add(bmin,vectorops.mul(vectorops.add(ind,[0.5]*3),cellsize)) #target at center point #try reaching point described by ind. TODO: allow up to cellsize/2 slop constraint.setFixedPosConstraint(point_local,target) res = ik.solve_global(constraint,iters=20,numRestarts=num_restarts) if res: feasible = True for (name,test) in feasibleTests.items(): if test(): points[name].append(target) else: feasible = False if feasible: points['workspace'].append(target) print("With IK constraint, reached",len(points[name]),"/",len(i),"cells") res = {} for name in points: res[name] = compute_occupancy_grid(points[name],resolution=None,dimensions=vg_temp.dims,bounds=(bmin,bmax),value=value) else: vg_temp,temppoints,configs = _naive_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,Nsamples, resolution,dimensions) bmin,bmax = [vg_temp.bbox[0],vg_temp.bbox[1],vg_temp.bbox[2]],[vg_temp.bbox[3],vg_temp.bbox[4],vg_temp.bbox[5]] for target,q in zip(temppoints,configs): robot.setConfig(q) feasible = True for (name,test) in feasibleTests.items(): if test(): points[name].append(target) else: feasible = False if feasible: points['workspace'].append(target) res = {} for name in points: res[name] = compute_occupancy_grid(points[name],resolution=None,dimensions=vg_temp.dims,bounds=(bmin,bmax),value=value) if name=='workspace': res[name],_,_ = _expand_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,res[name],overall_feasibility_test) else: res[name],_,_ = _expand_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,res[name],feasibleTests[name]) else: points = [] if isinstance(constraint_or_point,IKObjective): #first do a run to figure out the possible cells vg_temp,_,_ = _naive_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,Nsamples, resolution,dimensions) vg_temp,_,_ = _expand_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,vg_temp) bmin,bmax = [vg_temp.bbox[0],vg_temp.bbox[1],vg_temp.bbox[2]],[vg_temp.bbox[3],vg_temp.bbox[4],vg_temp.bbox[5]] cellsize = vectorops.div(vectorops.sub(bmax,bmin),vg_temp.dims) vals = vg_temp.getValues() #now solve the IK constraint i,j,k = vals.nonzero() for n in range(len(i)): ind = (i[n],j[n],k[n]) target = vectorops.add(bmin,vectorops.mul(vectorops.add(ind,[0.5]*3),cellsize)) #target at center point #try reaching point described by ind. TODO: allow up to cellsize/2 slop constraint.setFixedPosConstraint(point_local,target) res = ik.solve_global(constraint,iters=20,numRestarts=5,feasibilityCheck=overall_feasibility_test) if res: points.append(target) res = VolumeGrid(points,resolution=None,dimensions=vg_temp.dims,bounds=(bmin,bmax),value=value) else: vg_temp,points1,_ = _naive_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,Nsamples, resolution,dimensions,overall_feasibility_test) vg_temp,points2,_ = _expand_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,vg_temp) bmin,bmax = [v for v in vg_temp.bbox[0:3]],[v for v in vg_temp.bbox[3:6]] res = compute_occupancy_grid(points1+points2,dimensions=vg_temp.dims,bounds=(bmin,bmax),value=value) #restore original limits robot.setJointLimits(qmin_orig,qmax_orig) return res
[docs]def compute_workspace_field(link : RobotModelLink, constraint_or_point : Union[Vector3,IKObjective], value : Union[str,Callable], Nsamples=100000, resolution=0.05, dimensions=None, fixed_links : Sequence[Union[int,str]] = None, qmin : Config = None, qmax : Config = None, obstacles : Sequence[Union[RigidObjectModel,TerrainModel]] = None, load : Union[float,Vector3] = None, load_type : str = None, gravity : Vector3 = (0,0,-9.8), self_collision : bool = True, feasibility_test : Callable = None) -> VolumeGrid: """Compute a scalar field over the reachable workspace of a point on a robot's end effector. Has several options to ensure various feasibility conditions. Ensures that the robot does not collide with itself, optionally with obstacles. Arguments: link (RobotModelLink): the link on the robot for which the workspace should be computed constraint_or_point (3-vector or IKObjective): the point on the link. For fixed orientations, use an IKObjective. value (str or callable): 'occupancy', 'manipulability', 'max manipulability', 'min manipulability', 'load', or an arbitrary function f(q) -> float. Nsamples (int): the number of configuration samples to use resolution (float, 3-vector, or None): the resolution of the resulting grid. dimensions (int or 3-vector optional): if resolution=None and dimensions is given, the number of dimensions. If a single int, the cell size is determined by dividing the longest side by dimensions. fixed_links (list of int or str, optional): list of fixed link indices qmin (Config, optional): overrides the robots lower joint limits qmax (Config, optional): overrides the robots upper joint limits obstacles (list of RigidObjectModel or TerrainModel): Ensures that the robot is collision free with environment obstacles load (float or vector, optional): a required load capacity, either an isotropic load or a specific vector load_type (str, optional): either 'auto' (default), 'isotropic', 'force', 'torque', 'wrench', 'force_local', 'torque_local', or 'wrench_local'. gravity (3-vector, optional): if load testing is used, the gravity vector used for gravity compensation. self_collision (bool): whether self collision should be tested. feasibility_test (callable, list, or dict): a function feasible(q)->bool that tests whether the configuration is feasible. If a list, a list of callables. If a dict, a map of str->callable. Returns: The grid of reached points. If ``all_tests=True``, gives a set of grids of reached points. Key 'workspace' gives the reachable workspace of points meeting every feasibility condition. Keys 'self_collision_free', 'obstacle_X_collision_free' (X in range 0,...,len(obstacles)-1), 'load', 'feasibility_test' give the set of points passing each feasibility condition. """ robot = link.robot() qmin_orig,qmax_orig = robot.getJointLimits() if qmin is None: qmin = qmin_orig else: if len(qmin)!=len(qmin_orig): raise ValueError("Invalid length of qmin") if qmax is None: qmax = qmax_orig else: if len(qmax)!=len(qmax_orig): raise ValueError("Invalid length of qmin") if fixed_links is not None: import copy q = robot.getConfig() qmin = copy.copy(qmin) qmax = copy.copy(qmax) for l in fixed_links: i = qmin[i] = q[i] qmax[i] = q[i] robot.setJointLimits(qmin,qmax) else: robot.setJointLimits(qmin,qmax) if isinstance(constraint_or_point,IKObjective): point_local,_ = constraint_or_point.getPosition() constraint = constraint_or_point else: point_local = constraint_or_point constraint = None #setup feasibility test feasibleTests = _setup_feasible_tests(robot,link,point_local,fixed_links, obstacles,load,load_type,gravity,self_collision,feasibility_test) def overall_feasibility_test(): return all(test() for k,test in feasibleTests.items()) if isinstance(value,callable): value_fn = lambda : value(robot.getConfig()) elif value == 'occupancy': value_fn = lambda : 1 elif value == 'load': assert 'load' in feasibleTests raise NotImplementedError("TODO: do load calculation") elif value.endswith('manipulability'): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: do manipulability calculation") else: raise ValueError("Invalid value to output") points = [] values = [] if isinstance(constraint_or_point,IKObjective): #first do a run to figure out the possible cells vg_temp,_,_ = _naive_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,Nsamples, resolution,dimensions) bmin,bmax = [vg_temp.bbox[0],vg_temp.bbox[1],vg_temp.bbox[2]],[vg_temp.bbox[3],vg_temp.bbox[4],vg_temp.bbox[5]] cellsize = vectorops.div(vectorops.sub(bmax,bmin),vg_temp.dims) vals = vg_temp.getValues() #now solve the IK constraint i,j,k = vals.nonzero() for n in range(len(i)): ind = (i[n],j[n],k[n]) target = vectorops.add(bmin,vectorops.mul(vectorops.add(ind,[0.5]*3),cellsize)) #target at center point #try reaching point described by ind. TODO: allow up to cellsize/2 slop constraint.setFixedPosConstraint(point_local,target) res = ik.solve_global(constraint,iters=20,numRestarts=5,feasibilityCheck=overall_feasibility_test) if res: points.append(target) values.append(value_fn()) res = VolumeGrid(points,dimensions=vg_temp.dims,bounds=(bmin,bmax),value=value) else: vg_temp,points1,configs1 = _naive_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,Nsamples, resolution,dimensions,overall_feasibility_test) vg_temp,points2,configs2 = _expand_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,vg_temp,overall_feasibility_test) for (p,q) in zip(points1+points2,configs1+configs2): robot.setConfig(q) if overall_feasibility_test(): points.append(p) values.append(value_fn()) res = compute_field_grid(points,values,resolution,dimensions,value=value) #restore original limits robot.setJointLimits(qmin_orig,qmax_orig) return res
def _setup_feasible_tests(robot,link,point_local,fixed_links, obstacles,load,load_type,gravity, self_collision,feasibility_test): feasibleTests = {} if self_collision: feasibleTests['self_collision_free'] = lambda: not robot.selfCollides() if obstacles is not None: free_links = [] for i in range(robot.numLinks()): if i not in fixed_links: free_links.append(i) def collision_free_obstacle(obstacle): for j in free_links: if return False return True for i,o in enumerate(obstacles): feasibleTests['obstacle_{}_collision_free'.format(i)] = lambda : collision_free_obstacle(o) if load is not None: tmax = np.asarray(robot.getTorqueLimits()) if fixed_links is not None: for l in fixed_links: i = tmax[i] = float('inf') #|J^T f| <= tmax if load_type == 'isotropic': #for isotropic, test if |G(q)-J^T f| <= tmax for all |f|<=load #test whether tmax_i <= max |gi - Ai f| s.t. |f| <= load fixed = set(fixed_links) def satisfies_load(): G = robot.getGravityForces(gravity) Jp = link.getPositionJacobian(point_local) for i in range(robot.numLinks()): if i in fixed: continue d = Jp[:,i] g = G[i] max_torque_i = abs(g) + load*vectorops.norm(d) if max_torque_i > tmax[i]: return False return True feasibleTests['load'] = satisfies_load elif load_type == 'force': if len(load) != 3: raise ValueError("Need load to be a 3-vector") def satisfies_load(): G = np.asarray(robot.getGravityForces(gravity)) Jp = link.getPositionJacobian(point_local) return np.all(np.abs(,load)) <= tmax) feasibleTests['load'] = satisfies_load elif load_type == 'torque': if len(load) != 3: raise ValueError("Need load to be a 3-vector") def satisfies_load(): G = np.asarray(robot.getGravityForces(gravity)) Jo = link.getOrientationJacobian() return np.all(np.abs(,load)) <= tmax) feasibleTests['load'] = satisfies_load elif load_type == 'wrench': if len(load) != 6: raise ValueError("Need load to be a 6-vector") def satisfies_load(): G = np.asarray(robot.getGravityForces(gravity)) Jo = link.getJacobian(point_local) return np.all(np.abs(,load)) <= tmax) feasibleTests['load'] = satisfies_load else: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: local loads") if feasibility_test is not None: if isinstance(feasibility_test,(list,tuple)): for (name,test) in enumerate(feasibility_test): if not callable(test): raise ValueError("Feasibility test {} must be callable".format(name)) feasibleTests['feasibility_test_{}'.format(name)] = lambda: test(robot.getConfig()) elif isinstance(feasibility_test,dict): for (name,test) in feasibility_test.items(): if not callable(test): raise ValueError("Feasibility test {} must be callable".format(name)) feasibleTests[name] = lambda: test(robot.getConfig()) else: if not callable(feasibility_test): raise ValueError("Feasibility test must be callable") feasibleTests['feasibility_test'] = lambda: feasibility_test(robot.getConfig()) return feasibleTests def _naive_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local, Nsamples,resolution,dimensions,feasibility_test=None): if feasibility_test is None: feasibility_test = lambda : True points = [] configs = [] for i in range(Nsamples): robot.randomizeConfig() if feasibility_test(): points.append(link.getWorldPosition(point_local)) configs.append(robot.getConfig()) vg_temp = compute_occupancy_grid(points,resolution,dimensions) return vg_temp,points,configs def _expand_workspace_occupancy(robot,link,point_local,vg_temp, feasibility_test=None): bmin,bmax = [vg_temp.bbox[0],vg_temp.bbox[1],vg_temp.bbox[2]],[vg_temp.bbox[3],vg_temp.bbox[4],vg_temp.bbox[5]] cellsize = vectorops.div(vectorops.sub(bmax,bmin),vg_temp.dims) vals = vg_temp.getValues() fringe = set() def add_neighbors(x,y,z): if x-1 >= 0 and vals[x-1,y,z]==0: fringe.add((x-1,y,z)) if x+1 < vals.shape[0] and vals[x+1,y,z]==0: fringe.add((x+1,y,z)) if y-1 >= 0 and vals[x,y-1,z]==0: fringe.add((x,y-1,z)) if y+1 < vals.shape[1] and vals[x,y+1,z]==0: fringe.add((x,y+1,z)) if z-1 >= 0 and vals[x,y,z-1]==0: fringe.add((x,y,z-1)) if z+1 < vals.shape[2] and vals[x,y,z+1]==0: fringe.add((x,y,z+1)) #initialize neighbors of visited cells i,j,k = vals.nonzero() for n in range(len(i)): add_neighbors(i[n],j[n],k[n]) points = [] configs = [] numTests = 0 numSuccesses = 0 while len(fringe) > 0: numTests += 1 cell = next(iter(fringe)) center = vectorops.add(bmin,vectorops.mul(vectorops.add(cell,[0.5]*3),cellsize)) obj = ik.objective(link,local=point_local,world=center) if ik.solve_global(obj,iters=20,numRestarts=5,feasibilityCheck=feasibility_test): numSuccesses += 1 vals[cell] = 1.0 add_neighbors(cell[0],cell[1],cell[2]) points.append(center) configs.append(robot.getConfig()) fringe.remove(cell) print("Workspace expansion succeeded in {}/{} tests".format(numSuccesses,numTests)) vg_temp.setValues(vals) return vg_temp,points,configs