Source code for klampt.model.subrobot

"""Defines the :class:`SubRobotModel` class, which is :class:`RobotModel`-like 
but only modifies selected degrees of freedom of the robot (e.g., an arm, a

Many, but not all, ``klampt`` module functions accept SubRobotModel in
the place of RobotModel.

from ..robotsim import *
from .collide import self_collision_iter
import warnings
import numpy as np
from typing import Union,List,Sequence,Tuple
from .typing import Config,Vector,Vector3,RigidTransform

[docs]class SubRobotModel: """A helper that lets you conveniently set/get quantities for a subset of moving links on a RobotModel. This class has the same API as RobotModel, but everything is re-indexed so that configurations and link indices only modify the given subset of links. As a reult, most methods applicable to a RobotModel can also be applied to a SubRobotModel. You provide the list of moving link indices or names in the constructor. The methods ``tofull`` and ``fromfull`` convert objects to and from the full robot. """ def __init__(self, robot : Union[RobotModel,'SubRobotModel'], links : Sequence[Union[int,str]]): """ Args: robot (RobotModel or SubRobotModel): the robot to base this on. links (list of ints or strs): the links to use in this sub-robot. """ assert isinstance(robot,(RobotModel,SubRobotModel)),"SubRobotModel constructor must be given a RobotModel or SubRobotModel as first argument" self._robot = robot self._links = [ for i in links ] #type : List[int] self._drivers = None #type : List[RobotModelDriver] self.index = robot.index = if isinstance(robot,SubRobotModel): warnings.warn("Taking sub-robot of sub-robot... not tested yet") self._robot = robot._robot for i,l in enumerate(self._links): if isinstance(l,int): self._links[i] = robot._links[l] for i,l in enumerate(self._links): if isinstance(l,str): self._links[i] = self._inv_links = dict((l,i) for (i,l) in enumerate(self._links))
[docs] def tofull(self,obj,reference=None): """Converts the given index, link, configuration, velocity, or trajectory of a sub robot to the corresponding object of the full robot. Args: obj: an integer index, configuration, velocity, matrix, list of configurations, or Trajectory. reference (list or array, optional): describes the reference object that this should fill in for the indices not in this sub-robot. By default, uses the robot's current configuration. Returns: The corresponding object mapped to the full robot. """ if isinstance(obj,int): return self._links[obj] elif isinstance(obj,SubRobotModelLink): return obj._link elif isinstance(obj,np.ndarray): #numpy array, could be 1d or 2d if len(obj.shape)==1: if reference == None: res = np.array(self._robot.getConfig()) elif not hasattr(reference,'__iter__'): #fill with number if isinstance(reference,(float,int)): res = np.repeat(reference,self._robot.numLinks()) else: raise ValueError("Invalid reference object") else: res = np.array(reference) res[self._links] = obj return res elif len(obj.shape)==2: if reference == None: res = np.array([self._robot.getConfig()]*len(obj)) elif not hasattr(reference,'__iter__'): if isinstance(reference,(float,int)): #fill with number res = np.full((len(obj),self._robot.numLinks()),reference) else: raise ValueError("Invalid reference object") elif not hasattr(reference[0],'__iter__'): #could be a single configuration, repeat it if len(reference) != self._robot.numLinks(): raise ValueError("Invalid size of reference object") res = np.repeat(reference,len(obj)) else: res = np.array(reference) res[:,self._links] = obj return res else: raise ValueError("Invalid dimensions of Numpy array object") elif isinstance(obj,(list,tuple)): if hasattr(obj[0],'__iter__'): #treat this as a list of configuration-like objects res = [] if reference is not None: if len(reference) != len(obj): #could be a single configuration if not hasattr(reference[0],'__iter__'): reference = [reference]*len(obj) else: raise ValueError("Invalid size of reference object") else: reference = [None]*len(obj) for i,row in enumerate(obj): assert len(row) == len(self._links) res.append(self.tofull(row,reference=reference[i])) return res else: assert len(obj) == len(self._links) if reference is None: res = self._robot.getConfig() else: res = [v for v in reference] for l,v in zip(self._links,obj): res[l] = v return res else: from .trajectory import Trajectory,HermiteTrajectory if isinstance(obj,Trajectory): if isinstance(obj,HermiteTrajectory): raise NotImplementedError("Can't lift hermite trajectories to full robots yet") newmilestones = self.tofull(obj.milestones,reference=reference) return obj.constructor()(obj.times,newmilestones) else: raise ValueError("Invalid obj type ({}, type {}), not an integer, configuration, or Trajectory".format(obj,type(obj)))
[docs] def fromfull(self,object): """Converts the given index, configuration, velocity, or trajectory of a full robot to the corresponding object of the sub-robot. Args: object: an integer index, configuration, velocity, matrix, list of configurations, or Trajectory. Returns: The corresponding object mapped to the sub-robot. .. note:: For indices, if the index doesn't belong to the sub-robot then None is returned. """ if isinstance(object,int): return self._inv_links.get(object,None) elif isinstance(object,RobotModelLink): return SubRobotModelLink(object,self) elif isinstance(object,np.ndarray): #numpy array, could be 1d or 2d if len(object.shape)==1: return object[self._links] elif len(object.shape)==2: return object[:,self._links] else: raise ValueError("Invalid dimensions of Numpy array object") elif isinstance(object,(list,tuple)): if hasattr(object[0],'__iter__'): #treat this like a list of configurations res = [] for i,row in enumerate(object): assert len(row) == self._robot.numLinks(),'Object {} needs to be a configuration of length {}'.format(i,self._robot.numLinks()) res.append(self.fromfull(row)) return res else: #treat as a configuration assert len(object) == self._robot.numLinks(),'Object needs to be a configuration of length {}'.format(self._robot.numLinks()) return [object[i] for i in self._links] else: from .trajectory import Trajectory,HermiteTrajectory if isinstance(object,Trajectory): if isinstance(object,HermiteTrajectory): raise NotImplementedError("Can't project hermite trajectories to sub-robots yet") newmilestones = [self.fromfull(v) for v in object.milestones] return object.constructor(object.times,newmilestones) else: raise ValueError("Invalid object type, not an integer, configuration, or Trajectory")
def _computeDrivers(self): self._drivers = [] for i in range(self._robot.numDrivers()): d = self._robot.driver(i) if any((l in self._links) for l in d.getAffectedLinks()): self._drivers.append(d)
[docs] def numDrivers(self) -> int: if self._drivers is None: self._computeDrivers() return len(self._drivers)
[docs] def driver(self, index : int) -> 'SubRobotModelDriver': if self._drivers is None: self._computeDrivers() if index < 0 or index >= len(self._drivers): raise ValueError("Invalid driver index, must be between {} and {}".format(0,len(self._drivers)-1)) dindex = self._drivers[index].index return SubRobotModelDriver(self._robot.driver(dindex),self)
[docs] def getConfig(self) -> Config: q = self._robot.getConfig() return [q[i] for i in self._links]
[docs] def getVelocity(self) -> Vector: q = self._robot.getVelocity() return [q[i] for i in self._links]
[docs] def setConfig(self, q : Config) -> None: assert len(q) == len(self._links) qfull = self._robot.getConfig() for i,v in zip(self._links,q): qfull[i] = v self._robot.setConfig(qfull)
[docs] def setVelocity(self, q:Vector) -> None: assert len(q) == len(self._links) qfull = self._robot.getVelocity() for i,v in zip(self._links,q): qfull[i] = v self._robot.setVelocity(qfull)
[docs] def getJointLimits(self) -> Tuple[Config,Config]: qmin,qmax = self._robot.getJointLimits() return [qmin[i] for i in self._links],[qmax[i] for i in self._links]
[docs] def setJointLimits(self, qmin : Config, qmax : Config) -> None: assert len(qmin) == len(self._links) assert len(qmax) == len(self._links) qminfull,qmaxfull = self._robot.getJointLimits() for i,a,b in zip(self._links,qmin,qmax): qminfull[i] = a qmaxfull[i] = b self._robot.setJointLimits(qminfull,qmaxfull)
[docs] def getVelocityLimits(self) -> Vector: q = self._robot.getVelocityLimits() return [q[i] for i in self._links]
[docs] def setVelocityLimits(self, vmax : Vector) -> None: assert len(vmax) == len(self._links) qfull = self._robot.getVelocityLimits() for i,v in zip(self._links,vmax): qfull[i] = v self._robot.setVelocityLimits(qfull)
[docs] def getAccelerationLimits(self) -> Vector: q = self._robot.getAccelerationLimits() return [q[i] for i in self._links]
[docs] def setAccelerationLimits(self, amax : Vector) -> None: assert len(amax) == len(self._links) qfull = self._robot.getAccelerationLimits() for i,v in zip(self._links,amax): qfull[i] = v self._robot.setAccelerationLimits(qfull)
[docs] def getTorqueLimits(self) -> Vector: q = self._robot.getTorqueLimits() return [q[i] for i in self._links]
[docs] def setTorqueLimits(self, tmax : Vector) -> None: assert len(tmax) == len(self._links) qfull = self._robot.getTorqueLimits() for i,v in zip(self._links,tmax): qfull[i] = v self._robot.setTorqueLimits(qfull)
[docs] def setDOFPosition(self, index : Union[int,str], qi : float) -> None: if isinstance(index,str): self._robot.setDOFPosition(index,qi) else: self._robot.setDOFPosition(self._links[index],qi)
[docs] def getDOFPosition(self, index : Union[int,str]) -> float: if isinstance(index,str): return self._robot.getDOFPosition(index) else: return self._robot.getDOFPosition(self._links[index])
[docs] def getCom(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: getCom")
[docs] def getComJacobian(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: getComJacobian")
[docs] def getLinearMomentum(self) -> Vector3: vinit = self._robot.getVelocity() vtemp = self.tofull(self.getVelocity,[0]*self._robot.numLinks()) self._robot.setVelocity(vtemp) res = self._robot.getLinearMomentum() self._robot.setVelocity(vinit) return res
[docs] def getAngularMomentum(self) -> Vector3: vinit = self._robot.getVelocity() vtemp = self.tofull(self.getVelocity,[0]*self._robot.numLinks()) self._robot.setVelocity(vtemp) res = self._robot.getAngularMomentum() self._robot.setVelocity(vinit) return res
[docs] def getKineticEnergy(self) -> float: vinit = self._robot.getVelocity() vtemp = self.tofull(self.getVelocity,[0]*self._robot.numLinks()) self._robot.setVelocity(vtemp) res = self._robot.getKineticEnergy() self._robot.setVelocity(vinit) return res
[docs] def getTotalInertia(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: getTotalInertia")
[docs] def getMassMatrix(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: getMassMatrix")
[docs] def getMassMatrixInv(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: getMassMatrix")
[docs] def getCoriolisForceMatrix(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: getCoriolisForceMatrix")
[docs] def getCoriolisForces(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: getCoriolisForceMatrix")
[docs] def getGravityForces(self,g): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: getGravityForces")
[docs] def torquesFromAccel(self,ddq): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: torquesFromAccel")
[docs] def accelFromTorques(self,t): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: accelFromTorques")
[docs] def interpolate(self, a : Config, b : Config, u : float) -> Config: afull = self.tofull(a) bfull = self.tofull(b) q = self._robot.interpolate(afull,bfull,u) return [q[i] for i in self._links]
[docs] def distance(self, a : Config, b : Config) -> float: afull = self.tofull(a) bfull = self.tofull(b) return self._robot.distance(afull,bfull)
[docs] def interpolateDeriv(self, a : Config, b : Config) -> Vector: afull = self.tofull(a) bfull = self.tofull(b) q = self._robot.interpolateDeriv(afull,bfull) return [q[i] for i in self._links]
[docs] def randomizeConfig(self,unboundedScale=1.0) -> None: oldfull = self._robot.getConfig() self._robot.randomizeConfig(unboundedScale) qrand = self._robot.getConfig() for i,l in enumerate(self._links): oldfull[l] = qrand[l] self._robot.setConfig(oldfull)
[docs] def configToDrivers(self, q : Config) -> Config: qfull = self.tofull(q) dfull = self._robot.configToDrivers(qfull) self._computeDrivers() dsub = [dfull[d.index] for d in self._drivers] return dsub
[docs] def velocityToDrivers(self, dq : Vector) -> Vector: dqfull = self.tofull(dq) ddfull = self._robot.velocityToDrivers(dqfull) self._computeDrivers() dsub = [ddfull[d.index] for d in self._drivers] return dsub
[docs] def configFromDrivers(self, driverValues : Vector) -> Config: self._computeDrivers() if len(driverValues) != len(self._drivers): raise ValueError("Invalid # of drivers") for (driver,d) in zip(self._drivers,driverValues): driver.setValue(d) qfull = self._robot.getConfig() return self.fromfull(qfull)
[docs] def velocityFromDrivers(self,driverVelocities : Vector) -> Vector: self._computeDrivers() if len(driverVelocities) != len(self._drivers): raise ValueError("Invalid # of drivers") for (driver,dd) in zip(self._drivers,driverVelocities): driver.setVelocity(dd) dqfull = self._robot.getVelocity() return self.fromfull(dqfull)
[docs] def selfCollisionEnabled(self,link1,link2): if not isinstance(link1,str): link1 = self._links[link1] else: link1 = if not isinstance(link2,str): link2 = self._links[link2] else: link2 = return self._robot.selfCollisionEnabled(link1,link2)
[docs] def enableSelfCollision(self,link1,link2,value=True): if not isinstance(link1,str): link1 = self._links[link1] else: link1 = if not isinstance(link2,str): link2 = self._links[link2] else: link2 = self._robot.enableSelfCollision(link1,link2,value)
[docs] def selfCollides(self): geoms = [ for i in self._links] def dotest(i,j): return self._robot.selfCollisionEnabled(self._links[i],self._links[j]) return any(self_collision_iter(geoms,dotest))
[docs] def drawGL(self,keepAppearance=True): for i in self._links:
[docs] def reduce(self): raise NotImplementedError("Can't reduce a sub-robot")
[docs] def mount(self,link,subRobot,R,t): self._robot.mount(self.tofull(link),subRobot,R,t)
[docs] def sensor(self,index) -> 'SimRobotSensor': """Returns the SimRobotSensor corresponding to index. Note however that you shouldn't set the "link" setting according to this SubRobotModel. Args: index (int or str) """ if isinstance(index,str): return self._robot.sensor(index) else: return self._robot.sensor(index)
[docs]class SubRobotModelDriver: """A helper that lets you treat drivers of a subrobot just like a normal RobotModelDriver. """ def __init__(self,driver,robot): self._driver = driver self._robot = robot self.getName = driver.getName self.getType = driver.getType self.getAffineCoeffs = driver.getAffineCoeffs self.setValue = driver.setValue self.getValue = driver.getValue self.setVelocity = driver.setVelocity self.getVelocity = driver.getVelocity
[docs] def robot(self): return self._robot