Source code for klampt.model.robotinfo

"""Registry of semantic properties for robots to help build generalized
(non-robot-specific) code. 

A robot typically consists of a set of parts, a base (either fixed or
moving), end effectors, a controller, and other assorted properties.  The
:class:`RobotInfo` data structure will let you define these and store them
in a human-editable file format.  This is also used for ``klampt_control`` and
some Robot Interface Layer controllers (see

Grippers also come with a lot of semantic information, such as typical
approach directions, opening widths, synergies, etc. These should be stored in
a :class:`GripperInfo` structure.  (So far, Klamp't doesn't have built-in
integration with grasp planning algorithms, but we hope to add more in the

from klampt.control.robotinterface import RobotInterfaceBase
import os
import sys
import importlib
from klampt import WorldModel,RobotModel,Geometry3D,IKSolver,IKObjective,SimRobotSensor
from klampt.model.subrobot import SubRobotModel
import copy
from klampt.math import vectorops,se3
import json
import warnings
from .typing import Vector,Vector3,RigidTransform
from typing import Optional,Union,Sequence,List,Tuple,Dict,Any,TextIO

[docs]class RobotInfo: """Stores common semantic properties for a robot. Attributes: name (str): a string identifying this robot by name. modelFile (str, optional): a file pointing to the Klamp't model (.urdf or .rob.) baseType (str): specifies whether the robot has a mobile or floating base. Possible values are: - 'fixed': rigidly attached - 'floating': floating in space (e.g., drone, legged robot) - 'differential': differential drive base (properties['differential'] should hold more info) - 'dubins': Dubins car base (properties['dubins'] should hold more info) parts (dict str->list): a set of named parts. Each part consists of a list of link names or indices. endEffectors (dict str->EndEffectorInfo): a set of named end effectors. grippers (dict str->GripperInfo): a set of named grippers. properties (dict str->anything): a dict of named properties. Values must be JSON-loadable/savable. controllerFile (str, optional): the file containing code for the Klampt RIL controller. Should be a Python file (``/path/to/``) or module (`package.module`) containing a function ``make(robotModel)`` that returns a :class:`RobotInterfaceBase`. controllerArgs (list, optional): extra arguments that will be passed to the make() function. simulatorFile (str, optional): the file containing code for simulation emulators for the robot. If not provided, the default robot simulator is used. Should be a Python file (``/path/to/``) or module (`package.module`) containing a function ``make(sim,robotIndex)`` which returns a pair ``(controller, emulators)``. Here, ``controller`` is a :class:`RobotInterfaceBase` configured for the simulator (see :mod:`klampt.control.simrobotinterface`). ``emulators`` is a list of :class:`SensorEmulator` or :class:`ActuatorEmulator` objects configured for use in a :class:`SimpleSimulator`. calibrationFiles (dict str->str): a set of calibration files that will be loaded and imposed on the klamptModel when it is loaded. Using separate calibration files is more efficient than overwriting a .rob or .urdf file when the calibration changes. Valid keys include: - [sensor name]: a JSON file giving any of the named sensor's settings (typically, the transform T) - kinematics: a JSON file giving link parent transforms and joint axes. The file should have format: ``{"link1":{"axis":VALUE,"Tparent":VALUE} ...}`` resourceDir (str, optional): the directory containing resources for this robot. filePaths (list of str): a list of paths where files will be searched. robotModel (RobotModel): a cached robot model, loaded upon calling :func:`klamptModel`. If a robot is loaded externally (e.g., via :class:`~klampt.WorldModel`) you may set this member to avoid re- loading a model. """ all_robots = dict()
[docs] @staticmethod def register(robotInfo: 'RobotInfo'): """Registers a RobotInfo to the global registry.""" RobotInfo.all_robots[] = robotInfo
[docs] @staticmethod def get(name: str) -> 'RobotInfo': """Retrieves a registered RobotInfo from the global registry.""" return RobotInfo.all_robots[name]
[docs] @staticmethod def load(fn: str) -> 'RobotInfo': """Loads / registers a RobotInfo from a JSON file previously saved to disk.""" res = RobotInfo(None) res.load(fn) if res.modelFile is not None: #make sure the model file is an absolute path if not res.modelFile.startswith('/') and not res.modelFile.startswith('http://') and not res.modelFile.startswith('https://'): res.modelFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.split(fn)[0],res.modelFile)) path,file = os.path.split(fn) if path: res.filePaths.append(path) RobotInfo.register(res) return res
def __init__(self,name,modelFile=None, baseType='fixed', parts=None,endEffectors=None,grippers=None, properties=None): = name # type: str self.modelFile = modelFile # type: str self.baseType = baseType # type: str self.controllerFile = None # type: Optional[str] self.controllerArgs = None # type: Optional[list] self.simulatorFile = None # type: Optional[str] self.calibrationFiles = dict() # type: Dict[str,str] self.resourceDir = None # type: Optional[str] if parts is None: parts = dict() else: if not isinstance(parts,dict): raise ValueError("`parts` must be a dict from names to link lists") for (k,v) in parts: if not hasattr(v,'__iter__'): raise ValueError("`parts` must be a dict from names to link lists") if endEffectors is None: endEffectors = dict() else: if not isinstance(endEffectors,dict): raise ValueError("`endEffectors` must be a dict from names to EndEffectorInfos") if grippers is None: grippers = dict() else: if not isinstance(grippers,dict): raise ValueError("`grippers` must be a dict from names to GripperInfos") if properties is None: properties = dict() else: if not isinstance(properties,dict): raise ValueError("`properties` must be a dict") = parts # type: Dict[str,Sequence[Union[int,str]]] self.endEffectors = endEffectors # type: Dict[str,EndEffectorInfo] self.grippers = grippers # type: Dict[str,GripperInfo] = properties # type: Dict[str,Any] self.filePaths = [] # type: List[str] self.robotModel = None # type: RobotModel self.load = self._instance_load self._driverIndices = None self._worldTemp = None
[docs] def klamptModel(self) -> RobotModel: """Returns the Klamp't RobotModel associated with this robot, either by the ``robotModel`` object or loading from the given filename ``self.modelFile``. The results are cached so this can be called many times without a performance hit. """ if self.robotModel is not None: return self.robotModel if self.modelFile is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't load robot model for {}, no file given".format( self._worldTemp = WorldModel() def doload(fn): self.robotModel = self._worldTemp.loadRobot(fn) return self.robotModel.index >= 0 if not self._tryload(self.modelFile,doload): raise IOError("Unable to load robot from file {}".format(self.modelFile)) self.robotModel.setName( #apply calibration for (k,file) in self.calibrationFiles.items(): if k == 'kinematics': def docalib(fn): try: with open(fn,'r') as f: jsonobj = json.load(f) except IOError: return False for k,items in jsonobj.items(): link = if link.index < 0: raise ValueError("Calibration file refers to invalid link {}".format(k)) for key,value in items.items(): if key == 'axis': link.setAxis(value) elif key == 'Tparent': link.setParentTransform(value) else: raise KeyError("Invalid calibration item {}".format(key)) return True if not self._tryload(file,docalib): raise IOError("Unable to load kinematics calibration from file "+file) else: s = self.robotModel.sensor(k) if s.getName(): self.configureSensor(s) else: warnings.warn("Calibration item {} doesn't refer to a sensor or kinematics".format(k)) return self.robotModel
[docs] def configureSensor(self,sensor : Union[int,str,SimRobotSensor]) -> SimRobotSensor: """Configures a sensor with a calibration, if present.""" if not isinstance(sensor,SimRobotSensor): return self.configureSensor(self.klamptModel().sensor(sensor)) if in self.calibrationFiles: calib = self.calibrationFiles[] for k,value in calib: if hasattr(value,'__iter__'): import cast_value =,'auto') else: cast_value = str(value) sensor.setSetting(k,cast_value) return sensor
[docs] def controller(self) -> RobotInterfaceBase: """Returns a Robot Interface Layer object configured for use on the real robot. Requires ``controllerFile`` to be defined. """ if self.controllerFile is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't create controller for "", no file given") mod = _dynamic_load_module(self.controllerFile,self.filePaths) try: maker = mod.make except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("Module {} must have a make(robotModel) method".format(mod.__name__)) if self.controllerArgs is not None: args = self.controllerArgs else: args = () try: res = mod.make(self.klamptModel(),*args) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Error running make(robotModel) for module {}: {}".format(mod.__name__,str(e)))['klamptModelFile'] = self.modelFile return res
[docs] def configureSimulator(self,sim,robotIndex=0): """Configures a :class:`~klampt.sim.simulation.SimpleSimulator` to emulate the robot's behavior. Args: sim (SimpleSimulator): the simulator to configure. It should have a world model set up to already have a matching robot's model. robotIndex (int or str): the index of the robot model in the sim's world. """ if self.simulatorFile is None: return robot = robotModel = self.klamptModel() if robotModel.numLinks() != robot.numLinks(): raise ValueError("The robot in the simulator doesn't match this robot") mod = _dynamic_load_module(self.simulatorFile,self.filePaths) try: maker = mod.make except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("Module {} must have a make(sim,robotIndex) method".format(mod.__name__)) try: res = mod.make(sim,robotIndex) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Error running make(sim,robotIndex) for module {}: {}"%(mod.__name__,str(e))) try: controller,emulators = res for e in emulators: pass except Exception: raise RuntimeError("Result of make(sim,robotIndex) for module {} is not a pair (controller,emulators)"%(mod.__name__,)) sim.setController(robotIndex,controller) for e in emulators: sim.addEmulator(robotIndex,e) #configure simulated sensor simcontroller = sim.controller(robot) sindex = 0 while True: s = simcontroller.sensor(sindex) if s.type() == '': break sindex += 1 self.configureSensor(s)
[docs] def partLinkIndices(self, part: str) -> List[int]: res =[part] return self.toIndices(res)
[docs] def partLinkNames(self, part: str) -> List[str]: res =[part] return self.toNames(res)
[docs] def partDriverIndices(self, part: str) -> List[int]: res =[part] return self.toDriverIndices(res)
[docs] def partAsSubrobot(self, part: str) -> SubRobotModel: partLinks = self.partLinkIndices(part) model = self.klamptModel() return SubRobotModel(model,partLinks)
[docs] def eeSolver(self, endEffector: str, target: Union[Vector,RigidTransform]) -> IKSolver: """Given a named end effector and a target point, transform, or set of parameters from config.setConfig(ikgoal) / config.getConfig(ikgoal), returns the IKSolver for the end effector and that target. """ ee = self.endEffectors[endEffector] from klampt import IKObjective from ..model import config,ik robot = self.klamptModel() link = s = IKSolver(robot) q = config.getConfig(target) obj = ee.ikObjective if ee.ikObjective is None: if len(q) == 3: obj = ik.objective(link,local=[0,0,0],world=q) elif len(q) == 12: obj = ik.objective(link,R=q[:9],t=q[9:]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid # of elements given in target, must be either a 3-vector or SE3 element") s.add(obj) s.setActiveDofs(self.toIndices(ee.activeLinks)) return s
[docs] def toIndices(self, items: Sequence[Union[int,str]]) -> List[int]: """Returns link identifiers as link indices""" if all(isinstance(v,int) for v in items): return items else: robot = self.klamptModel() res = [i for i in items] for i,v in enumerate(items): if not isinstance(v,int): assert isinstance(v,str),"Link identifiers must be int or str" res[i] = assert res[i] >= 0,"Link %s doesn't exist in robot %s"%(v, return res
[docs] def toDriverIndices(self, items: Sequence[Union[int,str]]) -> List[int]: """Converts link names or indices to robot driver indices""" robot = self.klamptModel() if self._driverIndices is None: self._driverIndices = dict() for i in range(robot.numDrivers()): d = robot.driver(i) self._driverIndices[d.getAffectedLink()] = i res = [] for i,v in enumerate(items): if not isinstance(v,int): assert isinstance(v,str),"Link identifiers must be int or str" v= assert v >= 0,"Link %s doesn't exist in robot %s"%(v, if v in self._driverIndices: res.append(self._driverIndices[v]) return res
[docs] def toNames(self, items: Sequence[Union[int,str]]) -> List[str]: """Returns link identifiers as link names""" if all(isinstance(v,str) for v in items): return items else: robot = self.klamptModel() res = [i for i in items] for i,v in enumerate(items): if not isinstance(v,str): assert isinstance(v,int),"Link identifiers must be int or str" assert v >= 0 and v < robot.numLinks(),"Link %d is invalid for robot %s"%(v, res[i] = return res
[docs] def listResources(self) -> List[str]: """Retrieves a list of all named resources, if resourceDir is set""" if self.resourceDir is None: return [] import os resourceDir = _resolve_file(self.resourceDir,self.filePaths) return [item for item in os.listdir(resourceDir)]
[docs] def getResource(self, name : str, doedit='auto'): """Loads a named resource.""" from import resource resourceDir = _resolve_file(self.resourceDir,self.filePaths) return resource.get(name, directory=resourceDir, doedit=doedit, world=self._worldTemp)
[docs] def setResource(self, name :str, object) -> None: """Saves a new named resource. object can be any supported Klampt type.""" from import resource resourceDir = _resolve_file(self.resourceDir,self.filePaths) resource.set(name, object, directory=resourceDir)
def _instance_load(self, f : Union[str,TextIO]) -> None: """Loads the info from a JSON file. f is a file name or file object.""" from import loader if isinstance(f,str): with open(f,'r') as file: jsonobj = json.load(file) else: jsonobj = json.load(f) self.endEffectors = dict() self.grippers = dict() REQUIRED = ['name','modelFile'] OPTIONAL = ['parts','baseType','endEffectors','grippers','properties','controllerFile','controllerArgs','simulatorFile','calibrationFiles','resourceDir','filePaths'] for attr in REQUIRED+OPTIONAL: if attr not in jsonobj: if attr in OPTIONAL: #optional continue else: raise IOError("Loaded JSON object doesn't contain '"+attr+"' key") setattr(self,attr,jsonobj[attr]) ees = dict() for (k,v) in self.endEffectors.items(): obj = None if v['ikObjective'] is None else loader.fromJson(v['ikObjective'],'IKObjective') ees[k] = EndEffectorInfo(v['link'],v['activeLinks'],obj) self.endEffectors = ees grippers = dict() for (k,v) in self.grippers.items(): gripper = GripperInfo('',0) gripper.fromJson(v) grippers[k] = gripper self.grippers = grippers
[docs] def save(self, f : Union[str,TextIO]) -> None: """Saves the info to a JSON file. f is a file object.""" from import loader jsonobj = dict() for attr in ['name','modelFile','parts','baseType','properties','controllerFile','controllerArgs','simulatorFile','calibrationFiles','resourceDir','filePaths']: jsonobj[attr] = getattr(self,attr) ees = dict() for k,v in self.endEffectors.items(): obj = None if v.ikObjective is None else loader.toJson(v.ikObjective) gripper = None if v.gripperInfo is None else v.gripperInfo.toJson() ees[k] = {'link','activeLinks':v.activeLinks,'ikObjective':obj,'gripperInfo':gripper} if len(ees) > 0: jsonobj['endEffectors'] = ees grippers = dict() for k,v in self.grippers.items(): grippers[k] = v.toJson() if len(grippers) > 0: jsonobj['grippers'] = grippers if isinstance(f,str): with open(f,'w') as file: json.dump(jsonobj,file) else: json.dump(jsonobj,f)
def _tryload(self,fn,loadcallback): if loadcallback(fn): return True if not fn.startswith('/'): for path in self.filePaths: if loadcallback(fn): return True return False
[docs]class EndEffectorInfo: """Stores info about default end effectors and the method for Cartesian solving. Attributes: link (int or str): the link on which the end effector "lives". activeLinks (list of int or str): the links that are driven by cartesian commands to this end effector. ikObjective (IKObjective, optional): the template IK objective giving the tool center point and objective type. If None, this will be left unspecified. """ def __init__(self,link,activeLinks,ikObjective=None): = link # type: Union[int,str] self.activeLinks = activeLinks # type: List[Union[int,str]] self.ikObjective = ikObjective # type: Optional[IKObjective]
[docs]class GripperInfo: """Stores basic information describing a gripper and its mounting on a robot. For a vacuum-type gripper, - center should be set to middle of the vacuum at a "tight" seal. - primaryAxis should be set to the outward direction from the vacuum. - maximumSpan should be set to the outer diameter of the vacuum seal - minimumSpan should be set to the minimum diameter of an object that a seal can form around - fingerLength should be set to the amount the vacuum should lower from an offset away from the object (the length of the vacuum seal) For a parallel-jaw gripper, - center should be set to the deepest point within the gripper. - primaryAxis should be set to the "down" direction for a top-down grasp (away from the wrist, usually). - secondaryAxis should be set to the axis along which the fingers close / open (either sign is OK). - fingerLength should be set to the distance along primaryAxis from center to the tips of the gripper's fingers. - fingerWidth should be set to the width of the fingers. - fingerDepth should be set to the thickness of the fingers along secondaryAxis - maximumSpan should be set to the fingers' maximum separation. - minimumSpan should be set to the fingers' minimum separation. For a multi-finger gripper, these elements are less important, but can help with general heuristics. - center should be set to a point on the "palm" - primaryAxis should be set to a open direction away from the wrist. - secondaryAxis should be set to the axis along which the fingers close / open in a power grasp (either sign is OK). - fingerLength should be set to approximately the length of each finger. - fingerWidth should be set to approximately the width of each finger. - fingerDepth should be set to approximately the thickness of each finger. - maximumSpan should be set to the width of the largest object grippable. - minimumSpan should be set to the width of the smallest object grippable. Attributes: name (str): the gripper name baseLink (int or str): the index of the gripper's base fingerLinks (list of int): the moving indices of the gripper's fingers. fingerDrivers (list of int): the driver indices of the gripper's fingers. Can also be a list of list of ints if each finger joint can be individually actuated. type (str, optional): Specifies the type of gripper. Can be 'vacuum', 'parallel', 'wrapping', or None (unknown) center (list of 3 floats, optional): A central point on the "palm" of the gripper. primaryAxis (list of 3 floats, optional): The local axis of the gripper that opposes the "typical" load. (Unit vector in the opposite direction of the load) secondaryAxis (list of 3 floats, optional): The local axis of the gripper perpendicular to the primary that dictates the direction of the fingers opening and closing fingerLength,fingerWidth,fingerDepth (float, optional): dimensions of the fingers. maximumSpan (float, optional): the maximum opening span of the gripper. minimumSpan (float, optional): the minimum opening span of the gripper. closedConfig (list of floats, optional): the "logical closed" gripper finger config. openConfig (list of floats, optional): the "logical open" gripper finger config. synergies (dict str -> list of Vectors): for multifingered hands, a set of "synergies" that are able to generate a full gripper configuration. If a synergy is a list of k Vectors, the synergy accepts k-1 parameters ``p`` in the range [0,1]^(k-1) and outputs an affine combination A[0]*p[0] + ... + A[k-2]*p[k-2] + A[k-1]. gripperLinks (list of int, optional): the list of all links attached to the gripper, including non-actuated ones. If not provided, assumed to be the base link plus all descendant links on the klamptModel. klamptModel (str, optional): the Klamp't .rob or .urdf model to which this refers to. Note: this is not necessarily a model of just the gripper. To get just the gripper, use ``self.getSubrobot()``. """ all_grippers = dict()
[docs] @staticmethod def register(gripper : 'GripperInfo'): GripperInfo.all_grippers[] = gripper
[docs] @staticmethod def get(name) -> 'GripperInfo': return GripperInfo.all_grippers.get(name,None)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(fn: str) -> 'GripperInfo': """Loads / registers a GripperInfo from a JSON file previously saved to disk.""" res = GripperInfo(fn,-1) with open(fn,'r') as f: jsonobj = json.load(f) res.fromJson(jsonobj) GripperInfo.register(res) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def mounted(gripper : 'GripperInfo', klamptModel : str, baseLink : Union[int,str], name : str = None, register=True): """From a standalone gripper, return a GripperInfo such that the link indices are shifted onto a new robot model. klamptModel should contain the arm as well as the gripper links, and baseLink should be the name or index of the gripper base on the model. """ if name is None: name = + "_mounted" w = WorldModel() w.enableGeometryLoading(False) res = w.readFile(klamptModel) if not res: raise IOError("Unable to load file "+str(klamptModel)) robot = w.robot(0) w.enableGeometryLoading(True) if isinstance(baseLink,str): baseLink = shifted_fingerLinks = [l+baseLink for l in gripper.fingerLinks] mount_driver = -1 for i in range(robot.numDrivers()): ls = robot.driver(i).getAffectedLinks() if any(l in ls for l in shifted_fingerLinks): mount_driver = i break if mount_driver < 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't find the base driver for the mounted gripper?") shifted_fingerDrivers = [l+mount_driver for l in gripper.fingerDrivers] res = copy.copy(gripper) = name res.baseLink = baseLink res.klamptModel = klamptModel res.fingerLinks = shifted_fingerLinks res.fingerDrivers = shifted_fingerDrivers if register: GripperInfo.register(res) return res
def __init__(self, name : str, baseLink : Union[int,str], fingerLinks : List[int]=None, fingerDrivers : List[int]=None, type : str=None, center : Vector3=None, primaryAxis : Vector3=None, secondaryAxis : Vector3=None, fingerLength : float=None, fingerWidth : float=None, fingerDepth : float=None, maximumSpan : float=None, minimumSpan : float=None, closedConfig : Vector=None, openConfig : Vector=None, gripperLinks : List[int]=None, klamptModel : str=None, register=True): = name self.baseLink = baseLink self.fingerLinks = fingerLinks if fingerLinks is not None else [] self.fingerDrivers = fingerDrivers if fingerDrivers is not None else [] self.type=type = center self.primaryAxis = primaryAxis self.secondaryAxis = secondaryAxis self.fingerLength = fingerLength self.fingerWidth = fingerWidth self.fingerDepth = fingerDepth self.maximumSpan = maximumSpan self.minimumSpan = minimumSpan self.closedConfig = closedConfig self.openConfig = openConfig self.gripperLinks = gripperLinks self.synergies = dict() # type: Dict[str,Sequence[Vector]] self.klamptModel = klamptModel if register: GripperInfo.register(self)
[docs] def partwayOpenConfig(self, amount : float) -> Vector: """Returns a finger configuration partway open, with amount in the range [0 (closed),1 (fully open)]. """ if self.closedConfig is None or self.openConfig is None: raise ValueError("Can't get an opening configuration on a robot that does not define it") return vectorops.interpolate(self.closedConfig,self.openConfig,amount)
[docs] def configToOpening(self, qfinger : Vector) -> float: """Estimates how far qfinger is from closedConfig to openConfig. Only meaningful if qfinger is close to being along the straight C-space line between the two. """ if self.closedConfig is None or self.openConfig is None: raise ValueError("Can't estimate opening width to") assert len(qfinger) == len(self.closedConfig) b = vectorops.sub(qfinger,self.closedConfig) a = vectorops.sub(self.openConfig,self.closedConfig) return min(1,max(0,,b)/vectorops.normSquared(a)))
[docs] def evalSynergy(self, synergy_name : str, parameters : Vector) -> Vector: """Maps from a set of parameters to a full gripper configuration according to the given synergy.""" synergy = self.synergies[synergy_name] if callable(synergy): return synergy(parameters) if len(parameters)+1 != len(synergy): raise ValueError("Synergy {} accepts {} parameters".format(synergy_name,len(synergy)-1)) res = synergy[-1] for i,p in enumerate(parameters): res = vectorops.madd(res,synergy[i],p) return res
[docs] def configToSynergy(self, qfinger : Vector, synergy_name : str = None) -> Tuple[str,Vector]: """Maps a finger config to the closest synergy parameters. If synergy_name is given, then this restricts the search to a single synergy. Only works for affine synergies. """ if synergy_name is None: sclosest = None pclosest = None dclosest = float('inf') for name in self.synergies: try: (_,p) = self.configToSynergy(qfinger, name) q = self.evalSynergy(name,p) d = vectorops.distanceSquared(qfinger,q) if d < dclosest: sclosest,pclosest = name,p except Exception: pass return (sclosest,pclosest) synergy = self.synergies[synergy_name] if callable(synergy): raise ValueError("Can't map to synergy for a callable") import numpy as np b = np.asarray(qfinger) - synergy[-1] A = np.asarray(synergy[:-1]).T return (synergy_name,np.linalg.lstsq(A,b)[0].tolist())
[docs] def widthToOpening(self, width : float) -> float: """Returns an opening amount in the range 0 (closed) to 1 (open) such that the fingers have a given width between them. """ if self.maximumSpan is None: raise ValueError("Can't convert from width to opening without maximumSpan") minspan = self.minimumSpan if self.minimumSpan is not None else 0 return (width-minspan)/(self.maximumSpan-minspan)
[docs] def openingToWidth(self, opening : float) -> float: """For a given opening amount in the range 0 (closed) to 1 (open) returns an approximation to the width between the fingers. """ if self.maximumSpan is None: raise ValueError("Can't convert from width to opening without maximumSpan") minspan = self.minimumSpan if self.minimumSpan is not None else 0 return minspan + opening*(self.maximumSpan-minspan)
[docs] def setFingerConfig(self, qrobot : Vector, qfinger : Vector) -> Vector: """Given a full robot config qrobot, returns a config but with the finger degrees of freedom fixed to qfinger. """ assert len(qfinger) == len(self.fingerLinks) qf = [v for v in qrobot] for (i,v) in zip(self.fingerLinks,qfinger): qf[i] = v return qf
[docs] def getFingerConfig(self, qrobot : Vector) -> Vector: """Given a full robot config qrobot, returns a finger config.""" return [qrobot[i] for i in self.fingerLinks]
[docs] def getSubrobot(self, robot : RobotModel, all_descendants=True) -> SubRobotModel: """Returns the SubRobotModel of the gripper given a RobotModel. If some of the links belonging to the gripper are frozen and not part of the DOFs (i.e., part of fingerLinks), then they will be included in the SubRobotModel if all_descendants=True. This means there may be a discrepancy between the finger configuration and the sub-robot configuration. Otherwise, they will be excluded and finger configurations will map one-to-one to the sub-robot. """ baseLink = if all_descendants: return SubRobotModel(robot,[baseLink] + self.descendantLinks(robot)) return SubRobotModel(robot,[baseLink]+list(self.fingerLinks))
[docs] def getGeometry(self, robot : RobotModel, qfinger=None,type='Group') -> Geometry3D: """Returns a Geometry of the gripper frozen at its configuration. If qfinger = None, the current configuration is used. Otherwise, qfinger is a finger configuration. type can be 'Group' (most general and fastest) or 'TriangleMesh' (compatible with Jupyter notebook visualizer.) """ if qfinger is not None: q0 = robot.getConfig() robot.setConfig(self.setFingerConfig(q0,qfinger)) res = Geometry3D() baseLink = gripperLinks = self.gripperLinks if self.gripperLinks is not None else [baseLink] + self.descendantLinks(robot) if type == 'Group': res.setGroup() Tbase = for i,link in enumerate(gripperLinks): Trel = se3.mul(se3.inv(Tbase), g = if not g.empty(): g.setCurrentTransform(*se3.identity()) g.transform(*Trel) else: print("Uh... link",,"has empty geometry?") res.setElement(i,g) if qfinger is not None: robot.setConfig(q0) return res else: from . import geometry res = geometry.merge(*[ for link in gripperLinks]) if qfinger is not None: robot.setConfig(q0) return res
[docs] def fromJson(self,jsonobj) -> None: """Loads the info from a JSON object.""" REQUIRED = ['name','baseLink'] OPTIONAL = ['fingerLinks','fingerDrivers','type','center','primaryAxis','secondaryAxis','fingerLength','fingerWidth','fingerDepth', 'maximumSpan','minimumSpan','closedConfig','openConfig','synergies','gripperLinks','klamptModel'] for attr in REQUIRED+OPTIONAL: if attr not in jsonobj: if attr in OPTIONAL: continue else: raise IOError("Loaded JSON object doesn't contain '"+attr+"' key") setattr(self,attr,jsonobj[attr])
[docs] def toJson(self) -> dict: """Saves the info to a JSON file. f is a file object.""" jsonobj = dict() REQUIRED = ['name','baseLink'] OPTIONAL = ['fingerLinks','fingerDrivers','type','center','primaryAxis','secondaryAxis','fingerLength','fingerWidth','fingerDepth', 'maximumSpan','minimumSpan','closedConfig','openConfig','synergies','gripperLinks','klamptModel'] for attr in REQUIRED+OPTIONAL: jsonobj[attr] = getattr(self,attr) for (k,val) in self.synergies.items(): if callable(val): raise RuntimeError("Can't convert callable synergy to JSON... need to find alternative methods") return jsonobj
[docs] def save(self, f : Union[str,TextIO]) -> None: """Saves to disk in JSON format.""" if isinstance(f,str): with open(f,'w') as file: else: jsonobj = self.toJson() json.dump(jsonobj,f)
[docs] def visualize(self) -> None: """Visually debugs the gripper""" from klampt import vis vis.loop(lambda: self.addToVis())
[docs] def addToVis(self, robot : RobotModel=None, animate=True,base_xform=None) -> None: """Adds the gripper to the klampt.vis scene. Args: robot (RobotModel, optional): if given, this gripper is a sub-robot of the given robot. animate (bool): if True, animates the opening and closing of the gripper. base_xform (se3 element, optional): if given and robot=False, poses the gripper base at this transform. """ from klampt import vis from klampt import WorldModel,Geometry3D,GeometricPrimitive from klampt.model.trajectory import Trajectory prefix = "gripper_" if robot is None and self.klamptModel is not None: w = WorldModel() if w.readFile(self.klamptModel): robot = w.robot(0) vis.add(prefix+"_gripper",w) robotPath = (prefix+"_gripper",robot.getName()) elif robot is not None: vis.add(prefix+"_gripper",robot) robotPath = prefix+"_gripper" if robot is not None: baseLink = assert baseLink.index >= 0 and baseLink.index < robot.numLinks() baseLink.appearance().setColor(1,0.75,0.5) if base_xform is None: base_xform = baseLink.getTransform() else: if baseLink.getParent() >= 0: print("Warning, setting base link transform for an attached gripper base") baseLink.setParentTransform(*base_xform) robot.setConfig(robot.getConfig()) for l in self.fingerLinks: assert l >= 0 and l < robot.numLinks(),1,0.5) else: if base_xform is None: base_xform = se3.identity() if robot is not None and animate: q0 = robot.getConfig() for i in self.fingerDrivers: if isinstance(i,(list,tuple)): for j in i: robot.driver(j).setValue(1) else: robot.driver(i).setValue(1) traj = Trajectory([0],[robot.getConfig()]) for i in self.fingerDrivers: if isinstance(i,(list,tuple)): for j in i: robot.driver(j).setValue(0) traj.times.append(traj.endTime()+0.5) traj.milestones.append(robot.getConfig()) else: robot.driver(i).setValue(0) traj.times.append(traj.endTime()+1) traj.milestones.append(robot.getConfig()) traj.times.append(traj.endTime()+1) traj.milestones.append(traj.milestones[0]) traj.times.append(traj.endTime()+1) traj.milestones.append(traj.milestones[0]) assert len(traj.times) == len(traj.milestones) traj.checkValid() vis.animate(robotPath,traj) robot.setConfig(q0) if is not None: vis.add(prefix+"_center",se3.apply(base_xform, center_point = (0,0,0) if is None else outer_point = (0,0,0) if self.primaryAxis is not None: length = 0.1 if self.fingerLength is None else self.fingerLength outer_point = vectorops.madd(,self.primaryAxis,length) line = Trajectory([0,1],[,outer_point]) line.milestones = [se3.apply(base_xform,m) for m in line.milestones] vis.add(prefix+"_primary",line,color=(1,0,0,1)) if self.secondaryAxis is not None: width = 0.1 if self.maximumSpan is None else self.maximumSpan line = Trajectory([0,1],[vectorops.madd(outer_point,self.secondaryAxis,-0.5*width),vectorops.madd(outer_point,self.secondaryAxis,0.5*width)]) line.milestones = [se3.apply(base_xform,m) for m in line.milestones] vis.add(prefix+"_secondary",line,color=(0,1,0,1)) elif self.maximumSpan is not None: #assume vacuum gripper? p = GeometricPrimitive() p.setSphere(outer_point,self.maximumSpan) g = Geometry3D() g.set(p) vis.add(prefix+"_opening",g,color=(0,1,0,0.25))
#TODO: add finger box
[docs] def removeFromVis(self) -> None: """Removes a previously-added gripper from the klampt.vis scene.""" prefix = "gripper_" from klampt import vis try: vis.remove(prefix+"_gripper") except Exception: pass if is not None: vis.remove(prefix+"_center") if self.primaryAxis is not None: vis.remove(prefix+"_primary") if self.secondaryAxis is not None: vis.remove(prefix+"_secondary") elif self.maximumSpan is not None: vis.remove(prefix+"_opening")
def _resolve_file(file,search_paths=[]): if '~' in file: return _resolve_file(os.path.expanduser(file),search_paths) if os.path.exists(file): return os.path.abspath(file) for path in search_paths: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,file)): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path,file)) raise RuntimeError("Unable to resolve {} in paths {}".format(file,search_paths)) def _dynamic_load_module(fn,search_paths=[]): if fn.endswith('py') or fn.endswith('pyc'): path,base = os.path.split(fn) loaded = False exc = None for fullpath in [None] + search_paths: if fullpath is None: fullpath = fn else: fullpath = os.path.join(fullpath,fn) if os.path.exists(fullpath): path,base = os.path.split(fullpath) mod_name,file_ext = os.path.splitext(base) try: sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(path)) print("Try path",sys.path[-1]) mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name,base) sys.path.pop(-1) loaded = True break except ImportError as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() exc = e finally: sys.path.pop(-1) if not loaded: print("Unable to load module",base,"in any of",path,"+s",search_paths) raise exc else: try: mod = importlib.import_module(fn) except ImportError as e: if not fn.startswith('/'): loaded = False for search_path in search_paths: try: sys.path.append(search_path) mod = importlib.import_module(fn) loaded = True break except ImportError as e: pass finally: sys.path.pop(-1) if not loaded: raise e finally: sys.path.pop(-1) return mod