Source code for klampt.model.calibrate

"""Functions for extrinsic calibration of cameras.

.. versionadded:: 0.9

from klampt import *
from klampt.math import vectorops,so3,se3
from import resource
from klampt.model.trajectory import RobotTrajectory
import math
from klampt.control.robotinterface import RobotInterfaceBase
from klampt.model import sensing
from typing import Optional,Union,Sequence,List,Tuple,Dict,Any,Callable
from .typing import Vector2,Vector3,RigidTransform,Vector
import random

Key = Union[int,str]

[docs]class PointMarker: """A physical point marker that can be detected in an image. Attributes: link (int or str, optional): link on which this is located. None means attached to the world frame. size (float): used only for visual debugging, default 0.01 (1cm) local_coordinates (3-vector, optional): position relative to link variable (bool): whether this should be optimized """ def __init__(self,link=None,local_coordinates=None): = link # type: Optional[Key] self.size = 0.01 # type: float self.local_coordinates = local_coordinates # type: Vector3 self.variable = True # type: bool
[docs]class TransformMarker: """A physical marker with some orientation, and either the transform or points of features on the marker can be detected in an image. Attributes: link (int or str, optional): link on which this is located. None means attached to the world frame. size (float): used only for visual debugging, default 0.01 (1cm) local_coordinates (se3 element, optional): pose relative to link local_features (list of 3-vectors): feature points relative to marker variable (bool): whether this should be optimized """ def __init__(self,link=None,local_coordinates=None,local_features=None): = link # type: Optional[Key] self.size = 0.1 # type: float self.local_coordinates = local_coordinates # type: RigidTransform self.local_features = ([] if local_features is None else local_features) # type: List[Vector3] self.variable = True # type: bool
[docs]class CameraInfo: """Stores info for a camera in a calibration. Attributes: link (int or str, optional): link on which this is located. None means attached to the world frame. intrinsics (dict): dict with keys 'fx', 'fy', 'cx', 'cy' giving the camera intrinsics. local_coordinates (se3 element, optional): pose relative to link variable (bool): whether this should be optimized """ def __init__(self,link,intrinsics=None,local_coordinates=None): = link # type: Optional[Key] self.intrinsics = intrinsics # type: dict self.local_coordinates = local_coordinates # type: RigidTransform self.variable = True # type: bool
[docs]class PointObservation: """A 3D point measurement in the frame of a camera. X is to the right, Y is down, Z is forward. Units are in m. """ def __init__(self,value,camera_id,frame_id,marker_id,feature_id=None): self.camera_id = camera_id self.frame_id = frame_id self.marker_id = marker_id self.feature_id = feature_id self.value = value self.error = None self.hand_eye_transform = None
[docs]class TransformObservation: """A 3D SE(3) transform measurement in the frame of a camera. X is to the right, Y is down, Z is forward. Translation units are in m. """ def __init__(self,value,camera_id,frame_id,marker_id): self.camera_id = camera_id self.frame_id = frame_id self.marker_id = marker_id self.value = value self.error = None self.hand_eye_transform = None
[docs]class PixelObservation: """A 2D pixel measurement in the frame of a camera. X is to the right, Y is down. Units are in pixels. """ def __init__(self,value,camera_id,frame_id,marker_id,feature_id=None): self.camera_id = camera_id self.frame_id = frame_id self.marker_id = marker_id self.feature_id = feature_id self.value = value self.error = None self.hand_eye_transform = None
[docs]class RobotExtrinsicCalibration: """Stores a calibration dataset and helps perform extrinsic (hand-eye) calibration. Usage for a world-attached camera, Aruco marker on end effector:: calib = RobotExtrinsicCalibration() calib.robot = #set the robot model here calib.cameras[0] = CameraInfo(link=None,intrinsics=intrinsics) ee_link = # set the ee link index or name here calib.markers[tag_id] = TransformMarker(ee_link) calib.visualize() #this will show a visualization of the markers and camera calib.editTrajectory() #this will pop up an editing window controller = MyRobotInterface() #setup the robot controller here controller.initialize() def take_camera_picture(): #TODO: take the picture from the camera here return image #TODO: setup aruco_detector... see Aruco documentation for more details camparam = aruco.CameraParameters() camparam.readFromXMLFile('cam_params.yml') detector = aruco.MarkerDetector() detector.setDictionary("my_markers.dict") def detect_aruco_marker(image): #return all detected markers markers = aruco_detector.detect(image) results = [] for marker in markers: marker.calculateExtrinsics(0.15, camparam) mtx = marker.getTransformMatrix() Tmarker = se3.from_homogeneous(mtx) #convert to klampt.se3 results.append((,Tmarker)) return results #if you just want to run detection on the pictures offline, use #take_camera_picture = None and detect_aruco_marker = None calib.executeTrajectory(controller,take_camera_picture,detect_aruco_marker) calib.editCalibration() #visual editing of initial guesses calib.calibrate() #optimize the calibration'my_calibration.json') To use reprojection error instead:: intrinsics = {'fx':fx,'fy':fy,'cx':cx,'cy':cy} #intrinsics are needed if you are using pixels If you want to load a set of configurations and marker transforms from disk manually:: ... do calib robot and marker setup ... configs ='calibration.configs') transforms = [] with open('marker_transforms.txt','r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if len(line.strip()) > 0: T =,'RigidTransform') transforms.append(T) for i,(q,T) in enumerate(zip(configs,transforms)): calib.frames.append(None) calib.configurations.append(q) calib.addDetection(T,frame_id=i,marker_id=0) calib.editCalibration() #visual editing of initial guesses calib.calibration() #optimize the calibration'my_calibration.json') To visualize the calibration:: ... do calib robot and marker setup ... calib.load('my_calibration.json') calib.visualize() To fix the marker transform during optimization, e.g. at local coordinates [x,y,z]:: calib.markers[0].local_coordinates = (so3.identity(),[x,y,z]) calib.markers[0].variable = False calib.calibrate() A similar flag can be used for fixing the camera. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.robot = None # type: Optional[RobotModel] = None # type: Optional[WorldModel] self.trajectory = None # type: Optional[RobotTrajectory] self.cameras = dict() # type: Dict[Key,CameraInfo] self.camera_constraints = dict() #TODO: for bundle adjustment self.markers = dict() # type: Dict[Key,Union[PointMarker,TransformMarker]] self.frames = [] self.frame_camera_ids = [] # type: List[Key] self.configurations = [] # type: List[Vector] self.observations = [] # type: List[Union[PointObservation,TransformObservation,PixelObservation]]
[docs] def cameraFromRobot(self,sensors=None) -> None: """Sets up the camera(s) from the robot model. Args: sensors (str, int, list of str, or list of int, optional): specifies one or more sensors to use. If None, just uses the first camera. If 'all', uses all cameras. """ self.cameras = dict() simsensors = [] if sensors is None or sensors=='all': sindex = 0 while True: s = self.robot.sensor(sindex) if == '': break if s.type() == 'CameraSensor': simsensors.append(s) if sensors is None: break sindex += 1 else: if not isinstance(sensors,(list,tuple)): sensors = [sensors] for sindex in sensors: s = self.robot.sensor(sindex) if == '': raise ValueError("Invalid sensor {}, not in robot model".format(sindex)) if s.type() != 'CameraSensor': raise ValueError("Invalid sensor {}, not a CameraSensor".format(sindex)) simsensors.append(s) for s in simsensors: caminfo = CameraInfo(int(s.getSetting('link'))) caminfo.intrinsics = sensing.camera_to_intrinsics(s,'json') caminfo.local_coordinates = sensing.get_sensor_xform(s) self.cameras[] = caminfo
[docs] def editTrajectory(self, world : WorldModel = None, name='calibration_trajectory') -> RobotTrajectory: """Returns a RobotTrajectory that passes through all calibration configurations. Note: the executed trajectory stops at all milestones. """ if world is None: if is not None: world = else: if self.robot is None: raise ValueError("Can't edit trajectory without a robot model") world = WorldModel() world.add('temp',self.robot) if self.trajectory is None and len(self.configurations) > 0: self.trajectory = RobotTrajectory(self.robot, list(range(len(self.configurations))), self.configurations) save,newtraj = resource.edit(name,self.trajectory, 'Trajectory', world=world, doedit=True) if save: self.trajectory = newtraj return newtraj return self.trajectory
[docs] def executeTrajectory(self, controller : RobotInterfaceBase, traj : RobotTrajectory, camera_fn : Callable, detect_fn : Callable=None, speed=1.0, wait=0.0) -> None: """Executes a trajectory on a controller, optionally taking images along the way. TODO: specify times to actually stop. """ import time def wait_for_move(): moving = True while moving: controller.beginStep() moving = controller.isMoving() controller.endStep() time.sleep(0.1) for i in range(len(traj.milestones)): print("Moving to milestone",i) controller.beginStep() controller.moveToPosition(traj.milestones[0],speed) controller.endStep() wait_for_move() if wait != 0: print("Waiting for",wait,"s") time.sleep(wait*0.5) if camera_fn: print("Taking pictures") if isinstance(camera_fn,dict): for (k,fn) in camera_fn.items(): image = fn() self.add_frame(image,controller.sensedPosition(),camera_id=k,detect_fn=detect_fn) else: image = camera_fn() self.add_frame(image,controller.sensedPosition(),detect_fn=detect_fn) time.sleep(wait*0.5)
[docs] def visualize(self, world : WorldModel=None, edit=False) -> None: """Pops up a visualization window showing the calibration setup. """ from klampt import vis from klampt.model import sensing if world is None: if is not None: world = else: if self.robot is None: raise ValueError("Can't edit trajectory without a robot model") world = WorldModel() world.add('temp',self.robot) vis.add('world',world) camera_widgets = dict() marker_widgets = dict() sensors = dict() for i,c in self.cameras.items(): try: s = self.robot.sensor(i) if'': raise ValueError() except Exception: #create a new camera on the robot s = self.robot.addSensor(str(i),'CameraSensor') sensing.intrinsics_to_camera(c.intrinsics,s,'json') s.setSetting('zmin','0.1') s.setSetting('zmax','10') s.setSetting('link',str(_linkIndex(,self.robot))) sensing.set_sensor_xform(s,c.local_coordinates) #for k in s.settings(): # print(k,s.getSetting(k)) sensors[i] = s vis.add('Camera_widget {}'.format(i),s) vis.add('Camera {}'.format(i),sensing.get_sensor_xform(s,self.robot)) if edit: camera_widgets[i] = vis.edit('Camera {}'.format(i)) for i,m in self.markers.items(): if isinstance(m,PointMarker): coords = _worldPosition(,self.robot,m.local_coordinates) vis.add('Marker {}'.format(i),coords,size=m.size) if edit: marker_widgets[i] = vis.edit('Marker {}'.format(i)) else: coords = _worldTransform(,self.robot,m.local_coordinates) vis.add('Marker {}'.format(i),coords,length=m.size) if edit: marker_widgets[i] = vis.edit('Marker {}'.format(i)) import time vis.add('calibration_configs',self.configurations,color=(0,1,0,0.3)) re_read_cameras = [] re_read_markers = [] while vis.shown(): #TODO: spin between calibration configurations and show sensed observations + errors for each frame #read edited camera / marker transforms for k in re_read_cameras: #make sure to get released configuration Tc = vis.getItemConfig('Camera {}'.format(k)) Tc = (Tc[:9],Tc[9:]) c = self.cameras[k] c.local_coordinates = _localTransform(,self.robot,Tc) sensing.set_sensor_xform(sensors[k],c.local_coordinates) re_read_cameras = [] for k,cw in camera_widgets.items(): if cw.hasFocus(): Tc = vis.getItemConfig('Camera {}'.format(k)) Tc = (Tc[:9],Tc[9:]) c = self.cameras[k] c.local_coordinates = _localTransform(,self.robot,Tc) sensing.set_sensor_xform(sensors[k],c.local_coordinates) re_read_cameras.append(k) for k in re_read_markers: #make sure to get released configuration Tm = vis.getItemConfig('Marker {}'.format(k)) m = self.markers[k] if isinstance(m,PointMarker): m.local_coordinates = _localPosition(,self.robot,Tm) else: Tm = (Tm[:9],Tm[9:]) m.local_coordinates = _localTransform(,self.robot,Tm) re_read_cameras = [] for k,mw in marker_widgets.items(): if mw.hasFocus(): Tm = vis.getItemConfig('Marker {}'.format(k)) m = self.markers[k] if isinstance(m,PointMarker): m.local_coordinates = _localPosition(,self.robot,Tm) else: Tm = (Tm[:9],Tm[9:]) m.local_coordinates = _localTransform(,self.robot,Tm) re_read_markers.append(k) time.sleep(0.05)
[docs] def editCalibration(self, world : WorldModel = None) -> None: for i,c in self.cameras.items(): if c.local_coordinates is None: c.local_coordinates = se3.identity() for i,m in self.markers.items(): if m.local_coordinates is None: if isinstance(m,TransformMarker): m.local_coordinates = se3.identity() else: m.local_coordinates = [0.0]*3 self.visualize(world,True)
[docs] def addFrame(self, frame, q : Vector=None, camera_id : Key=None, detect_fn:Callable=None) -> None: """ Add a frame and configuration, automatically using forward kinematics to determine camera / marker transforms. This is the easiest way to add frames and detections. Args: frame (Image): the image for the frame. q (configuration, optional): the robot's configuration. If not given, the observations' `hand_eye_transform` must be filled in manually. camera_id (int or str, optional): the camera ID, 0 by default. detect_fn (callable, optional): if given, a function `detect(frame)` which returns a list of detected observations. Each observation can be a PixelObservation, PointObservation, TransformObservation, or a (marker,value) pair. To indicate a detected feature on a marker, a `((marker,feature),value)` pair is returned. """ if q is not None: if self.robot is None: raise ValueError("Need to set robot first") if len(q) != self.robot.numLinks(): raise ValueError("Invalid length of configuration") frame_id = len(self.frames) self.frames.append(frame) self.configurations.append(q) if camera_id is None: camera_id = list(self.cameras.keys())[0] self.frame_camera_ids.append(camera_id) if detect_fn is not None: detections = detect_fn(frame) for det in detections: if isinstance(det,(PixelObservation,PointObservation,TransformObservation)): det.camera_id = camera_id det.frame_id = frame_id self.robot.setConfig(q) camera_link = self.cameras[camera_id].link marker_link = self.markers[det.marker_id].link camera_link_transform = _linkTransform(camera_link,self.robot) marker_link_transform = _linkTransform(marker_link,self.robot) det.hand_eye_transform = se3.mul(se3.inv(camera_link_transform),marker_link_transform) self.observations.append(det) else: marker,value = det feature = None if hasattr(marker,'__iter__'): marker,feature = marker self.addDetection(frame_id,marker,feature,value,camera_id)
[docs] def addDetection(self, value : Union[Vector2,Vector3,RigidTransform], frame_id : int, marker_id : Key, feature_id : int=None, camera_id : Key=None, error : Union[float,Sequence[float]]=None) -> Union[PixelObservation,PointObservation,TransformObservation]: """Manually adds a detection for a given camera / frame / marker / feature. Automatically determines a `hand_eye_transform` for the observation if a robot and configuration are already provided for this frame. Args: value (2-list, 3-list, or SE3 element): the pixel, point, or transform of the detection, given in camera coordinates. frame_id (int): the index of the frame marker_id (int or str): the index of the marker feature_id (int, optional): the index of the feature on the marker. camera_id (int or str, optional): the camera that observed this feature (default 0) error (float or list, optional): the standard deviation of the observation error. If a float is given, noise is assumed to be isotropic. Returns: The configured detection object. """ if frame_id < 0 or frame_id >= len(self.frames): raise ValueError("Invalid frame") if marker_id not in self.markers: raise ValueError("Invalid marker") if camera_id is None: camera_id = list(self.cameras.keys())[0] if camera_id not in self.cameras: raise ValueError("Invalid camera") marker = self.markers[marker_id] if feature_id is not None: if not hasattr(marker,'local_features'): raise ValueError("Invalid detection, references a feature in a point marker") if feature_id < 0 or feature_id >= len(marker.local_features): raise ValueError("Invalid detection, references a non-existent feature") if len(value)==2 and not hasattr(value[0],'__iter__'): self.observations.append(PixelObservation(value,camera_id,frame_id,marker_id,feature_id)) elif isinstance(marker,TransformMarker): self.observations.append(TransformObservation(value,camera_id,frame_id,marker_id)) else: self.observations.append(PointObservation(value,camera_id,frame_id,marker_id,feature_id)) self.observations[-1].error = error if self.robot is not None and frame_id < len(self.configurations) and self.configurations[frame_id] is not None: self.robot.setConfig(self.configurations[frame_id]) camera_link = self.cameras[camera_id].link marker_link = camera_link_transform = _linkTransform(camera_link,self.robot) marker_link_transform = _linkTransform(marker_link,self.robot) self.observations[-1].hand_eye_transform = se3.mul(se3.inv(camera_link_transform),marker_link_transform) return self.observations[-1]
[docs] def cameraTransforms(self,world=False) -> Dict[Key,RigidTransform]: """Returns a dict of camera transforms, in either world or link- local coordinates. World coordinates use the robot's current configuration. """ if world: res = dict() for i,c in self.cameras.items(): res[i] = _worldTransform(,self.robot,c.local_coordinates) return res else: return dict((i,(c.local_coordinates if c is not None else se3.identity())) for i,c in self.cameras.items())
[docs] def markerTransforms(self,world=False) -> Dict[int,RigidTransform]: """Returns a dict of marker transforms, in either world or link- local coordinates. World coordinates use the robot's current configuration. """ if world: res = dict() for i,m in self.markers.items(): if isinstance(m,PointMarker): res[i] = _worldPosition(,self.robot,m.local_coordinates) else: res[i] = _worldTransform(,self.robot,m.local_coordinates) return res else: res = dict() for i,m in self.markers.items(): if isinstance(m,PointMarker): res[i] = (m.local_coordinates if m is not None else [0.0]*3) else: res[i] = (m.local_coordinates if m is not None else se3.identity()) return res
[docs] def setCameraTransform(self, camera : Key, T : RigidTransform, world=False): """Sets the camera transform for the specified camera. World coordinates use the robot's current configuration. """ c = self.cameras[camera] if world: T = _localTransform(,self.robot,T) c.local_coordinates = T
[docs] def setMarkerTransform(self, marker : Key, T : RigidTransform, world=False): """Sets the transform / coordinates for the specified marker. World coordinates use the robot's current configuration. """ m = self.markers[marker] if world: if isinstance(m,TransformMarker): T = _localTransform(,self.robot,T) else: T = _localPosition(,self.robot,T) m.local_coordinates = T
[docs] def predictedObservations(self,camera_transforms=None,marker_transforms=None,noise=False) -> List[Union[PointObservation,PixelObservation,TransformObservation]]: """Returns a list of predicted observations for a given set of camera and marker transforms. Args: camera_transforms (dict key->se3 elements, optional): keys matching `self.cameras`. If None, then it is assumed that all cameras have transforms (`local_coordinates`) specified. marker_transforms (dict key->se3 elements, optional): keys matching `self.markers`. If None, then it is assumed that all markers have transforms (`local_coordinates`) specified. noise (bool or float): if not False, then noise is injected into the prediction. This is useful for generating synthetic data and understanding the observation error model. Returns: A list of configured observation objects, corresponding to the values in `self.observations`. """ if camera_transforms is None: camera_transforms = dict() if not isinstance(camera_transforms,dict): if len(self.cameras)==1: #be tolerant camera_transforms = {list(self.cameras.keys())[0]:camera_transforms} if any(i not in camera_transforms for i,c in self.cameras.items()): camera_transforms = camera_transforms.copy() for i,c in self.cameras.items(): if i not in camera_transforms: camera_transforms[i] = c.local_coordinates if c.local_coordinates is None: raise ValueError("No transform specified for camera {}".format(i)) if marker_transforms is None: marker_transforms = dict() if not isinstance(marker_transforms,dict): if len(self.markers)==1: #be tolerant marker_transforms = {list(self.markers.keys())[0]:marker_transforms} if any(i not in marker_transforms for i,m in self.markers.items()): marker_transforms = marker_transforms.copy() for i,m in self.markers.items(): if i not in marker_transforms: marker_transforms[i] = m.local_coordinates if m.local_coordinates is None: raise ValueError("No transform specified for marker {}".format(i)) if noise is False: noise = 0 def _add_noise(value,error): if noise == 0: return if error is None: for i in range(len(value)): value[i] += random.gauss(0,noise) elif hasattr(error,'__iter__'): for i in range(len(value)): value[i] += random.gauss(0,noise*error[i]) else: for i in range(len(value)): value[i] += random.gauss(0,noise*error) obs = [] for o in self.observations: cam = self.cameras[o.camera_id] if cam.intrinsics is not None: fx,fy,cx,cy = cam.intrinsics['fx'],cam.intrinsics['fy'],cam.intrinsics['cx'],cam.intrinsics['cy'] marker = self.markers[o.marker_id] Tm_local = marker_transforms[o.marker_id] Tc_local = camera_transforms[o.camera_id] if isinstance(marker,TransformMarker): Tm_c = se3.mul(se3.inv(Tc_local),se3.mul(o.hand_eye_transform,Tm_local)) if isinstance(o,PixelObservation): #projection xyz = se3.apply(Tm_c,marker.local_features[o.feature_id]) pixel = [fx*xyz[0]/xyz[2] + cx,fy*xyz[1]/xyz[2] + cy] _add_noise(pixel,o.error) obs.append(PixelObservation(pixel,o.camera_id,o.frame_id,o.marker_id,o.feature_id)) elif isinstance(o,PointObservation): #point feature = o.feature_id xyz = se3.apply(Tm_c,marker.local_features[o.feature_id]) _add_noise(xyz,o.error) obs.append(PointObservation(xyz,o.camera_id,o.frame_id,o.marker_id,o.feature_id)) else: #transform if noise: disturbance = [0]*6 _add_noise(disturbance,o.error) Tdist = so3.from_moment(disturbance[:3]),disturbance[3:] Tm_c = se3.mul(Tdist,Tm_c) obs.append(TransformObservation(Tm_c,o.camera_id,o.frame_id,o.marker_id)) else: xyz = se3.apply(se3.inv(Tc_local),se3.apply(o.hand_eye_transform,Tm_local)) if isinstance(o,PixelObservation): #projection pixel = [fx*xyz[0]/xyz[2] + cx,fy*xyz[1]/xyz[2] + cy] _add_noise(pixel,o.error) obs.append(PixelObservation(pixel,o.camera_id,o.frame_id,o.marker_id,o.feature_id)) elif isinstance(o,PointObservation): #point _add_noise(xyz,o.error) obs.append(PointObservation(xyz,o.camera_id,o.frame_id,o.marker_id,o.feature_id)) else: raise ValueError("Uh.. can't get a TransformObservation for a PointMarker") return obs
[docs] def predictedResiduals(self,camera_transforms=None,marker_transforms=None) -> List[Vector]: """Returns a list of predicted residuals for a given set of camera and marker transforms. Args: camera_transforms (list of se3 elements, optional): length `len(self.cameras)`. If None, then it is assumed that all cameras have transforms (`local_coordinates`) specified. marker_transforms (list of se3 elements, optional): length `len(self.markers)`. If None, then it is assumed that all markers have transforms (`local_coordinates`) specified. Returns: A list of residuals (prediction - observed value) corresponding to the values in `self.observations`. """ if camera_transforms is None: camera_transforms = dict() if not isinstance(camera_transforms,dict): if len(self.cameras)==1: #be tolerant camera_transforms = {list(self.cameras.keys())[0]:camera_transforms} if any(i not in camera_transforms for i,c in self.cameras.items()): camera_transforms = camera_transforms.copy() for i,c in self.cameras.items(): if i not in camera_transforms: print("Reading camera transform",i) camera_transforms[i] = c.local_coordinates if c.local_coordinates is None: raise ValueError("No transform specified for camera {}".format(i)) if marker_transforms is None: marker_transforms = dict() if not isinstance(marker_transforms,dict): if len(self.markers)==1: #be tolerant marker_transforms = {list(self.markers.keys())[0]:marker_transforms} if any(i not in marker_transforms for i,m in self.markers.items()): marker_transforms = marker_transforms.copy() for i,m in self.markers.items(): if i not in marker_transforms: print("Reading marker transform",i) marker_transforms[i] = m.local_coordinates if m.local_coordinates is None: raise ValueError("No transform specified for marker {}".format(i)) res = [] for o in self.observations: cam = self.cameras[o.camera_id] if cam.intrinsics is not None: fx,fy,cx,cy = cam.intrinsics['fx'],cam.intrinsics['fy'],cam.intrinsics['cx'],cam.intrinsics['cy'] marker = self.markers[o.marker_id] Tm_local = marker_transforms[o.marker_id] Tc_local = camera_transforms[o.camera_id] if isinstance(marker,TransformMarker): Tm_c = se3.mul(se3.inv(Tc_local),se3.mul(o.hand_eye_transform,Tm_local)) if isinstance(o,PixelObservation): #projection xyz = se3.apply(Tm_c,marker.local_features[o.feature_id]) pixel = [fx*xyz[0]/xyz[2] + cx,fy*xyz[1]/xyz[2] + cy] res.append(vectorops.sub(pixel,o.value)) elif isinstance(o,PointObservation): #point feature = o.feature_id xyz = se3.apply(Tm_c,marker.local_features[o.feature_id]) res.append(vectorops.sub(xyz,o.value)) else: #transform res.append(se3.error(Tm_c,o.value)) else: xyz = se3.apply(se3.inv(Tc_local),se3.apply(o.hand_eye_transform,Tm_local)) if isinstance(o,PixelObservation): #projection pixel = [fx*xyz[0]/xyz[2] + cx,fy*xyz[1]/xyz[2] + cy] res.append(vectorops.sub(pixel,o.value)) elif isinstance(o,PointObservation): #point res.append(vectorops.sub(xyz,o.value)) else: raise ValueError("Uh.. can't get a TransformObservation for a PointMarker") return res
[docs] def predictedLogLikelihoods(self,camera_transforms=None,marker_transforms=None) -> List[float]: """Returns a list of predicted observation log-likelihoods for a given set of camera and marker transforms. Args: camera_transforms (list of se3 elements, optional): length `len(self.cameras)`. If None, then it is assumed that all cameras have transforms (`local_coordinates`) specified. marker_transforms (list of se3 elements, optional): length `len(self.markers)`. If None, then it is assumed that all markers have transforms (`local_coordinates`) specified. Returns: A list of log likelihoods of residuals corresponding to the values in `self.observations`. """ residuals = self.predictedResiduals(camera_transforms,marker_transforms) log2pi = math.log(math.pi*2) ll = 0 for res,obs in zip(residuals,self.observations): if obs.error is None: ll += -vectorops.normSquared(res)*0.5 - len(res)*log2pi elif hasattr(obs.error): ll += -vectorops.normSquared(vectorops.div(res,obs.error))*0.5 - len(res)*log2pi - sum(math.log(e) for e in obs.error) else: ll += -vectorops.normSquared(vectorops.div(res,obs.error))*0.5 - len(res)*(log2pi+math.log(obs.error)) return ll
[docs] def optimize(self,maxIters=100,tol=1e-7,regularizationFactor=0.0,store=True) -> Tuple[float,Dict[Key,RigidTransform],Dict[Key,RigidTransform]]: """Optimizes the calibrated transforms. Requires scipy. Returns: A tuple of the RMSE, camera transform dictionary, and marker transform dictionary. """ import numpy as np import scipy.optimize observation_weights = [] for o in self.observations: if o.error is None: observation_weights.append(1) elif hasattr(o.error,'__iter__'): observation_weights.append(np.divide(1,o.error)) else: observation_weights.append(1.0/o.error) def pack_variables(camera_transforms,marker_transforms): xs = [] for i,c in self.cameras.items(): T = camera_transforms[i] if c.variable: xs.append(so3.moment(T[0])) xs.append(T[1]) for i,m in self.markers.items(): T = marker_transforms[i] if m.variable: if isinstance(m,TransformMarker): xs.append(so3.moment(T[0])) xs.append(T[1]) else: xs.append(T) return np.hstack(xs) def unpack_variables(x): #unpack variables from x i = 0 camera_transforms = dict() for k,c in self.cameras.items(): if c.variable: camera_transforms[k] =(so3.from_moment(x[i:i+3]),x[i+3:i+6]) i += 6 else: camera_transforms[k] = c.local_coordinates marker_transforms = dict() for k,m in self.markers.items(): if isinstance(m,TransformMarker): marker_transforms[k] = (so3.from_moment(x[i:i+3]),x[i+3:i+6]) i+=6 else: marker_transforms[k] = x[i:i+3] i+=3 return camera_transforms,marker_transforms def error_fn(x): camera_transforms,marker_transforms = unpack_variables(x) error = 0 for (e,w) in zip(self.predictedResiduals(camera_transforms,marker_transforms),observation_weights): ew = np.multiply(e,w) error += #print("Sqrt weighted error",math.sqrt(error)) if regularizationFactor != 0: return error + regularizationFactor*(x-x0).dot(x-x0) return error camera_transforms0,marker_transforms0 = self.cameraTransforms(),self.markerTransforms() x = pack_variables(camera_transforms0,marker_transforms0) if regularizationFactor != 0.0: x0 = x.copy() print("Initial RMSE:",math.sqrt(sum(vectorops.normSquared(e) for e in self.predictedResiduals(camera_transforms0,marker_transforms0)))) #res = scipy.optimize.minimize(error_fn,x,method='Nelder-Mead',options={'maxiter':maxIters}) res = scipy.optimize.minimize(error_fn,x,method='BFGS',options={'maxiter':maxIters}) x = res.x camera_transforms,marker_transforms = unpack_variables(x) rmse = math.sqrt(sum(vectorops.normSquared(e) for e in self.predictedResiduals(camera_transforms,marker_transforms))) print("Final RMSE:",rmse) try: import numdifftools as nd Hf = nd.Hessian(error_fn) H = Hf(x) Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H) Hinv_diag = np.sqrt(np.diag(Hinv)/len(self.observations)) i = 0 print() print("Cramer-Rao estimate of standard errors for cameras") for k,c in self.cameras.items(): if c.variable: print(k,":",Hinv_diag[i:i+3],"(r)",Hinv_diag[i+3:i+6],'(t)') i += 6 print("Cramer-Rao estimate of standard errors for markers") for k,m in self.markers.items(): if m.variable: if isinstance(m,PointMarker): print(k,":",Hinv_diag[i:i+3]) i += 3 else: print(k,":",Hinv_diag[i:i+3],"(r)",Hinv_diag[i+3:i+6],'(t)') i += 6 except ImportError: pass if store: for k,c in self.cameras.items(): if c.variable: T = camera_transforms[k] c.local_coordinates = T for k,m in self.markers.items(): if m.variable: T = marker_transforms[k] m.local_coordinates = T return rmse,camera_transforms,marker_transforms
[docs] def updateRobotSensors(self) -> None: """Uses the current camera transforms to update the robot model's sensors. """ for i,c in self.cameras.items(): try: s = self.robot.sensor(i) if'': raise ValueError() except Exception: #create a new camera on the robot s = self.robot.addSensor(str(i),'CameraSensor') sensing.intrinsics_to_camera(c.intrinsics,s,'json') s.setSetting('zmin','0.1') s.setSetting('zmax','10') s.setSetting('link',str(_linkIndex(,self.robot))) sensing.set_sensor_xform(s,c.local_coordinates)
[docs] def save(self,fn) -> None: """Saves to a JSON file on disk. .. warning:: Images will not be saved. Args: fn (str or file): the file to save to. """ if isinstance(fn,str): with open(fn,'w') as f: return import json jsonobj = {} if self.robot is not None: jsonobj['robot'] = self.robot.getName() jsonobj['cameras'] = dict((k,_CameraIO.toJson(c)) for k,c in self.cameras.items()) jsonobj['frames'] = [None for f in self.frames] jsonobj['frame_camera_ids'] = self.frame_camera_ids jsonobj['markers'] = dict((k,_MarkerIO.toJson(m)) for k,m in self.markers.items()) jsonobj['configurations'] = self.configurations jsonobj['observations'] = [_ObservationIO.toJson(c) for c in self.observations] json.dump(jsonobj)
[docs] def load(self,fn) -> None: """Loads from a JSON file on disk. Args: fn (str or file): the file to load from """ if isinstance(fn,str): with open(fn,'r') as f: return self.load(f) import json jsonobj = json.load(fn) if 'robot' in jsonobj: robotname = jsonobj['robot'] if self.robot is not None: if self.robot.getName() != robotname: import warnings warnings.warn("Robot name in calibration file does not match robot object") self.cameras = dict((k,_CameraIO.fromJson(c)) for k,c in jsonobj['cameras'].items()) self.frames = jsonobj['frames'] self.frame_camera_ids = jsonobj['frame_camera_ids'] self.configurations = jsonobj['configurations'] self.markers = dict((k,_MarkerIO.fromJson(c)) for k,c in jsonobj['markers'].items()) self.observations = [_ObservationIO.fromJson(c) for c in jsonobj['observations']]
def _linkIndex(link,robot): if link is None: return -1 if isinstance(link,int): return link else: return def _linkTransform(link,robot): link = _linkIndex(link,robot) if link < 0: return se3.identity() return def _worldTransform(link,robot,localTransform): link = _linkIndex(link,robot) if localTransform is None: localTransform = se3.identity() if link < 0: return localTransform return se3.mul(,localTransform) def _worldPosition(link,robot,localPosition): link = _linkIndex(link,robot) if localPosition is None: localPosition = [0.0]*3 if link < 0: return localPosition return se3.mul(,localPosition) def _localTransform(link,robot,worldTransform): link = _linkIndex(link,robot) if worldTransform is None: worldTransform = se3.identity() if link < 0: return worldTransform return se3.mul(se3.inv(,worldTransform) def _localPosition(link,robot,worldPosition): link = _linkIndex(link,robot) if worldPosition is None: worldPosition = [0.0]*3 if link < 0: return worldPosition return se3.mul(se3.inv(,worldPosition) class _MarkerIO: @staticmethod def toJson(obj): if isinstance(obj,PointMarker): return {'type':'Point','link','local_coordinates':obj.local_coordinates,'variable':obj.variable} else: return {'type':'Transform','link','local_coordinates':obj.local_coordinates,'local_features':obj.local_features,'variable':obj.variable} @staticmethod def fromJson(obj): if obj['type'] == 'Point': res = PointMarker(obj['link'],obj['local_coordinates']) res.variable = obj['variable'] else: res = TransformMarker(obj['link'],obj['local_coordinates'],obj['local_features']) res.variable = obj['variable'] return res class _CameraIO: @staticmethod def toJson(obj): return {'link','intrinsics':obj.intrinsics,'local_coordinates':obj.local_coordinates,'variable':obj.variable} @staticmethod def fromJson(obj): res = CameraInfo(obj['link'],obj['intrinsics'],obj['local_coordinates']) res.variable = obj['variable'] return res class _ObservationIO: @staticmethod def toJson(obj): if isinstance(obj,PixelObservation): return {'type':'Pixel','value':obj.value,'camera_id':obj.camera_id,'frame_id':obj.frame_id,'marker_id':obj.marker_id,'feature_id':obj['feature_id']} elif isinstance(obj,PointObservation): return {'type':'Point','value':obj.value,'camera_id':obj.camera_id,'frame_id':obj.frame_id,'marker_id':obj.marker_id,'feature_id':obj['feature_id']} else: return {'type':'Transform','value':obj.value,'camera_id':obj.camera_id,'frame_id':obj.frame_id,'marker_id':obj.marker_id} @staticmethod def fromJson(obj): if obj['type'] == 'Pixel': return PixelObservation(obj['value'],obj['camera_id'],obj['frame_id'],obj['marker_id'],obj['feature_id']) elif obj['type'] == 'Point': return PointObservation(obj['value'],obj['camera_id'],obj['frame_id'],obj['marker_id'],obj['feature_id']) elif obj['type'] == 'Transform': return TransformObservation(obj['value'],obj['camera_id'],obj['frame_id'],obj['marker_id'])