Source code for klampt.math.autodiff.kinematics_ad

"""Klampt kinematics AD functions:

 ====================  =============  ======================================
 Function              Derivative     Notes
 ====================  =============  ======================================
 WorldPosition         1,2            wp[link,localPos](q) -> R^3
 WorldDirection        1,2            wd[link,localDir](q) -> R^3
 WorldOrientation      1,2            wo[link](q) -> SO(3)
 WorldTransform        1,2            wt[link,*localPos](q) -> SE(3)
 WorldVelocity         1              wv[link,localPos](q,dq) -> R^3
 WorldAngularVelocity  1              ww[link](q,dq) -> R^3
 #LocalPosition        1              lp[link,worldPos](q) -> R^3
 #LocalDirection       1              ld[link,worldDir](q) -> R^3
 #LocalOrientation     1              lo[link](q) -> SO(3)
 DriversToLinks        Y              d2l[robot](qdriver) -> R^numLinks()
 DriverDerivsToLinks   Y              d2l'[robot](vdriver) -> R^numLinks()
 LinksToDrivers        Y              l2d[robot](q) -> R^numDrivers()
 LinkDerivsToDrivers   Y              l2d'[robot](vdriver) -> R^numLinks()
 ConfigInterpolate     N              qinterp[robot](a,b,u) -> R^n
 ====================  =============  ======================================

Note that each call to WorldX or LocalX will recompute the forward kinematics
of the robot, which can be rather expensive if many of these will be called.

Also, see the :class:`KinematicsBuilder` class which creates the computational
graph for a robot's forward kinematics, which allows you to reuse
subexpressions for multiple forward kinematics calls.

import numpy as np 
from .ad import ADFunctionInterface,ADFunctionCall,ADTerminal,sum_
from . import math_ad,so3_ad,se3_ad
from .. import vectorops,so3,se3
from ...robotsim import RobotModel,RobotModelLink

[docs]class WorldPosition(ADFunctionInterface): """Autodiff wrapper of the link.getWorldPosition() function as a function of robot configuration q. """ def __init__(self,link,localPos): self.robot = link.robot() = link self.localPos = localPos def __str__(self): return "kinematics.WorldPosition[%s,%s]"%(,str(self.localPos))
[docs] def n_args(self): return 1
[docs] def n_in(self,arg): return self.robot.numLinks()
[docs] def n_out(self): return 3
[docs] def eval(self,q): self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) return np.array(
[docs] def derivative(self,arg,q): assert arg == 0 self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) return np.array(
[docs] def gen_derivative(self,arg,q): if len(arg) == 1: return self.derivative(arg,q) elif len(arg) == 2: self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) Hx,Hy,Hz = return np.array([Hx,Hy,Hz]) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class WorldDirection(ADFunctionInterface): """Autodiff wrapper of the link.getWorldDirection() function as a function of robot configuration q. """ def __init__(self,link,localDir): self.robot = link.robot() = link self.localDir = localDir def __str__(self): return "kinematics.WorldDirection[%s,%s]"%(,str(self.localDir))
[docs] def n_args(self): return 1
[docs] def n_in(self,arg): return self.robot.numLinks()
[docs] def n_out(self): return 3
[docs] def eval(self,q): self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) return np.array(
[docs] def derivative(self,arg,q): assert arg == 0 self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) Jo = for i in range(3): Jo[i] = np.array(Jo[i]) return np.array(vectorops.cross(Jo,self.localDir))
[docs] def gen_derivative(self,arg,q): if len(arg) == 1: return self.derivative(arg[0],q) elif len(arg) == 2: self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) Hx,Hy,Hz = Hx = np.array(Hx) Hy = np.array(Hy) Hz = np.array(Hz) return np.array(vectorops.cross([Hx,Hy,Hz],self.localDir)) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class WorldOrientation(ADFunctionInterface): """Autodiff wrapper of the link.getTransform()[0] function as a function of robot configuration q. """ def __init__(self,link): self.robot = link.robot() = link def __str__(self): return "kinematics.WorldOrientation[%s]"%(,)
[docs] def n_args(self): return 1
[docs] def n_in(self,arg): return self.robot.numLinks()
[docs] def n_out(self): return 9
[docs] def eval(self,q): self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) return np.array([0])
[docs] def derivative(self,arg,q): assert arg == 0 self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) Jo = return _cross_product_twiddle(Jo)
[docs] def gen_derivative(self,arg,q): if len(arg) == 1: return self.derivative(arg[0],q) elif len(arg) == 2: self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) Hx,Hy,Hz = return _cross_product_twiddle([Hx,Hy,Hz]) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class WorldTransform(ADFunctionInterface): """Autodiff wrapper of the link.getTransform() function as a function of robot configuration q. """ def __init__(self,link,localPos=None): self.robot = link.robot() = link self.localPos = localPos def __str__(self): if self.localPos is not None: return "kinematics.WorldTransform[%s,%s]"%(,self.localPos) return "kinematics.WorldTransform[%s]"%(,)
[docs] def n_args(self): return 1
[docs] def n_in(self,arg): return self.robot.numLinks()
[docs] def n_out(self): return 12
[docs] def eval(self,q): self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) T = if self.localPos is not None: T = (T[0],vectorops.add(so3.apply(T[0],self.localPos),T[1])) return np.array(T[0]+T[1])
[docs] def derivative(self,arg,q): assert arg == 0 self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) J =[0]*3 if self.localPos is None else self.localPos) return np.vstack([_cross_product_twiddle(J[:3])]+[J[3:]])
[docs] def gen_derivative(self,arg,q): if len(arg) == 1: return self.derivative(arg[0],q) elif len(arg) == 2: self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) Hx,Hy,Hz =[0]*3 if self.localPos is None else self.localPos) Hox,Hoy,Hoz = Hox = np.array(Hox) Hoy = np.array(Hoy) Hoz = np.array(Hoz) return np.vstack([_cross_product_twiddle([Hox,Hoy,Hoz])]+[[Hx,Hy,Hz]]) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class WorldVelocity(ADFunctionInterface): """Autodiff wrapper of the link.getPointVelocity() function as a function of robot configuration q and velocity dq. """ def __init__(self,link,localPos): self.robot = link.robot() = link self.localPos = localPos def __str__(self): return "kinematics.WorldVelocity[%s,%s]"%(,str(self.localPos))
[docs] def n_args(self): return 2
[docs] def n_in(self,arg): return self.robot.numLinks()
[docs] def n_out(self): return 3
[docs] def eval(self,q,dq): self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) self.robot.setVelocity(dq.tolist()) return np.array(
[docs] def derivative(self,arg,q,dq): if arg == 1: self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) return np.array( else: self.robot.setVelocity(dq.tolist()) Hx,Hy,Hz = return np.row_stack([,dq),,dq),,dq)])
[docs]class WorldAngularVelocity(ADFunctionInterface): """Autodiff wrapper of the link.getAngularVelocity() function, as a function of robotconfiguration q and velocity dq. """ def __init__(self,link): self.robot = link.robot() = link def __str__(self): return "kinematics.WorldAngularVelocity[%s]"%(,)
[docs] def n_args(self): return 2
[docs] def n_in(self,arg): return self.robot.numLinks()
[docs] def n_out(self): return 3
[docs] def eval(self,q,dq): self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) self.robot.setVelocity(dq.tolist()) return np.array(
[docs] def derivative(self,arg,q,dq): if arg == 1: self.robot.setConfig(q.tolist()) return np.array( else: self.robot.setVelocity(dq.tolist()) Hx,Hy,Hz = return np.row_stack([,dq),,dq),,dq)])
[docs]class LinksToDrivers(ADFunctionInterface): """Autodiff function to convert link values to driver values.""" def __init__(self,robot): self.robot = robot self.drivers = [robot.driver(i) for i in robot.numDrivers()] def __str__(self): return "kinematics.LinksToDrivers[%s]"%(self.robot.getName(),)
[docs] def n_args(self): return 1
[docs] def n_in(self,arg): return self.robot.numLinks()
[docs] def n_out(self): return self.robot.numDrivers()
[docs] def eval(self,q): self.robot.setConfig(q) return np.array([driver.getValue() for driver in self.drivers])
[docs] def jvp(self,arg,dq,q): self.robot.setConfig(q) self.robot.setVelocity(dq) return np.array([driver.getVelocity() for driver in self.drivers])
[docs]class LinkDerivsToDrivers(ADFunctionInterface): """Autodiff function to convert link velocities to driver velocities.""" def __init__(self,robot): self.robot = robot self.drivers = [robot.driver(i) for i in robot.numDrivers()] def __str__(self): return "kinematics.LinkDerivsToDrivers[%s]"%(self.robot.getName(),)
[docs] def n_args(self): return 1
[docs] def n_in(self,arg): return self.robot.numLinks()
[docs] def n_out(self): return self.robot.numDrivers()
[docs] def eval(self,v): self.robot.setVelocity(v) return np.array([driver.getVelocity() for driver in self.drivers])
[docs] def jvp(self,arg,dv,v): self.robot.setVelocity(dv) return np.array([driver.getVelocity() for driver in self.drivers])
[docs]class ConfigInterpolate(ADFunctionInterface): """Autodiff wrapper of the RobotModel.interpolate function""" def __init__(self,robot): self.robot = robot def __str__(self): return "kinematics.ConfigInterpolate[%s]"%(self.robot.getName(),)
[docs] def n_args(self): return 3
[docs] def n_in(self,arg): if arg <= 1: return self.robot.numLinks() return 1
[docs] def n_out(self): return self.robot.numLinks()
[docs] def eval(self,a,b,u): return np.array(self.robot.interpolate(a,b,u))
def _cross_product_twiddle(J): """Does the same thing as so3.cross_product, but with a matrix""" assert len(J) == 3 n = len(J[0]) J = [np.asarray(row) for row in J] res = np.empty((9,)+J[0].shape,dtype=float) res[0,:] = 0 res[1,:] = J[2] res[2,:] = -J[1] res[3,:] = -J[2] res[4,:] = 0 res[5,:] = J[0] res[6,:] = J[1] res[7,:] = -J[0] res[8,:] = 0 return res
[docs]class KinematicsBuilder: """A class that computes the entire computation graph of forward kinematics and caches it so that multiple queries are auto-diffable and share the same intermediate computations. Args: robot (RobotModel): the robot configuration (array, AD expression, or list of expressions, optional): the robot's configuration, either as a fixed configuration or a variable. By default, this is fixed at the robot's configuration. velocity (array, AD expression, or list of expressions, optional): if given, the X_velocity methods are available. This gives the robot's velocity, either as a fixed vector or a variable. By default, no velocity expression tree is created. relative_transform (array or list of AD so3 expressions, optional): if given, the relative transforms of the robot's links. By default these are taken from the robot model. axes (array or list of AD R^3 expressions, optional): if given, the axes relative transforms of the robot's links. By default these are taken from the robot model. Example:: kb = KinematicsBuilder(robot,'q','dq') print(kb.world_position(robot.numLinks()-1)) print(kb.world_velocity(robot.numLinks()-1)) """ def __init__(self,robot,configuration='fixed',velocity=None,relative_transforms='fixed',axes='fixed'): if configuration == 'fixed': configuration = robot.getConfig() else: if isinstance(configuration,str): configuration = ADTerminal(configuration) if not isinstance(configuration,ADTerminal) and not isinstance(configuration,ADFunctionCall): assert len(configuration) == robot.numLinks() if relative_transforms == 'fixed': relative_transforms = [] for i in range(robot.numLinks()): T = relative_transforms.append(np.array(T[0] + T[1])) else: assert len(relative_transforms) == robot.numLinks() if axes == 'fixed': axes = [np.array( for i in range(robot.numLinks())] else: assert len(axes) == robot.numLinks() self.robot = robot self.axes = axes self.link_transforms = [] self.link_rotations = [] self.link_positions = [] self.link_inv_transforms = [] self.link_inv_rotations = [] for i in range(robot.numLinks()): link = p = link.getParent() q = configuration[i] axis = axes[i] Trel = relative_transforms[i] if link.isPrismatic(): link_t = Trel[9:] + q*axis link_R = Trel[:9] else: link_t = Trel[9:] Rq = so3_ad.from_axis_angle(axis,q) link_R = so3_ad.mul(Trel[:9],Rq) assert p < i if p < 0: self.link_positions.append(link_t) self.link_rotations.append(link_R) self.link_transforms.append(se3_ad.join(self.link_rotations[-1],self.link_positions[-1])) else: self.link_positions.append(se3_ad.apply(self.link_transforms[p],link_t)) self.link_rotations.append(so3_ad.mul(self.link_rotations[p],link_R)) self.link_transforms.append(se3_ad.mul(self.link_transforms[p],se3_ad.join(link_R,link_t))) self.link_inv_transforms.append(se3_ad.inv(self.link_transforms[-1])) self.link_inv_rotations.append(so3_ad.inv(self.link_rotations[-1])) if velocity is not None: if velocity == 'fixed': velocity = robot.getVelocity() if isinstance(velocity,str): velocity = ADTerminal(velocity) if not isinstance(velocity,ADTerminal) and not isinstance(velocity,ADFunctionCall): assert len(velocity) == robot.numLinks() self.link_world_axes = [so3_ad.apply(self.link_rotations[i],axes[i]) for i in range(robot.numLinks())] self.link_velocities = [] self.link_angular_velocities = [] for i in range(robot.numLinks()): link = p = link.getParent() world_axis = self.link_world_axes[i] angvel_terms = [] vel_terms = [] if link.isRevolute(): angvel_terms.append(world_axis*velocity[i]) else: vel_terms.append(world_axis*velocity[i]) while p >= 0: link = world_axis = self.link_world_axes[p] if link.isRevolute(): angvel_terms.append(world_axis*velocity[p]) vel_terms.append(math_ad.cross(world_axis,self.link_positions[i]-self.link_positions[p])*velocity[p]) else: vel_terms.append(world_axis*velocity[p]) p = link.getParent() if len(vel_terms) == 0: vel = np.zeros(3) else: vel = sum_(*vel_terms) if len(angvel_terms) == 0: angvel = np.zeros(3) else: angvel = sum_(*angvel_terms) self.link_velocities.append(vel) self.link_angular_velocities.append(angvel) #done with velocities def _link_index(self,link): if isinstance(link,RobotModelLink): return link.index if isinstance(link,str): return return link
[docs] def world_transform(self,link): """Returns an autodiff expression for the transform of the given link. Expression evaluates to a 12-D se3_ad array. """ link = self._link_index(link) return self.link_transforms[link]
[docs] def world_position(self,link,localPos=None): """Returns an autodiff expression for the world position of the point localPos on the given link. If localPos isn't given, the link origin's position is returned. """ link = self._link_index(link) if localPos is None: return self.link_positions[link] return se3_ad.apply(self.link_transforms[link],localPos)
[docs] def world_direction(self,link,localDir): """Returns an autodiff expression for the world direction of the direction localDir on the given link. """ link = self._link_index(link) return so3_ad.apply(self.link_rotations[link],localDir)
[docs] def world_orientation(self,link): """Returns an autodiff expression for the orientation of the given link. Expression evaluates to a 9-D so3_ad array. """ link = self._link_index(link) return self.link_rotations[link]
[docs] def world_velocity(self,link,localPos=None): """Returns an autodiff expression for the world velocity of the point localPos on the given link. If localPos isn't given, the link origin's velocity is returned. """ link = self._link_index(link) if localPos is None: return self.link_velocities[link] return self.link_velocities[link] + so3.apply(self.link_rotations[link],math_ad.cross(self.axes[link],localPos))
[docs] def world_angular_velocity(self,link): """Returns an autodiff expression for the world angular velocity of the given link. Expression evaluates to a 9-D so3_ad array. """ link = self._link_index(link) return self.link_angular_velocities[link]
[docs] def local_position(self,link,localPos): link = self._link_index(link) return se3_ad.apply(self.link_inv_transforms[link],localPos)
[docs] def local_direction(self,link,localDir): link = self._link_index(link) return so3_ad.apply(self.link_inv_rotations[link],localDir)
[docs] def inv_orientation(self,link): link = self._link_index(link) return self.link_inv_rotations[link]