Source code for

"""Conversions to and from Numpy objects; makes numerical computations much
more convenient.

import numpy as np
from klampt.math import so3,se3
from ..model import types

SUPPORTED_TYPES = set(['Vector3','Point','Matrix3','Rotation','RigidTransform',
        'TriangleMesh','PointCloud','VolumeGrid','Geometry3D' ])
"""set of supported types for numpy I/O"""

[docs]def to_numpy(obj,type='auto'): """Converts a Klamp't object to a numpy array or multiple numpy arrays. Supports: * lists and tuples * RigidTransform: returned as 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transform * Matrix3, Rotation: returned as 3x3 matrix. Can't be determined with 'auto', need to specify type='Matrix3' or 'Rotation'. * Configs * Trajectory: returns a pair (times,milestones) * TriangleMesh: returns a pair (verts,indices) * PointCloud: returns a n x (3+k) array, where k is the # of properties * VolumeGrid: returns a triple (bmin,bmax,array) * Geometry3D: returns a pair (T,geomdata) If you want to get a transformed point cloud or mesh, you can pass in a Geometry3D as the obj, and its geometry data type as the type. """ global SUPPORTED_TYPES if type == 'auto': otype = types.object_to_type(obj,SUPPORTED_TYPES) if otype is None and type=='auto': raise ValueError('obj is not a supported type: '+', '.join(otype)) type = otype if type not in SUPPORTED_TYPES: raise ValueError(type+' is not a supported type') if type == 'RigidTransform': return np.array(se3.homogeneous(obj)) elif type == 'Rotation' or type == 'Matrix3': return np.array(so3.matrix(obj)) elif type == 'Trajectory': return np.array(obj.times),np.array(obj.milestones) elif type == 'TriangleMesh': from klampt import Geometry3D if isinstance(obj,Geometry3D): tm = obj.getTriangleMesh() res = to_numpy(tm,type) res = (res[0],res[1].copy()) R = to_numpy(obj.getCurrentTransform()[0],'Matrix3') t = to_numpy(obj.getCurrentTransform()[1],'Vector3') return (,res[0])+t,res[1]) return (obj.getVertices(),obj.getIndices()) elif type == 'PointCloud': from klampt import Geometry3D if isinstance(obj,Geometry3D): pc = obj.getPointCloud() res = to_numpy(pc,type) R = to_numpy(obj.getCurrentTransform()[0],'Matrix3') t = to_numpy(obj.getCurrentTransform()[1],'Vector3') res[:,:3] =,res[:,:3])+t return res points = obj.getPoints() if obj.numProperties() == 0: return points properties = obj.getAllProperties() return np.hstack((points,properties)) elif type == 'VolumeGrid': bmin = np.array(obj.bbox)[:3] bmax = np.array(obj.bbox)[3:] values = obj.getValues() return (bmin,bmax,values) elif type == 'Geometry3D': if obj.type() == 'PointCloud': pc = obj.getPointCloud() pcdata = to_numpy(pc,obj.type()) return to_numpy(obj.getCurrentTransform(),'RigidTransform'),pcdata elif obj.type() == 'TriangleMesh': mesh = obj.getTriangleMesh() meshdata = to_numpy(mesh,obj.type()) meshdata = (meshdata[0].copy(),meshdata[1].copy()) return to_numpy(obj.getCurrentTransform(),'RigidTransform'),meshdata elif obj.type() == 'VolumeGrid': grid = obj.getVolumeGrid() griddata = to_numpy(grid,obj.type()) griddata = (griddata[0],griddata[1],griddata[2].copy()) return to_numpy(obj.getCurrentTransform(),'RigidTransform'),griddata elif obj.type() == 'Group': arrays = [] for i in range(obj.numElements()): arrays.append(to_numpy(obj.getElement(i),'Geometry3D')) return to_numpy(obj.getCurrentTransform(),'RigidTransform'),arrays else: return np.array(obj)
[docs]def from_numpy(obj,type='auto',template=None): """Converts a numpy array or multiple numpy arrays to a Klamp't object. Supports: * lists and tuples * RigidTransform: accepts a 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transform * Matrix3, Rotation: accepts a 3x3 matrix. * Configs * Trajectory: accepts a pair (times,milestones) * TriangleMesh: accepts a pair (verts,indices) * PointCloud: accepts a n x (3+k) array, where k is the # of properties * VolumeGrid: accepts a triple (bmin,bmax,array) * Geometry3D: accepts a pair (T,geomdata) """ global SUPPORTED_TYPES if type == 'auto' and template is not None: otype = types.object_to_types(template) if isinstance(otype,(list,tuple)): for t in otype: if t in SUPPORTED_TYPES: type = t break if type == 'auto': raise ValueError('obj is not a supported type: '+', '.join(otype)) else: type = otype if type == 'auto': if isinstance(obj,(tuple,list)): if all(isinstance(v,np.ndarray) for v in obj): if len(obj)==2: if len(obj[0].shape) == 1 and len(obj[1].shape) == 2: type = 'Trajectory' elif len(obj[0].shape) == 2 and len(obj[1].shape) == 2 and obj[0].shape[1] == 3 and obj[1].shape[1] == 3: type = 'TriangleMesh' if len(obj)==3: if obj[0].shape == (3,) and obj[1].shape == (3,): type = 'VolumeGrid' if type == 'auto': raise ValueError("Can't auto-detect type of list of shapes"+', '.join(str(v.shape) for v in obj)) else: if isinstance(obj[0],np.ndarray) and obj[0].shape == (4,4): type = 'Geometry3D' else: raise ValueError("Can't auto-detect type of irregular list") else: assert isinstance(obj,np.ndarray),"Can only convert lists, tuples, and arrays from numpy" if obj.shape == (3,3): type = 'Matrix3' elif obj.shape == (4,4): type = 'RigidTransform' elif len(obj.shape) == 1: type = 'Config' else: raise ValueError("Can't auto-detect type of matrix of shape "+str(obj.shape)) if type not in SUPPORTED_TYPES: raise ValueError(type+' is not a supported type') if type == 'RigidTransform': return se3.from_homogeneous(obj) elif type == 'Rotation' or type == 'Matrix3': return so3.from_matrix(obj) elif type == 'Trajectory': assert len(obj)==2,"Trajectory format is (times,milestones)" times = obj[0].tolist() milestones = obj[1].tolist() if template is not None: return template.constructor()(times,milestones) from klampt.model.trajectory import Trajectory return Trajectory(times,milestones) elif type == 'TriangleMesh': from klampt import TriangleMesh res = TriangleMesh() res.setVertices(obj[0].astype(float)) res.setIndices(obj[1].astype(np.int32)) return res elif type == 'PointCloud': from klampt import PointCloud assert len(obj.shape) == 2,"PointCloud array must be a 2D array" assert obj.shape[1] >= 3,"PointCloud array must have at least 3 values" #points = obj[:,:3] #properties = obj[:,3:] numproperties = obj.shape[1]-3 res = PointCloud() #res.setPoints(points) res.setPointsAndProperties(obj.astype(float)) if template is not None: if len(template.propertyNames) != numproperties: raise ValueError("Template object doesn't have the same properties as the numpy object") res.propertyNames.resize(len(template.propertyNames)) for i in range(len(template.propertyNames)): res.propertyNames[i] = template.propertyNames[i] else: #properties are already indicated with setPointsAndProperties pass #if len(res.propertyNames) > 0: #*points.shape[0]) #if obj.shape[1] >= 3: # res.setProperties(properties) return res elif type == 'VolumeGrid': from klampt import VolumeGrid assert len(obj) == 3,"VolumeGrid format is (bmin,bmax,values)" assert len(obj[2].shape) == 3,"VolumeGrid values must be a 3D array" bmin = obj[0] bmax = obj[1] values = obj[2] res = VolumeGrid() res.bbox.append(bmin[0]) res.bbox.append(bmin[1]) res.bbox.append(bmin[2]) res.bbox.append(bmax[0]) res.bbox.append(bmax[1]) res.bbox.append(bmax[2]) res.dims.append(values.shape[0]) res.dims.append(values.shape[1]) res.dims.append(values.shape[2]) res.setValues(values.astype(float)) return res elif type == 'Group': from klampt import Geometry3D res = Geometry3D() assert isinstance(obj,(list,tuple)),"Group format is a list or tuple of Geometry3D's" for i in range(len(obj)): res.setElement(i,from_numpy(obj[i],'Geometry3D')) return res elif type == 'Geometry3D': from klampt import Geometry3D if not isinstance(obj,(list,tuple)) or len(obj) != 2: raise ValueError("Geometry3D must be a (transform,geometry) tuple") T = from_numpy(obj[0],'RigidTransform') geomdata = obj[1] subtype = None if template is not None: subtype = template.type() if subtype == 'PointCloud': g = Geometry3D(from_numpy(geomdata,subtype,template.getPointCloud())) else: g = Geometry3D(from_numpy(geomdata,subtype)) g.setCurrentTransform(*T) return g subtype = 'Group' if all(isinstance(v,np.ndarray) for v in geomdata): if len(geomdata)==2: if len(geomdata[0].shape) == 1 and len(geomdata[1].shape) == 2: subtype = 'Trajectory' elif len(geomdata[0].shape) == 2 and len(geomdata[1].shape) == 2 and geomdata[0].shape[1] == 3 and geomdata[1].shape[1] == 3: subtype = 'TriangleMesh' if len(geomdata)==3: if geomdata[0].shape == (3,) and geomdata[1].shape == (3,): subtype = 'VolumeGrid' g = Geometry3D(from_numpy(obj,subtype)) g.setCurrentTransform(*T) return g else: return obj.flatten()
from .loader import _DeprecatedList supportedTypes = _DeprecatedList("supportedTypes","SUPPORTED_TYPES",SUPPORTED_TYPES)