Source code for klampt.control.robotinterface

"""The main module for Klampt's Robot Interface Layer.

from ..robotsim import WorldModel,RobotModel
from ..model.subrobot import SubRobotModel
import functools
import warnings
from typing import Union,Optional,Any,Dict,List,Tuple,Callable
from klampt.model.typing import Vector,Vector3,RigidTransform

[docs]class RobotInterfaceBase(object): """The main class for the Klamp't Robot Interface Layer. Defines a unifying API to interface with a robot's motor controller, whether it's simulated or a real robot. .. note:: The API may look intimidating, but a subclass implementer is free to set up as many or as few of the given methods as the robot's motor controller truly implements. The :class:`~klampt.control.robotinterfaceutils.RobotInterfaceCompleter` class will fill in the remainder of derived methods. See the Functionalities section for more details. Each of these methods should be synchronous calls, called at a single time step. The calling convention is:: from klampt.control.utils import TimedLooper interface = MyRobotInterface(...args...) if not interface.initialize(): #should be called first raise RuntimeError("There was some problem initializing interface "+str(interface)) dt = 1.0/interface.controlRate() looper = TimedLooper(dt) while looper: #this will run as close to the control rate as possible try: interface.beginStep() if interface.status() != 'ok': #no error handling done here... could also try interface.reset() raise RuntimeError("Some error occurred: {}".format(interface.status())) [do any state queries or commands here comprising the control loop] interface.endStep() except Exception as e: print("Terminating on exception:",e) looper.stop() interface.close() #cleanly shut down the interface To accept asynchronous commands, a :class:`RobotInterfaceBase` subclass can be wrapped by a :class:`~klampt.control.robotinterfaceutils.ThreadedRobotInterface` or client (e.g., :class:`~klampt.control.networkrobotinterface.XMLRPCClientRobotInterface`). Asynchronous usage allows sending commands in a procedural fashion, e.g.:: interface = MyRobotInterface(...args...) if not interface.initialize(): #should be called first raise RuntimeError("There was some problem initializing interface "+str(interface)) time.sleep(whatever) [any state queries or commands here] interface.moveToPosition(qtarget) poll_rate = 0.05 while interface.isMoving() time.sleep(poll_rate) if interface.status() != 'ok': #no error handling done here... could also try interface.reset() raise RuntimeError("Some error occurred: {}".format(interface.status())) time.sleep(whatever) [any state queries or commands here] interface.close() #cleanly shut down the interface **DOFs and Parts** The number of DOFs is assumed equal to the number of joint actuators / encoders. If the robot has fewer actuators than encoders, the commands for unactuated joints should just be ignored. If the robot corresponds to a Klampt model (typical), then the number of DOFs should be ``model.numDrivers()`` A robot can have "parts", which are named groups of DOFs. For example, a robot with a gripper can have parts "arm" and "gripper", which can be potentially controlled separately. You may retrieve part names using :meth:`parts`, part indices using :meth:`indices`, and (potentially) access a RIL interface to a part using :meth:`partInterface`. It is suggested that these parts correspond with parts in the robot's :class:`~klampt.model.robotinfo.RobotInfo` structure. **Semantics of methods** In the strictest sense, no methods are assumed to be available before :meth:`initialize` is called (and returns True) . The following methods should be available after initialize() and do not need to be protected by :meth:`beginStep` / :meth:`endStep`: * :meth:`parts`, :meth:`indices`, :meth:`numJoints`, and :meth:`jointName`: should be constant. (At the very least, no parts should be destroyed) * :meth:`partInterface`. * :meth:`partToRobotConfig` and :meth:`robotToPartConfig`: utility methods. * :meth:`klamptModel`: if available, must be constant. * :meth:`configToKlampt`, :meth:`configFromKlampt`, :meth:`velocityToKlampt`, and :meth:`velocityFromKlampt`: utility methods. * :meth:`cartesianPosition`, :meth:`cartesianVelocity`, and :meth:`cartesianForce`: utility methods. * :meth:`controlRate`: if available, should be constant. * :meth:`sensors`, :meth:`hasSensor`: should be constant. If a sensor can be hot-swapped, it should be in the list of sensors but may appear/ disappear from :meth:`enabledSensors`. Most implementations will have these methods available even before ``initialize()`` is called, but to be safe a caller shouldn't count on it. For example, if a robot tests to see which parts are connected at runtime, then ``parts()``, ``numJoints()``, ``klamptModel()``, etc will not be available until afterwards. All other methods should be placed within a :meth:`beginStep` / :meth:`endStep` pair. **Minimal functionality (For implementers)** There are a few functions your subclass will need to fill out: * :meth:`numJoints` or :meth:`klamptModel` * Either :meth:`clock` or :meth:`controlRate` * Either :meth:`setPosition`, :meth:`moveToPosition`, :meth:`setVelocity`, :meth:`setTorque`, or :meth:`setPID` * Either :meth:`sensedPosition` or :meth:`commandedPosition` Pass your RobotInterfaceBase subclass to :class:`~klampt.control.robotinterfaceutils.RobotInterfaceCompleter` to complete the implementation of as many of the remaining items as possible. See the :class:`.simrobotinterface.SimPositionControlInterface` class for an example that passes commands to a Klamp't physics simulator. **Cartesian control** Cartesian position, velocity, and force control may be implemented. The interpretation of these arguments is implementation-dependent, but we support two standard modes: 6DOF position/orientation and 3DOF position-only mode. The reference frame for these quantities is specified by a ``frame`` argument, which is 'world' by default: * 'world': The world frame. Equal to 'base' for a top-level robot, but differs if this interface refers to a part of a larger robot. * 'base': The base of this part. Equal to 'world' for a top-level robot, but differs if this interface refers to a part of a larger robot. * 'end effector': relative to the origin of the end effector frame. * 'tool': relative to the current tool frame (the tool is an offset from the end effector frame) Note that an interface might only support commands to one type of frame, and raise ``NotImplementedError()`` for other frames. **Real-time filters** Filters perform real-time enforcement of joint limits, velocity limits, collision checks, and signal processing. Typically filters are handled in software using a :class:`.robotinterfaceutils.RobotInterfaceCompleter` but an implementation is also allowed to send filter parameters to the hardware. Users can activate and deactivate filters using the :func:`setFilter` method. A filter has an name, operation, input arguments, and output arguments, and its operation will usually yield an output or raise an exception, e.g., if a commanded position / velocity exceeds the limits, it can raise a FilterSoftStop exception, or it can just alter arguments, e.g., clamping to valid ranges. Common examples include the following (using filter operations available in :mod:`robotinterfaceutils`): * ``setFilter('joint_limit',LimitClampFilter(qmin,qmax))``: clamps commanded position to limits. * ``setFilter('joint_limit',LimitStopFilter(qmin,qmax))``: stops when commanded position exceeds limits. * ``setFilter('velocity_limit',LimitClampFilter(qmin,qmax))``: clamps commanded velocity to limits. * ``setFilter('velocity_limit',LimitStopFilter(qmin,qmax))``: stops when commanded velocity exceeds limits. * ``setFilter('collision',CollisionStopFilter(collider))``: stops when the robot is about to collide. * ``setFilter('position_tracking',DifferenceStopFilter(math.radians(15)))``: stops when the tracking error between the commanded and sensed position exceeds 15 radians. * ``setFilter('position_delta',DifferenceStopFilter(math.radians(5)))``: stops when the commanded position jumps more than 5 radians in a single time step. * ``setFilter(SENSOR_NAME,FIRFilter(b),output=OUT_NAME)``: adds a FIR filter to sensor SENSOR_NAME and outputs it to OUT_NAME. * ``setFilter('custom_filter', block, ['sensedPosition','sensedVelocity'], 'positionCommand')``: sets a custom filter that uses a Block of two arguments (sensed position and velocity) and outputs one value (a position command). To disable a filter, pass None as the second argument. **Customization** Certain controllers will provide custom API methods that fall outside of the standard API. Although an RIL subclass is free to implement any methods desired, for maximum compatibility with utility classes (e.g., RobotInterfaceCompleter), the subclass should provide uniform access to these custom methods through the following standard methods: * Global settings, which overload :func:`setSetting` and :func:`getSetting`. Unlike properties, settings are expected to be changeable through the life of the interface. * Sensors, which overload :func:`sensors`, :func:`enableSensor`, :func:`sensorMeasurements`, and :func:`sensorUpdateTime`. * State queries, which overload :func:`stateValue`. * Control modes, which overload :func:`setControlMode`. * Custom calls and event triggers, which overload :func:`functionCall` Attributes: properties (dict): a dict from string key to property value. Properties are application-dependent and constant through the life of the interface. Examples may include: * 'name' (str): the name of the robot * 'version' (str): a version of this interface * 'simulated' (bool): whether the "robot" is simulated vs physical * 'klamptModelFile' (str): the file name of the Klamp't model file. * 'asynchronous' (bool): if True, beginStep/endStep are not needed to communicate with the robot. Networked controllers are often asynchronous. * 'complete' (bool): if True, all methods are implemented. * 'part' (bool): if True, this is not a top-level interface. * 'joint_limits' (pair of Vector): the hardware joint limits, not overridable by software limits. * 'velocity_limits' (pair of Vector): the hardware velocity limits, not overridable by software limits. * 'acceleration_limits' (pair of Vector): the hardware accel limits, not overridable by software limits. * 'torque_limits' (pair of Vector): the hardware torque limits, not overridable by software limits. """ def __init__(self,**properties): = properties self._worldModel = None self._klamptModel = None self._klamptDriverIndices = None self._warned = False def __str__(self): inner = [] if 'name' in inner.append(['name']) if 'version' in inner.append(['version']) if len(inner)==0: return self.__class__.__name__ else: if'name',None) == self.__class__.__name__: return ','.join(inner) return ','.join(inner) + '({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def initialize(self) -> bool: """Tries to connect to the robot. Returns true if ready to send commands. This should probably be the first method called. """ return True
[docs] def close(self) -> bool: """Cleanly shuts down any resources acquired using initialize().""" return True
[docs] def startStep(self) -> None: """Deprecated. use beginStep instead.""" if not self._warned: warnings.warn("startStep will be deprecated, use beginStep instead",DeprecationWarning) self._warned = True self.beginStep()
[docs] def beginStep(self) -> None: """This is called before the commands sent at each time step""" pass
[docs] def endStep(self) -> None: """This is called after the commands sent at each time step""" pass
[docs] def numJoints(self,part: Optional[str] = None) -> int: """Returns the number of joints of the given part. By default, this returns the number of actuated DOFs in the Klamp't model. """ if part is None: m = self.klamptModel() if m is None: raise NotImplementedError() return m.numDrivers() return len([part])
[docs] def jointName(self, joint_idx: int) -> str: """Returns a string naming the given joint""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def parts(self) -> Dict[Any,List[int]]: """Returns a dictionary of (part-name,configuration index list) pairs defining the named parts of the robot. Since this will be used a lot, make sure to declare your override with @functools.lru_cache. """ return {None:list(range(self.numJoints()))}
[docs] def indices(self, part: Optional[str] = None, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[int]: """Helper: returns a list of indices for the given part / joint index""" plist =[part] if joint_idx is None: return plist assert joint_idx >= 0 and joint_idx < len(plist),"Invalid joint index for part "+str(part) return [plist[joint_idx]]
[docs] def partInterface(self, part: str, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> 'RobotInterfaceBase': """Returns a RobotInterfaceBase that allows control of the given part/joint. If no such controller exists, raises a NotImplementedError. The part/joint controller should operate on exactly the DOFs specified by self.indices(part,joint_idx). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def controlRate(self) -> float: """Returns the control rate, in Hz""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def clock(self) -> float: """Returns the current time on the robot's clock, in seconds""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def status(self, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None) -> str: """Returns a status string for the robot / given joint. 'ok' means everything is OK.""" return 'ok'
[docs] def estop(self) -> None: """Calls an emergency stop on the robot. Default uses the soft stop.""" self.softStop()
[docs] def softStop(self) -> None: """Calls a software E-stop on the robot (braking as quickly as possible). Default implementation stops robot at current position; a better solution would slow the robot down. """ self.setPosition(self.commandedPosition())
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """If the robot has a non-normal status code, attempt to reset it to normal operation. The caller should poll until status()=='ok' """ raise NotImplementedError("Reset is not implemented")
[docs] def getSettings(self) -> Dict[str,Any]: """Retrieves an implementation-dependent dict of possible settings.""" raise NotImplementedError("Settings are not implemented")
[docs] def getSetting(self, name : str): """Retrieves an implementation-dependent setting.""" raise KeyError(name+" isn't a valid setting")
[docs] def setSetting(self, name : str, value) -> None: """Sets an implementation-dependent setting.""" raise KeyError(name+" isn't a valid setting")
[docs] def sensors(self) -> list: """Returns a list of names of possible sensors on this robot.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def enabledSensors(self) -> list: """Returns a list of names of enabled sensors on this robot.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def hasSensor(self, sensor: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the given sensor can be enabled. """ return sensor in self.sensors()
[docs] def enableSensor(self, sensor: str, enabled: bool=True) -> bool: """Enables / disables a sensor. Returns true if successful. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sensorMeasurements(self, name: str): """Returns the latest measurements from a sensor. Interpretation of the result is sensor-dependent. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sensorUpdateTime(self, name: str) -> float: """Returns the clock time of the last sensor update.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setControlMode(self,mode,*args,**kwargs): """Enables a custom control mode.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def functionCall(self,proc,*args,**kwargs): """Enables a custom one-off function call.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def isMoving(self, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: """Returns true if the robot / joint are currently moving""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sensedPosition(self) -> Vector: """Retrieves the currently sensed joint position. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sensedVelocity(self) -> Vector: """Retrieves the currently sensed joint velocity. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sensedTorque(self) -> Vector: """Retrieves the currently sensed joint torque. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def commandedPosition(self) -> Vector: """Retrieves the currently commanded joint position. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def commandedVelocity(self) -> Vector: """Retrieves the currently commanded joint velocity. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def commandedTorque(self) -> Vector: """Retrieves the currently commanded joint torque. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def destinationPosition(self) -> Vector: """Retrieves the destination of a motion queue controller. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def destinationVelocity(self) -> Vector: """Retrieves the final velocity of a motion queue controller. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def destinationTime(self) -> float: """Retrieves the final clock time of a motion queue controller. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def queuedTrajectory(self) -> tuple: """Returns a trajectory starting from the current time representing all commands in a motion queue controller. Returns: tuple: either (ts,qs) or (ts,qs,vs) representing a piecewise linear or a piecewise-cubic trajectory. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def stateValue(self,name) -> Union[float,Vector]: """Retrieves some custom state value""" raise NotImplementedError(name + " is not a valid state query")
[docs] def cartesianPosition(self, q: Vector, frame: str = 'world') -> RigidTransform: """Converts from a joint position vector to a cartesian position. Args: q (vector): the (whole) robot's joint positions. frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool'. Note: 'end effector' and 'tool' don't make any sense here, since the tool frame is constant relative to these frames... Returns: Klampt se3 element: specifies end effector Cartesian transform relative to the given frame. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def cartesianVelocity(self, q: Vector, dq: Vector, frame: str = 'world' ) -> RigidTransform: """Converts from a joint position / velocity vector to a cartesian velocity. Args: q (vector): the (whole) robot's joint positions. dq (vector): the (whole) robot's joint velocities. frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool'. Note: if 'base' is specified, the velocity of the base is subtracted from the reported speed. Returns: (w,v): specifies end effector Cartesian angular velocity/velocity relative to the given frame. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def cartesianForce(self, q: Vector, t: Vector, frame: str = 'world' ) -> RigidTransform: """Converts from a joint position / torque vector to a cartesian force. Args: q (vector): the (whole) robot's joint positions. t (vector): the (whole) robot's joint torques. frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool'. Returns: (t,f): specifies end effector Cartesian torque/force relative to given frame. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sensedCartesianPosition(self, frame: str = 'world') -> RigidTransform: return self.cartesianPosition(self.sensedPosition(),frame)
[docs] def sensedCartesianVelocity(self, frame: str = 'world') -> RigidTransform: return self.cartesianVelocity(self.sensedPosition(),self.sensedVelocity(),frame)
[docs] def sensedCartesianForce(self, frame: str = 'world') -> RigidTransform: return self.cartesianForce(self.sensedPosition(),self.sensedTorque(),frame)
[docs] def commandedCartesianPosition(self, frame: str = 'world') -> RigidTransform: return self.cartesianPosition(self.commandedPosition(),frame)
[docs] def commandedCartesianVelocity(self, frame: str = 'world') -> RigidTransform: return self.cartesianVelocity(self.commandedPosition(),self.commandedVelocity(),frame)
[docs] def commandedCartesianForce(self, frame: str = 'world') -> RigidTransform: return self.cartesianForce(self.commandedPosition(),self.commandedTorque(),frame)
[docs] def destinationCartesianPosition(self, frame: str = 'world') -> RigidTransform: """Retrieves the Cartesian destination of a motion queue controller. Args: frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool' """ return self.cartesianPosition(self.destinationPosition(),frame)
[docs] def destinationCartesianVelocity(self, frame: str = 'world') -> RigidTransform: """Retrieves the final Cartesian velocity of a motion queue controller. Args: frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool' """ return self.cartesianVelocity(self.destinationPosition(),self.desinationVelocity())
[docs] def queuedCartesianTrajectory(self, frame: str = 'world') -> tuple: """Returns the Cartesian trajectory starting from the current time representing all commands in a motion queue controller. Args: frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool' Returns: tuple: either (ts,Ts) or (ts,Ts,dTs) representing a piecewise linear or a piecewise-cubic trajectory. Ts is a list of Klampt se3 elements. dTs is a list of (angular velocity,velocity) pairs. """ res = self.queuedTrajectory() if len(res) == 2: ts,qs = res return ts,[self.cartesianPosition(q,frame) for q in qs] elif len(res) == 3: ts,qs,vs = res return ts,[self.cartesianPosition(q,frame) for q in qs],[self.cartesianVelocity(q,dq,frame) for q,dq in zip(qs,vs)] else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid result from queuedTrajectory")
[docs] def setPosition(self, q: Vector) -> None: """Sets an instantaneous position command. Args: q (list of floats): A list of floats giving the desired configuration of the robot. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setVelocity(self, v: Vector, ttl: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: """Sets an instantaneous velocity command. Args: v (list of floats): A list of floats giving the desired velocity of each joint. ttl (float, optional): A time-to-live for this command. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setTorque(self, t: Vector, ttl: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: """Sets a instantaneous torque command. Args: t (list of floats): A list of floats giving the desired torques at each joint. ttl (float, optional): A time-to-live for this command. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setPID(self, q: Vector, dq: Vector, t: Optional[Vector] = None ) -> None: """Sets a PID command to configuration q, velocity dq, and feedforward torque t. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setPIDGains(self, kP: Vector, kI: Vector, kD: Vector) -> None: """Sets the PID gains. Some controllers might not implement this even if they implement setPID... """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def getPIDGains(self) -> Tuple[List[float],List[float],List[float]]: """Gets the PID gains (kP,kI,kD) as set to a prior call to setPIDGains. Some controllers might not implement this even if they implement setPIDGains... """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def moveToPosition(self, q: Vector, speed: float=1.0 ) -> None: """Sets a move-to position command. The trajectory that the robot will take on should be extractable through getMoveToTrajectory(q). Args: q (list of floats): A list of floats giving the desired configuration of the robot. speed (float, optional): The speed at which the position should be reached. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setPiecewiseLinear(self, ts: List[float], qs: List[List[float]], relative: bool=True ) -> None: """Tells the robot to start a piecewise linear trajectory command. The first milestone will be interpolated from the current commanded configuration. Args: ts (list of floats): times of the trajectory's milestones qs (list of floats, or list of list of floats): list of the trajectory's milestones relative (bool): if true, the times in `ts` are assumed to start at current time 0. Otherwise, they must all be greater than the current time retrieved by clock(). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setPiecewiseCubic(self, ts: List[float], qs: List[List[float]], vs: List[List[float]] ) -> None: """Tells the robot to start a piecewise cubic trajectory command. The first milestone will be interpolated from the current commanded configuration / velocity. Args: ts (list of floats): times of the trajectory's milestones qs (list of floats, or list of list of floats): list of the trajectory's milestones vs (list of floats, or list of list of floats): list of the trajectory's derivatives at the milestones. relative (bool): if true, the times in `ts` are assumed to start at current time 0. Otherwise, they must all be greater than the current time retrieved by clock(). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setToolCoordinates(self, xtool_local: Vector3) -> None: """Sets the tool coordinates of this robot relative to its end effector link.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def getToolCoordinates(self) -> Vector3: """Gets the tool coordinates of this robot relative to its end effector link.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setGravityCompensation(self, gravity: Vector3=[0,0,-9.8], load: float=0.0, load_com: Vector3=[0,0,0] ) -> None: """Sets up gravity compensation with a given gravity vector and end effector load. Args: gravity (list of 3 floats, optional): the gravity vector in the base frame, in m/s^2. load (float, optional): a weight attached to the end effector, in kg. load_com (list of 3 floats, optional): the COM of the load, expressed relative to the end-effector link frame. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def getGravityCompensation(self) -> tuple: """Gets (gravity,load,load_com) as from a prior call to setGravityCompensation.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setCartesianPosition(self, xparams: Union[Vector,RigidTransform], frame: str = 'world' ) -> None: """Sets a Cartesian position command. The tool is commanded to reach the given coordinates relative to the given frame. Like setPosition, this command is sent in immediate mode. Args: xparams: a klampt.math.se3 object for position / orientation commands, or a 3-vector for position-only. frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool' """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def moveToCartesianPosition(self, xparams: Union[Vector3,RigidTransform], speed: float=1.0, frame: str = 'world' ) -> None: """Sets a Cartesian move-to-position command. The tool is commanded to reach the given coordinates relative to the given frame. The movement is accomplished via an arbitrary joint space motion, and is not necessarily linear in Cartesian space. Args: xparams: typically a klampt.math.se3 object for position / orientation commands, or a 3-vector for position-only. speed (float, optional): The speed at which the position should be reached. frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool' """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def moveToCartesianPositionLinear(self, xparams: Union[Vector3,RigidTransform], speed: float=1.0, frame: str = 'world' ) -> None: """Sets a Cartesian move-to-position command. The tool is commanded to reach the given coordinates relative to the given frame via a linear Cartesian path. Args: xparams: typically a klampt.math.se3 object for position / orientation commands, or a 3-vector for position-only. speed (float, optional): The speed at which the position should be reached. frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool' """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setCartesianVelocity(self, dxparams: Union[Vector3,Tuple[Vector3,Vector3]], ttl: Optional[float] = None, frame: str = 'world' ) -> None: """Sets a Cartesian velocity command. The tool is commanded to move along the given velocity(s) relative to the given frame. Args: dxparams: typically an (angular velocity, translational velocity) pair for translation / orientation commands. A 3-vector for translation-only. ttl (float, optional): A time-to-live for this command. frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool' """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setCartesianForce(self, fparams: Union[Vector,RigidTransform], ttl: Optional[float] = None, frame: str = 'world' ) -> None: """Sets a Cartesian torque command. The tool is commanded to exert the given force or (torque, force) relative to the given frame. Args: fparams: typically an (torque, force) pair for translation / orientation commands. A 3-vector for translation-only. ttl (float, optional): A time-to-live for this command. frame (str): either 'world', 'base', 'end effector', or 'tool' """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def partToRobotConfig(self, pconfig: Vector, part: str, robotConfig: Vector, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> Vector: """Fills a configuration vector for the whole robot given the configuration `pconfig` for a part""" pindices = self.indices(part,joint_idx) q = [v for v in robotConfig] assert len(pindices) == len(pconfig) for (i,x) in zip(pindices,pconfig): q[i] = x return q
[docs] def robotToPartConfig(self, robotConfig: Vector, part: str, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> Vector: """Retrieves a part's configuration from a robot configuration""" pindices = self.indices(part,joint_idx) return [robotConfig[i] for i in pindices]
[docs] def klamptModel(self) -> Optional[Union[RobotModel,SubRobotModel]]: """If applicable, returns the Klamp't RobotModel associated with this controller. Default tries to load from properties['klamptModelFile']. Note that the configuration DOFs in the RIL robot correspond to the robot's DRIVERs, not its links. Note: the result of the default implementation is cached, so this can be called multiple times without a performance hit. """ if self._klamptModel is not None: return self._klamptModel if 'klamptModelFile' in if hasattr(self,'_worldModel'): if self._worldModel is not None: raise RuntimeError("Hmm... caching doesn't seem to be working right?") self._worldModel = WorldModel() if not self._worldModel.loadFile(['klamptModelFile']): self._worldModel = None else: self._klamptModel = self._worldModel.robot(0) return self._klamptModel return None
[docs] def configFromKlampt(self, klamptConfig: Vector, part: Optional[str] = None, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> Vector: """Extracts a RobotInterfaceBase configuration from a configuration of the Klampt model. Note: the configuration of the model in self.klamptModel() is overridden. """ model = self.klamptModel() if model is None: return klamptConfig if len(klamptConfig) != model.numLinks(): raise ValueError("Length of klamptConfig is invalid for "+str(self)) qdrivers = model.configToDrivers(klamptConfig) if part is None and joint_idx is None: return qdrivers return [qdrivers[i] for i in self.indices(part,joint_idx)]
[docs] def velocityFromKlampt(self, klamptVelocity: Vector, part: Optional[str] = None, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> Vector: """Extracts a RobotInterfaceBase velocity from a velocity of the Klampt model.""" model = self.klamptModel() if model is None: return klamptVelocity if len(klamptVelocity) != model.numLinks(): raise ValueError("Length of klamptVelocity is invalid for "+str(self)) vdrivers = model.velocityToDrivers(klamptVelocity) if part is None and joint_idx is None: return vdrivers return [vdrivers[i] for i in self.indices(part,joint_idx)]
[docs] def configToKlampt(self, config: Vector, klamptConfig: Optional[Vector] = None, part: Optional[str] = None, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> Vector: """Creates a configuration vector for the Klamp't model using the RobotInterfaceBase configuration. If klamptConfig is given, then these values are used for the non-part configuration values. Otherwise, the robot's current configuration from self.klamptModel() is used. .. note:: The configuration of the model in self.klamptModel() is overridden. """ model = self.klamptModel() if model is None: return config dofs = self.indices(part,joint_idx) if len(dofs) != len(config): raise ValueError("Length of config is invalid for "+str(self)) if klamptConfig is not None: model.setConfig(klamptConfig) if part is None and joint_idx is None: return model.configFromDrivers(config) else: for (i,x) in zip(dofs,config): model.driver(i).setValue(x) return model.getConfig()
[docs] def velocityToKlampt(self, velocity: Vector, klamptVelocity: Optional[Vector] = None, part: Optional[str] = None, joint_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> Vector: """Creates a velocity vector for a Klamp't model using the joint velocity. If klamptVelocity is given, then these values are used for the non-part configuration values. Otherwise, the robot's current velocity from self.klamptModel() is used. .. note:: The velocity of the model in self.klamptModel() is overridden. """ model = self.klamptModel() if model is None: return velocity dofs = self.indices(part,joint_idx) if len(dofs) != len(velocity): raise ValueError("Length of velocity is invalid for "+str(self)) if klamptVelocity is not None: model.setVelocity(klamptVelocity) if part is None and joint_idx is None: return model.velocityFromDrivers(velocity) else: for (i,x) in zip(dofs,velocity): model.driver(i).setVelocity(x) return model.getVelocity()
[docs] def wait(self,timeout=None,condition=None,pollRate=None) -> float: """Sleeps the caller until ``isMoving()`` returns False. This should only be called outside of a beginStep()/endStep() pair. Args: timeout (float, optional): if given, will break after this amount of time has elapsed (in s) condition (callable, optional): if given, overrides the test ``self.isMoving()``. Instead, will stop when ``condition()`` returns True. pollRate (float, optional): time between isMoving checks, in Hz. If None, polls at the controller's natural rate. .. note:: pollRate should only be non-None if the interface is asynchronous. Otherwise, steps may be skipped. Returns: float: the approximate time in s that was waited. """ if condition is None: condition = lambda : not self.isMoving() self.beginStep() stop = condition() self.endStep() if stop: return 0 dt = 1.0/pollRate if pollRate is not None else 1.0/self.controlRate() from .utils import TimedLooper ttotal = 0 looper = TimedLooper(dt) while looper: self.beginStep() stop = condition() self.endStep() if stop: return ttotal if timeout is not None and ttotal >= timeout: return ttotal ttotal += dt