Source code for

"""Defines control interfaces between a ROS application and Klamp't robot.

- :class:`RosRobotBlock` is a Klampt
  :class:`~klampt.control.blocks.robotcontroller.RobotControlBlock` that accepts
  inputs from a ROS application.  This can be used to drive a simulation.

This also implements the make() protocol for use in klampt_control.  The returned
controller accepts ROS JointTrajectory messages from the ROS topic
'/[robot_name]/joint_trajectory' and writes out JointState messages to the ROS
topic '/[robot_name]/joint_state'.  It also acts as a ROS clock server.

from .. import blocks

import warnings
    import rospy
    from klampt.model.trajectory import Trajectory,HermiteTrajectory
    from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory,JointTrajectoryPoint
    from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
    from rosgraph_msgs.msg import Clock
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("Unable to import rospy. Please install rospy to use the Klampt-ROS controller block.")

class Time:
    def __init__(self):
        self.secs = 0
        self.nsecs = 0

class Clock:
    def __init__(self):
        self.clock = Time()

class JointTrajectory:
    def __init__(self):

class JointState:
    def __init__(self):

class PublisherProxy:
    def __init__(self,name,message_type): = name
        self.message_type = message_type
    def publish(self,object):
        print("Publishing on topic "":")
        for k,v in object.__dict__.iteritems():
            if k[0]=='_': continue
            print("  ",k,":",v)

class SubscriberProxy:
    def __init__(self,name,message_type,callback): = name
        self.message_type = message_type
        self.callback = callback

class RospyProxy:
    def init_node(self,name):
        print("init_node("+name+") called")
    def Publisher(self,topic,message_type):
        print("Making publisher on topic "+topic)
        return PublisherProxy(topic,message_type)
    def Subscriber(self,topic,message_type,callback):
        print("Making subscriber on topic "+topic)
        return SubscriberProxy(topic,message_type,callback)
rospy = RospyProxy()

[docs]class RosRobotBlock(blocks.robotcontroller.RobotControllerBlock): """A controller that reads JointTrajectory messages from a given ROS topic, maintains the trajectory for use in a Klamp't simulation, and writes JointState messages to another ROS topic. Uses PID control with optional feedforward torques in the effort term. Acts very much like a ROS JointTrajectoryActionController ( Currently does not support: * Setting PID gain constants, * Setting PID integral term bounds, * Parsing of FollowJointTrajectoryActions or reporting completion of the action. * Partial commands for subsets of joints are supported, but you cannot interleave separate messages to subsets of joints (i.e., you must let one joint group finish before sending messages to another). Note: trajectory messages start execution exactly at the *Klamp't time* given in the time stamp in the header. Hence, any nodes connected to this must have the /use_sim_time flag set to 1. """ def __init__(self,joint_trajectory_sub_topic,joint_state_pub_topic,link_list): """Sets the controller to subscribe to JointTrajectory messages from joint_trajectory_sub_topic, and publishes JointState messages from joint_state_pub_topic. The link_list argument is the ordered list of link names in the Klamp't robot model.""" self.state = JointState() n = len(link_list) self.state.header.seq = 0 = link_list[:] self.state.position = [] self.state.velocity = [] self.state.effort = [] # fast indexing structure for partial commands self.nameToIndex = dict(zip(,range(n))) # Setup publisher of robot states = rospy.Publisher(joint_state_pub_topic, JointState) # set up the command subscriber self.jointTrajectoryRosMsgQueue = [] rospy.Subscriber(joint_trajectory_sub_topic, JointTrajectory,self.jointTrajectoryCallback) # these are parsed in from the trajectory message self.currentTrajectoryStart = 0 self.currentTrajectoryNames = [] self.currentPhaseTrajectory = None self.currentPositionTrajectory = None self.currentVelocityTrajectory = None self.currentEffortTrajectory = None return
[docs] def jointTrajectoryCallback(self,msg): self.jointTrajectoryRosMsgQueue.append(msg) return
[docs] def set_index(self,name,index): self.nameToIndex[name] = index
[docs] def advance(self,**inputs): res = {} for msg in self.jointTrajectoryRosMsgQueue: #parse in the message -- are positions, velocities, efforts specified? self.currentTrajectoryStart = inputs['t'] self.currentTrajectoryNames = msg.joint_names #read in the start time according to the msg time stamp, as #specified by the ROS JointTrajectoryActionController starttime = msg.header.stamp.to_sec() #read in the relative times times = [p.time_from_start.to_sec() for p in msg.points] milestones = [p.positions for p in msg.points] velocities = [p.velocities for p in msg.points] accels = [p.accelerations for p in msg.points] efforts = [p.efforts for p in msg.points] #TODO: quintic interpolation with accelerations if any(len(x) != 0 for x in accels): print("RosRobotBlock: Warning, acceleration trajectories not handled") if all(len(x) != 0 for x in milestones): if all(len(x) != 0 for x in velocities): #Hermite interpolation traj = HermiteTrajectory(times,milestones,velocities) if self.currentPhaseTrajectory == None: self.currentPhaseTrajectory = traj else: self.currentPhaseTrajectory=self.currentPhaseTrajectory.splice(traj,time=starttime,relative=True,jumpPolicy='blend') else: #linear interpolation self.currentPhaseTrajectory = None traj = Trajectory(times,milestones) if self.currentPositionTrajectory == None: self.currentPositionTrajectory = traj else: self.currentPositionTrajectory = self.currentPositionTrajectory.splice(traj,time=starttime,relative=True,jumpPolicy='blend') else: self.currentPositionTrajectory = None self.currentPhaseTrajectory = None if all(len(x) != 0 for x in velocities): #velocity control traj = Trajectory(times,velocities) if self.currentVelocityTrajectory == None: self.currentVelocityTrajectory = traj else: self.currentVelocityTrajectory = self.currentVelocityTrajectory.splice(traj,time=starttime,relative=True,jumpPolicy='blend') else: self.currentVelocityTrajectory = None if all(len(x) != 0 for x in efforts): traj = Trajectory(times,efforts) if self.currentEffortTrajectory == None: self.currentEffortTrajectory = traj else: self.currentEffortTrajectory.splice(traj,time=starttime,relative=True,jumpPolicy='blend') else: self.currentEffortTrajectory = None #clear the message queue self.jointTrajectoryRosMsgQueue = [] #evaluate the trajectory and send it to controller's output t = inputs['t'] if self.currentPhaseTrajectory != None: #hermite trajectory mode qdqcmd = self.currentPhaseTrajectory.eval(t,'halt') qcmd = qdqcmd[:len(qdqcmd)/2] dqcmd = qdqcmd[len(qdqcmd)/2:] self.map_output(qcmd,self.currentTrajectoryNames,res,'qcmd') self.map_output(dqcmd,self.currentTrajectoryNames,res,'dqcmd') elif self.currentPositionTrajectory != None: #piecewise linear trajectory mode qcmd = self.currentPositionTrajectory.eval(t,'halt') self.map_output(qcmd,self.currentTrajectoryNames,res,'qcmd') #automatic differentiation dqcmd = self.currentPositionTrajectory.deriv(t,'halt') self.map_output(dqcmd,self.currentTrajectoryNames,res,'dqcmd') elif self.currentVelocityTrajectory != None: #velocity trajectory mode dqcmd = self.currentVelocityTrajectory.deriv(t,'halt') self.map_output(dqcmd,self.currentTrajectoryNames,res,'dqcmd') #TODO: compute actual time of velocity res['tcmd'] = 1.0 if self.currentEffortTrajectory != None: torquecmd = self.currentEffortTrajectory.eval(t,'halt') self.map_output(torquecmd,self.currentTrajectoryNames,res,'torquecmd') #sense the configuration and velocity, possibly the effort self.state.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() self.state.header.seq += 1 if 'q' in inputs: self.state.position = inputs['q'] if 'dq' in inputs: self.state.velocity = inputs['dq'] if 'torque' in inputs: self.state.effort = inputs['torque'] #print("ROS control result is",res) return res
[docs] def map_output(self,vector,names,output_map,output_name): """Maps a partial vector to output_map[output_name]. If output_name exists in output_map, then only the named values are overwritten. Otherwise, the missing values are set to zero. """ val = [] if output_name in output_map: val = output_map[output_name] else: val = [0.0]*len( for n,v in zip(names,vector): val[self.nameToIndex[n]] = v output_map[output_name] = val return
[docs]class RosTimeBlock(blocks.Block): """A controller that simply publishes the simulation time to ROS. Doesn't output anything. """ def __init__(self): blocks.Block.__init__(self,['t'],0) self.clockpub = rospy.Publisher("/clock", Clock)
[docs] def advance(self,t): time = Clock() time.clock = rospy.Time.from_sec(t) self.clockpub.publish(time) return
ros_initialized = False
[docs]def make(klampt_robot_model): """Creates a RosRobotInterface for the given model. klampt_robot_model is a RobotModel instance. Subscribes to '/[robot_name]/joint_trajectory'. Publishes to '/[robot_name]/joint_state' and '/clock' """ global ros_initialized robotName = klampt_robot_model.getName() linkNames = [ for i in range(klampt_robot_model.numLinks())] if not ros_initialized: ros_initialized = True rospy.init_node('klampt_sim') #launch a controller to publish the simulation time to ROS, PLUS #the robot's controller time = RosTimeBlock() joint_trajectory_topic = "/%s/joint_trajectory"%(robotName,) joint_states_topic = "/%s/joint_states"%(robotName,) robot = RosRobotBlock(joint_trajectory_topic,joint_states_topic,linkNames) c = blocks.SuperBlock([time,robot]) return c #just launch the robot's controller, some other RosTimeController has been #launched before joint_trajectory_topic = "/%s/joint_trajectory"%(robotName,) joint_states_topic = "/%s/joint_states"%(robotName,) return RosRobotBlock(joint_trajectory_topic,joint_states_topic,linkNames)