Kinematic modeling
Every physical object in Klamp’t, whether real or imaginary, belongs to a World Model. Specifically, a World Model contains some number of entities, which can be of the types robot, robot link, rigid object, or terrain, as follows:
Robots are articulated and possibly actuated objects containing multiple robot links
Robot links are individual links of a robot
Rigid objects can rotate and translate, no independent actuation
Terrains do not move
Each robot link, rigid object, and terrain has an associated body, which has a coordinate frame and usually some attached Geometry and Appearance .
World Models
A World Model can also:
be drawn in OpenGL
Can be created dynamically or loaded from an XML file (examples in
)Load robots, rigid objects, and terrains from many formats (examples are in
, andKlampt-examples/data/terrains
)Can be copied quickly without copying geometries
Can be saved to disk
Each entity in a world has
An index into the list of entities of that type
A unique ID# in the World
A name string, which is ideally unique.
Consists of one (or more) bodies.
Note that the entity’s ID# is not the same as its index. The index is the index into the array containing it; this is not unique when compared across entity types. For example, a robot and a terrain could have index 0 (the first robot and the first terrain) but they will have different ID#s.
If names are not unique, entities must be addressed by index.
Furthermore, some modules like klampt.model.coordinates
assume names
are unique; if not, unexpected behavior may result.
API summary
A world is implemented in the WorldModel
The key functions are:
world = WorldModel()
: constructorworld.readFile([world file])
: reads from XML docworld.loadElement([robot, object or terrain file])
: adds an element to the World. Accepts .rob, .urdf, .obj, .env, or geometry filesworld.num[Robots,RigidObjects,Terrains]()
: returns the number of elements of the given typeworld.[robot,rigidObject,terrain](index)
: returns a reference to the index’th element of the given typeworld.[robot,rigidObject,terrain](name)
: returns a reference to the element of the given type with name name (name must be a str)world.numIDs()
: returns the number of elements. Unique IDs run from 0 tonumIDs()
: returns the Geometry3D of the element with the given unique IDworld.appearance(id)
: returns the Appearance of the element with the given unique IDworld.drawGL()
: renders the world in OpenGL
Robot Models
A Robot Model defines the kinematic structure of a robot, and more. Robot Models provide the following functions
Describes a list of links with their parents (an open linkage, specified in topologically sorted order)
Stores kinematic characteristics: link lengths, joint axis types, joint stops, inertial characteristics, and link geometry.
Stores actuation limits
Stores a “current” robot configuration and velocity. Note: these should be thought of as temporary variables, see notes below.
Computes and stores the robot’s “current” link frames via forward kinematics.
Computes the robot’s Lagrangian dynamics terms.
Stores link collision geometries and performs collision detection.
Stores information about which links can self-collide.
Names each link and contains semantics of the how the degrees of freedom of the robot map to “joints” and actuators.
Loads and saves robot descriptions from disk.
For now, we will discuss only the kinematics of a Robot Model, saving discussion of dynamics for later. The basic kinematic components are:
Contains NL degrees of freedom (DOFs) and NL Robot Links.
Each DOF has a numeric value describing its position. The list of all DOFs is the robot’s Configuration.
Each DOF may also have a velocity. The set of all velocities is the robot’s Velocity.
Each DOF has joint limits, velocity limits, acceleration limits, and torque limits.
The configuration / velocity of a Robot Model do not directly correspond with those of a physical / simulated robot. They do not even have to respect the joint/velocity limits. Think of them as temporary variables to help you perform calculations.
(Sending commands to a physical / simulated robot will be covered elsewhere.)
Klamp’t works with arbitrary tree-structured articulated robots. Parallel mechanisms are not directly supported.
API summary
The following lists the key kinematic operations of the RobotModel
robot = world.robot([name or index])
: access RobotModel reference by name or
(int): gets the unique ID of the RobotModel in its WorldModelrobot.num[Links/Drivers]()
: returns the number of links or drivers (joints are abstracted away in the Python API)robot.[link/driver](index)
: returns a reference to the index’th RobotModelLink / RobotModelDriverrobot.[link/driver](name)
: returns a reference to the RobotModelLink / RobotModelDriver with the given name (name must have type str)robot.links
(list of RobotModelLink): a list of all links in the robotrobot.linksDict
(dict of str to RobotModelLink): a dict of all links in the robotrobot.drivers
(list of RobotModelDriver): a list of all drivers in the robotrobot.driversDict
(dict of str to RobotModelDriver): a dict of all drivers in the robotrobot.config
(Vector): gets/sets the model’s Configuration as a list of floats with lengthnumLinks()
. When setting, updates the forward kinematics of all Robot Links.robot.velocity
(Vector): gets/sets the model’s velocity to dq, given as a list/tuple of floats with lengthnumLinks()
: returns minimum/maximum of model’s Configuration/Velocity/acceleration as a pair of lists of floats with lengthnumLinks()
: sets minimum/maximum Configuration/Velocity/acceleration given two lists of floats with lengthnumLinks()
: renders the robot in OpenGL
The configuration and velocity of a robot are a list of floats. A
object is simply a list of floating point numbers, and the
robot model’s configuration is retrieved / set using
/ RobotModel.getConfig()
Upon calling setConfig()
the link transforms and
geometries are automatically updated using forward kinematics.
Robot Link Models
A Robot Link corresponds to one of the robot model’s DOFs.
It holds all physical information about the link in its reference coordinate frame (name, index, parent, reference transform to parent, type of joint, joint axis, mass)
It contains a collision geometry, which may be empty. This model is specified relative to the link’s coordinate system.
It also holds information regarding its current transformation given the robot model’s current configuration.
It also helps you calculate Jacobians, velocities, etc
The parent index of each link must be less than the link’s index (topologically sorted order). A parent of -1 indicates that the link is attached to the world coordinate frame. Each link may be prismatic or revolute and moves along or around a link axis given by a 3D vector.
The current transformation of a link is calculated via forward kinematics, and describes its coordinates (position and orientation) relative to the world frame. For example, in the image shown below, the transforms of each link are shown with red axis indicating the local x direction, green axis indicating y, and blue axis indicating z. The highlighted link is drawn with longer axes.
API summary
The link functionality is given in the RobotModelLink
class. Changing from
revolute to prismatic types is not supported at the moment.
Configuration-independent functions that define the kinematic structure of the robot:
link =[name or index])
: access RobotModelLink
(int): gets the unique ID of this link in the
(str): gets/sets a string naming this linklink.robot()
: returns a RobotModel to which this link belongslink.getIndex()
(int): returns the link index on the RobotModel for this linklink.parent
(int): gets/sets the index of the link’s parent (-1 for no parent)link.axis
(Vector3): gets/sets the link’s rotation/translation axis in local coordinateslink.parentTransform
(RigidTransform): gets/sets a pair (R,t) defining the reference coordinate transform of this link with respect to its parent (see klampt.so3 for the format of R)link.geometry()
: returns a reference to the Geometry3D attached to this linklink.appearance()
: returns a reference to the Appearance attached to this linklink.mass
(Mass): gets/sets the link’s inertial propertieslink.drawLocalGL()
: renders the link’s geometry in OpenGL in local coordinates
Configuration-dependent functions that describe the physical layout of the robot in its current configuration:
: returns a pair (R,t) defining the coordinate transform of this link with respect to the world frame (see klampt.so3 for the format of R)link.setTransform(R,t)
: sets the coordinate transform of this link with respect to the world frame. Note```: this does NOT perform inverse kinematics or change the transforms of any other links. The transform is overwritten when the robot’s setConfig() method is called. (see klampt.so3 for the format of R)link.getWorldPosition(pLocal)
: given a 3-tuple specifying the local coordinates of a point P, returns a 3-tuple giving the world coordinates of P. Equivalent to se3.apply(- ```link.getTransform(),pLocal).link.getLocalPosition(pWorld)
: given a 3-tuple specifying the local coordinates of a point P, returns a 3-tuple giving the world coordinates of P. Equivalent to se3.apply(se3.inv(link.getTransform()),pWorld).link.getWorldDirection(dLocal)
: given a 3-tuple specifying the local coordinates of a direction D, returns a 3-tuple giving the world coordinates of D. Equivalent to so3.- ```apply(link.getTransform()[0],dLocal).link.getLocalDirection(dWorld)
: given a 3-tuple specifying the local coordinates of a point P, returns a 3-tuple giving the world coordinates of P. Equivalent to so3.apply(so3.inv(link.getTransform()[0]),dWorld).link.getOrientationJacobian()
: returns a 3xNL matrix of the orientation Jacobian of this linklink.getPositionJacobian()
: given a 3-tuple specifying the local coordinates of a point P, returns a 3xNL matrix of the position Jacobian of this pointlink.getJacobian(p)
: given a 3-tuple specifying the local coordinates of a point P, returns a 6xNL matrix of the orientation Jacobian stacked on the position Jacobianlink.drawWorldGL()
: renders the link’s geometry in OpenGL in world coordinates
Kinematics Example
Load a planar 3R robot model and figure out where its end effector would lie at the configuration [0,pi/4,pi/4].
>>> from klampt import WorldModel
>>> import math
>>> world = WorldModel()
>>> world.loadElement("Klampt-examples/data/robots/planar3R.rob")
Reading robot file robots/planar3R.rob...
Parsing robot file, 3 links read...
Loaded geometries in time 0.000598229s, 36 total primitive elements
Initialized robot collision data structures in time 0.00084037s
Done loading robot file robots/planar3R.rob.
>>> robot = world.robot(0)
>>> robot.setConfig([0,math.pi/4,math.pi/4])
>>> link =
>>> link.getWorldPosition([1,0,0])
[1.7071067811865477, 0.0, 1.7071067811865475]
To get the Jacobian matrix corresponding to this configuration, all that is needed is
>>> link.getPositionJacobian([1,0,0])
[[-1.7071067811865475, -1.7071067811865475, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.7071067811865477, 0.7071067811865477, 1.5701957963021318e-16]]
(The second row is all zeroes because the robot moves in the X-Z plane.)
Robot Joints and Drivers
The DOFs of a robot are considered as generic variables that define the extents of the articulations between links. However, more information about how sets of DOFs group together and map to motors also available in the Robot Model. A Robot Model’s DOFs are organized into NJ ≤ NL Joints, and ND ≤ NL Drivers
: topology of one or more DOFs. Joints can be normal, welded, freely rotating, or free floating. Joints specify how to handle interpolation, and the distance between configurations.Driver
: mapping from actuator controls to movement of one or more DOFs. They specify how actuator commands are transmitted to forces / torques on links (e.g., the transmission).For fixed-base, fully actuated robots, each DOF has a single joint and a single driver: NL=NJ=ND
Joints. Most Joints will be of the normal
type, which map
directly to a single DOF in the normal way. However, free-floating bases
and other special types of Joints designate groups of DOFs that should
be interpreted in special ways. These special Joints include:
joints, which indicate that a DOF should not move.spin
joints, which are able to rotate freely and infinitely.floating
joints, which translate and rotate freely in 3D (e.g., free-floating bases)floatingplanar
joints, which translate and rotate freely in 2D (e.g., mobile wheeled bases)ballandsocket
joints, which rotate freely in 3D.closed
joints, which indicate a closed kinematic loop. Note: this is simply a placeholder for potential future capabilities; these are not yet handled in Klamp’t.
Drivers. Although many robots are driven by motors that transmit torques directly to single DOFs, a Robot can represent other drive systems that apply forces to multiple DOFs. For example, a cable-driven finger may have a single cable actuating three links, a mobile base may only be able to move forward and turn, and a satellite may have thrusters. Free-floating bases may have no drive systems whatsoever.
A robot is set up with a list of Drivers available to produce torques.
drivers act as one would expect a motor that drives a single DOF to behave.affine
drivers act as connected transmissions with linear relationships between multiple DOF (such as certain cable drives or gear linkages).The other driver types are not fully tested and/or supported, although we hope to add some of this functionality in the future.
Floating bases and virtual links
To represent free-floating bases, you should use a set of 5 massless virtual links and 1 physical link that represent the x, y, and z translations and rotations around the z, y, and x axes (roll-pitch-yaw convention).
Likewise, a mobile robot may be represented by 2 virtual links + 1 physical link: two for x, y translations connected by prismatic joints, and the last for θ, connected to its parent by a revolute joint.
A ball-and-socket joint may be represented by 2 virtual links + 1 physical link.
API summary
See klampt.model.create.moving_base_robot for a utility function for setting up a floating base.
Rigid Object Models
A Rigid Object Model is movable rigid object. It consists of a Collision
Geometry associated with a RigidTransform
configuration, linear and
angular velocity, and other dynamic parameters. Rigid objects may
be loaded from .obj
files or raw geometry files. In the latter case,
the dynamic parameters are set to default values (e.g., mass = 1
API summary
See the RigidObjectModel
Terrain Models
A Terrain Model is defined very simply as a Collision Geometry annotated with friction coefficients. They may be loaded from .env files or raw geometry files. In the latter case, some default friction value is assigned (set to 0.5).
API summary
See the TerrainModel
World Creation Example
In this example we will learn how to create a world using code. Inside
a simulation, world is generally defined as an instance of the
class containing robots, rigid objects, and static environment geometry.
Typically, a world file is specified using an XML file, as shown in the
Build and edit a world file
tutorial. But in this example, we’ll add objects into the world programmatically.
Let’s start with the myworld.xml
file created in the previous tutorial. Now
create a Python file named
with the following contents:
from klampt import WorldModel
from klampt import vis
w = WorldModel()
if not w.readFile("myworld.xml"):
raise RuntimeError("Couldn't read the world file")
Running this, using:
will pop up the same visualization as in the RobotPose program. Now, let’s change this by
writing a function to modify the world. This make_shelf
function will add a cube shelf
as terrain to the world:
from klampt.model.create import primitives
#you will need to change this to the absolute or relative path to Klampt-examples
KLAMPT_EXAMPLES = 'Klampt-examples'
def make_shelf(world,width,depth,height,wall_thickness=0.005):
"""Makes a new axis-aligned "shelf" centered at the origin with
dimensions width x depth x height. Walls have thickness wall_thickness.
left = Geometry3D()
right = Geometry3D()
back = Geometry3D()
bottom = Geometry3D()
top = Geometry3D()
#method 1
#method 2
#equivalent to back.transform([width,0,0,0,wall_thickness,0,0,0,height],[-width*0.5,depth*0.5,0])
#method 3
bottom =,depth,wall_thickness,center=[0,0,0])
top =,depth,wall_thickness,center=[0,0,height-wall_thickness*0.5])
shelfgeom = Geometry3D()
for i,elem in enumerate([left,right,back,bottom,top]):
g = Geometry3D(elem)
shelf = world.makeTerrain("shelf")
return shelf
The code first creates the left, right, back, bottom and top pieces of
the shelf as a Geometry3D. A Geometry3D can either be a reference to
a world item’s geometry, in which case modifiers change the world item’s
geometry, or it can be a standalone geometry. See the Geometry3D
documentation for more details. This example shows three ways of creating the geometry:
Loading a mesh from disk and using the
file inKlampt-examples/data/objects
defines a unit cube. The cube is then scaled with a scaling matrix and translated with some offset, similar to the steps used when building the world from XML.Loading a mesh from disk and using the
, androtate
functions. This is often more convenient than defining the full transform matrix.Using the helpers in
Lastly, the function groups the seperate pieces together, combines it as one terrain named “shelf”, and assigns a color to the shelf.
We now make changes to
to include the
function. Note that the function should be called after the
world has been loaded, but before it is drawn.
from klampt import WorldModel,Geometry3D
from klampt import vis
from klampt.math import vectorops,so3,se3
from klampt.model.create import primitives
#you will need to change this to the absolute or relative path to Klampt-examples
KLAMPT_EXAMPLES = 'Klampt-examples'
shelf_dims = (0.4,0.4,0.3)
shelf_offset_y = 0.1
shelf_height = 0.65
def make_shelf(world,width,depth,height,wall_thickness=0.005):
"""Makes a new axis-aligned "shelf" centered at the origin with
dimensions width x depth x height. Walls have thickness wall_thickness.
left = Geometry3D()
right = Geometry3D()
back = Geometry3D()
bottom = Geometry3D()
top = Geometry3D()
#method 1
#method 2
#equivalent to back.transform([width,0,0,0,wall_thickness,0,0,0,height],[-width*0.5,depth*0.5,0])
#method 3
bottom =,depth,wall_thickness,center=[0,0,0])
top =,depth,wall_thickness,center=[0,0,height-wall_thickness*0.5])
shelfgeom = Geometry3D()
for i,elem in enumerate([left,right,back,bottom,top]):
g = Geometry3D(elem)
shelf = world.makeTerrain("shelf")
return shelf
w = WorldModel()
if not w.readFile("myworld.xml"):
raise RuntimeError("Couldn't read the world file")
shelf = make_shelf(w,*shelf_dims)
Running this script again, you can see that in addition to what was in the world XML file, there should be a new shelf lying on the table surface:

Now we can add some rigid objects to the scene, which can be moved and simulated. To make things interesting, let’s load a point cloud object from a PCD file.
obj = w.makeRigidObject("point_cloud_object")
#set up a "reasonable" inertial parameter estimate for a 200g object
m = obj.getMass()
#move the object into the shelf, slightly away from the coffee cup
Each Geometry3D and RigidObjectModel also stores a “current” transform, which poses it
in space without modifying the underlying geometry data. All collision queries (including
those used in physics simulation) are performed with respect to the transformed geometry,
rather than the underlying geometry. For a stand-alone geometry, you set it using Geometry3D.setCurrentTransform
and for RigidObjectModels you set it using the RigidObjectModel.setTransform
(Setting RigidObjectModel transforms automatically updates the geometry’s current transform,
as does setting a RobotModel’s configuration.)
With this setup, you’ll see the object near the coffee cup like the following image:

Just for fun, we can make a little adjustment to the visualizer to set up a simulation that gives you control over a mouse-controlled “ghost” configuration, shown in green. Right click on the robot’s joints to drive the robot around. Have fun trying to pick up the box! It can be done…
from klampt import WorldModel,Geometry3D
from klampt import vis
from klampt.math import vectorops,so3,se3
from klampt.model.create import primitives
#you will need to change this to the absolute or relative path to Klampt-examples
shelf_dims = (0.4,0.4,0.3)
shelf_offset_y = 0.1
shelf_height = 0.65
def make_shelf(world,width,depth,height,wall_thickness=0.005):
"""Makes a new axis-aligned "shelf" centered at the origin with
dimensions width x depth x height. Walls have thickness wall_thickness.
left = Geometry3D()
right = Geometry3D()
back = Geometry3D()
bottom = Geometry3D()
top = Geometry3D()
#method 1
#method 2
#equivalent to back.transform([width,0,0,0,wall_thickness,0,0,0,height],[-width*0.5,depth*0.5,0])
#method 3
bottom =,depth,wall_thickness,center=[0,0,0])
top =,depth,wall_thickness,center=[0,0,height-wall_thickness*0.5])
shelfgeom = Geometry3D()
for i,elem in enumerate([left,right,back,bottom,top]):
g = Geometry3D(elem)
shelf = world.makeTerrain("shelf")
return shelf
w = WorldModel()
if not w.readFile("myworld.xml"):
raise RuntimeError("Couldn't read the world file")
shelf = make_shelf(w,*shelf_dims)
obj = w.makeRigidObject("point_cloud_object")
#set up a "reasonable" inertial parameter estimate for a 200g object
m = obj.getMass()
#we'll move the box slightly forward so the robot can reach it
from klampt import Simulator
sim = Simulator(w)
def setup():
def callback():