Klamp’t supports many types of I/O formats:

  • Custom file formats (old-style): Klamp’t defines several formats for its custom types. Compared to the JSON custom formats, these are older but are more compatible with C++ backend, especially the RobotPose app.

  • Custom file formats (JSON): We are beginning to use a newer JSON format that will be supported more heavily in the future.

  • URDF files: Klamp’t natively supports ROS’ Universal Robot Description Format.

  • Geometry files: Klamp’t natively supports OFF (Object File Format), OBJ (Wavefront OBJ), and PCD (Point Cloud Data) file format in the klampt.robotsim.Geometry3D class.

    If you have used pip install, or build from source with Assimp support, then any file format that Assimp reads (STL, OBJ, DXF, Collada DAE) can also be read as a mesh.

  • ROS: Klamp’t can publish and subscribe to several ROS message types.

  • Three.js: Klamp’t can export Three.js scenes.

  • MPEG: Klamp’t’s SimTest app and Python vis module can export MPEG videos of simulations, if ffmpeg is installed.

  • HTML: The klampt.vis module can export HTML files for simulation playback.

  • Numpy: Many Klamp’t objects can be converted to/from numpy objects. See the klampt.io.numpy_convert module for more details.

  • Open3D: Many Klamp’t objects can be converted to/from Open3D objects. See the klampt.io.open3d_convert module for more details.

  • POV-Ray: The klampt.io.povray module can export POV-Ray scripts for rendering.

All native Klamp’t file types can be read and visualized using the klampt_browser app that is distributed with Klampt. See the apps documentation for more details.

Custom file formats in Klamp’t

Object type


World model


Robot model


Rigid object model


Terrain model




Rigid transform


Geometric primitive




Configuration list


IK Objective


Piecewise linear trajectory








These are described in more detail in the File Types section.

API summary

To load/save general objects, there are are two modules to use: io.loader and io.resource. The resource module is nice to use because it performs automatic identification of types, allows file browsing, and will launch a visual editor if an object does not exist.

As an example with an IK Objective:

obj = ik.objective(...) #set up objective

#method 1: using the resource module
from klampt.io import resource
resource.set("test_objective.ikgoal",obj)     # Saves obj to disk in a file compatible with robotPose
obj2 = resource.get("test_objective.ikgoal")  # Loads the same item from disk
#Note: can also use .json extension, and this will automatically be converted to JSON
#obj2 = resource.get("test_objective.json")
#Note: can also launch a file browser
#resource.save(obj,[optional directory])
#resource.load("IKObjective",[optional directory])

#method 2: serializing and deserializing in the old format
from klampt.io import loader
s = loader.writeIKObjective(obj)  #converts to a string representation compatible with RobotPose
obj2 = loader.readIKObjective(s)  #reads from a string compatible with RobotPose

#method 3: saving and loading in the old format
loader.save(obj,"IKObjective","test_ik_objective.ikgoal")  #saves to a file on disk compatible with RobotPose
obj2 = loader.load("IKObjective","test_ik_objective.ikgoal")  #reads from the file on disk compatible with RobotPose

#method 4: serializing and deserializing in the JSON format
import json
jsonobj = loader.toJson(obj)  #converts to a data structure compatible with JSON I/O routines
s = json.dumps(jsonobj) #converts to a JSON string
jsonobj2 = json.parse(s)  #converts from a JSON string
obj2 = loader.fromJson(jsonobj2)  #converts from a JSON-compatible data structure

#method 5: saving and loading in the JSON format
jsonobj = loader.toJson(obj)  #converts to a data structure compatible with JSON I/O routines
with open("test_ik_objective.json",'w') as f:
    json.dump(f,jsonobj)  #saves to a JSON file on disk
with open("test_ik_objective.json",'r') as f:
    jsonobj2 = json.load(f)
obj2 = loader.fromJson(jsonobj2)  #converts from a JSON-compatible data structure

World loading and saving

To load items into a WorldModel, use the readFile and loadElement methods. For the most part, these will automatically figure out the type of the loaded object. For more control, you can call world.makeRobot/makeRigidObject/makeTerrain(name) and then call element.loadFile(fn) on the resulting element.


Geometry files are converted into static terrains. To make a geometry file into a rigid object, you will need to create a Rigid Object .obj file or use shim code like:

#... if you are doing simulation, need to set up the mass
#    properties here...

To save a WorldModel, you can use the writeFile(fn) method. This will dump all elements contained in the world into a folder of the same name as fn, but without the .xml extension. Here, the paths of geometry files will be preserved, unless the geometry has been modified.

To save individual elements (robots, objects, or terrains), you can use the element.saveFile(fn) method.

Robot (.rob and .urdf) loading and saving

Robots are loaded from Klamp’t-specific .rob files or more widely-used URDF files. These are simple text files that are editable by hand.

Although URDF is more commonly used in the robotics field, there are some convenient aspects of .rob files that may be useful. For example, the mount command allows robot grippers and other attachments to be added automatically at load-time. This is annoying to do with URDF, requiring a separate command line step with the xacro tool.

The basic URDF file format does not specify some aspects of Klamp’t robots. These can be added under the <klampt> XML tag. See the file format documentation or the Klampt import robot tutorial for more details.

For simulation purposes, Klamp’t will need some motor parameters to be tweaked (servoP, servoI, servoD, dryFriction, viscousFriction). This can be done by hand by tuning and “exercising” the robot in simulation. The Driver window in SimTest can be used for this purpose. An automatic solution is given by the MotorCalibrate program, which will optimize the constants to match a dataset of sensed and commanded joint angles that you record while exercising the physical robot. See the apps documentation for more details.

The URDFtoRob program converts from .urdf to .rob files. Geometric primitive link geometries will be converted to triangle meshes.

ROS Communication

If you build from source with ROS installed on your system, Klamp’t will support many ROS types, including Pose, PoseStamped, WrenchStamped, Float32MultiArray, JointState, PointCloud2, Image, CameraInfo, JointTrajectory, Path, and Mesh. When you run cmake . for the first time in the Klampt directory, you should be able to see messages printed out stating that ROS has been detected.

Basic message conversions

The toMsg() and fromMsg() functions convert back and forth between ROS and Klampt types. You can then pass data between your ROS subscribers to Klampt and from Klampt to your ROS publishers.

Automatic interface

publisher() and object_publisher() create an object that publishes a Klampt object to an appropriate ROS topic. For some objects, like camera sensors, multiple ROS subtopics will be published under the given topic. (The only difference is that the first takes in a type string while the second takes in a Klampt object)

subscriber() and object_subscriber() are similar, but they accept a callback that is called whenever the ROS subscriber receives a message. This message is converted to an appropriate Klamp’t type before passing to your callback function.

broadcast_tf() and listen_tf() can be used to synchronize transforms between ROS and Klampt.

Live ROS geometry updates

Using Geometry3D, you can directly subscribe to a ROS topic containing PointCloud2 messages. This is accomplished via the SubscribeToStream() method, which takes as arguments the protocol (currently only “ros” protocol is supported) and the name of the ROS topic to subscribe to. For an example, create a new file called “pointCloudFromROS.py” and copy the following lines:

import time
from klampt import io,PointCloud, Geometry3D, Appearance

#Create point cloud subscriber
topic = "myROSTopic"  # ROS topic containing point cloud, change this
                      # to whatever your publisher is publishing to
g = Geometry3D(PointCloud())    # make 3d geometry of type PointCloud

#Subscribe to topic
if io.SubscribeToStream(g,"ros",topic):       #subscribe to myROSTopic
    print("Could not subscribe to", topic)

numReceived = 0
t0 = time.time()
while True:
    processed = io.ProcessStreams()
    if processed:
        print("Received a PointCloud on",topic,"with",len(g.getPointCloud().points),"points")
        numReceived += 1

#Unsubscribe from topic -- not strictly necessary

Now run the script via

python pointCloudFromROS.py

Congratulations, you have subscribed to your first point cloud!


If you are drawing a point cloud that will continuously update, the visualization may not update when the geometry does, because it will use cached values for the appearance. To get the appearance to recognize the update, call:


If you are using the vis scene manager, you can also do:


For additional examples, see Klampt-examples/Python3/demos/ros_point_cloud_show.py