Building from source
Klamp’t source code is available via the git repository at The command
git clone
will download it to your machine.
The Klampt Python API is built on a large C++ code base. To build the Klampt C++ library and Python API, you will need to obtain the following dependencies, which may already be installed on your machine:
CMake (version >= 2.6)
GLPK, the GNU Linear Programming Kit
Python, if you wish to build the Python bindings.
(recommended) Assimp, if you wish to load STL, DAE and other geometry file formats. (Only OBJ and OFF are natively supported in Klampt.)
(recommended) Qt5, if you wish to use nicer GUIs for the core applications.
(optional) ROS, if you wish to write to/read from ROS topics.
(optional) OMPL, if you wish to use the OMPL motion planning bindings.
(optional) GLUT, if you wish to use the legacy GLUI programs.
Linux-like Environments
The Installation Tutorial has step by step instructions, but if you get stuck, perhaps the below instructions may help.
Building dependencies. First, the dependencies must be downloaded and built. On Ubuntu systems, try:
sudo apt-get install cmake libglpk-dev libassimp-dev qt5-default libpython-dev
Then, change into the Klampt/Cpp/Dependencies folder and unpack KrisLibrary, TinyXML, and ODE using the command ‘make unpack-deps’. After configuring the dependencies as described below, they can be built using the command ‘make deps’.
To configure the dependencies, consider the following notes:
KrisLibrary may need to be configured for your particular system. Try running
and changing the Advanced variables.By default, we compile ODE in double floating-point precision. The reason for this is that on some Linux systems, ODE becomes unstable in single floating-point precision and may crash with assertion failures. This may be changed on other systems, if you wish, by toggling ODEDOUBLE=0 or 1 in Klampt/Cpp/Dependencies/Makefile. Note: if you have already built ODE and then later change its precision, you must do a clean build of ODE as well as the CMake cache.
Enabling Assimp support (optional). To load a larger variety of 3D
meshes, Klamp’t can be configured to use the Asset Importer (
Assimp) library. Once Assimp
4.0.x is installed on your system, KrisLibrary and Klampt should
automatically detect it when cmake
is run.
Run CMake to build Klamp’t Makefiles. Run “cmake .” to build the Klamp’t makefiles.
Building static library and apps. The static library is built using ‘make Klampt’. The main apps to build are RobotTest, SimTest, and RobotPose. Typing ‘make [target]’ will build the target.
Building Python bindings. Once the Klamp’t static library is built,
the Python bindings in Klampt/Python/klampt can be built and installed into
your current Python environment using make
. Or, to use another version of Python, you can change directory into
Klampt/Python and use python3.x -m pip install .
where python3.x
is the
specific Python executable that you want to use.
IMPORTANT: You must set up Python to be able to find the shared library files for external dependencies. Otherwise, you will get errors importing the _robotsim module when calling import klampt. To do this, you may either:
Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include the locations of the TinyXML, ODE, and (optionally) Assimp shared libraries. These will be .so (or DLL) files.
OR move the shared library files into your shared library path
OR on Linux-like systems, edit /etc/ as appropriate and then run ldconfig (as sudo).
Building documentation. To build the Klamp’t C++ API documentation
using Doxygen, type make docs
in Klampt/. make python-docs
build the Python API documentation.
Prebuilt binary executables and static libraries for VS2015 are available on the Klamp’t website.
Installing C++ applications from binaries
From, download and run the Win32 Klamp’t installer.
To build your own C++ applications that link to Klamp’t
Clone the Klampt Git repository from
Run the Win32 Klamp’t installer or obtain the x64 binary package. Copy the include and lib directories to
Clone the KrisLibrary Git repository from to the
folder as the target location.From, download the appropriate Win32 Klamp’t dependencies for your Visual Studio version (both Release and Debug are recommended). Unpack into Klampt/Cpp/Dependencies.
In your own CMake project, set
to the appropriate path and put the following lines into your CMakeLists.txt (along with whatever other lines are needed to build your project)SET (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${KLAMPT_ROOT}/CMakeModules") FIND_PACKAGE(Klampt REQUIRED) ADD_DEFINITIONS(${KLAMPT_DEFINITIONS}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${KLAMPT_INCLUDE_DIRS}) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyApp ${KLAMPT_LIBRARIES})
Build your project in standard CMake fashion.
Building Klamp’t from source
After following Steps 1, 3, and 4 in the instructions above, running the
standard CMake procedure in Klampt/
(using Klampt/msvc
as the
build location for 32-bit windows, or Klampt/msvc64 as the build
location for 64-bit windows) should generate appropriate Visual Studio
project files.
Building Python bindings from source
After running CMake as above, copy the file
(or Klampt/msvc64/Python/
to the Klampt/Python
directory. Finally, open a Visual Studio
Command Prompt in Administrative Mode, and depending on your VS
version, run:
VS 2012:
python install
VS 2015:
python install
Building dependencies from source
If you wish to build dependencies from scratch, Visual Studio project files are available. Make sure to place all compiled library (.lib) files in the Klampt/Cpp/Dependencies folder. All libraries should be built in Win32 mode, with C++ code generation set to Multithreaded DLL / Multithreaded Debug DLL.
The general procedure is as follows:
Acquire GLEW and optionally (but recommended) WinGLPK 4.61 and/or Assimp 4.0.x. Place the glew32.lib, glpk_4_61.lib files in Klampt/Cpp/Dependencies or in your Visual Studio path. Place the Assimp folder in Klampt/Cpp/Dependencies.
Configure and edit dependencies as follows:
ODE: Set up build files with
premake4 vs2012
orpremake4 vs2015
Compile all dependencies except for KrisLibrary. Place all generated .lib files into the Klampt/Cpp/Dependencies directory.
ODE: compile in double precision, Static.
TinyXML: compile with STL support.
Compile KrisLibrary last. CMake files are available for compiling KrisLibrary with/without Assimp support and with/without GLPK support.
After compiling, all of the .dll files associated with dependency libraries should be placed in the appropriate Klamp’t binary folders.