Klamp't  0.8.1
RobotWorld Member List

This is the complete list of members for RobotWorld, including all inherited members.

AddRigidObject(const string &name, RigidObject *obj=NULL) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
AddRobot(const string &name, Robot *robot=NULL) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
AddTerrain(const string &name, Terrain *terrain=NULL) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
AppearancePtr typedef (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
background (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
camera (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
CanLoadElementExt(const char *ext) const RobotWorld
DeleteRigidObject(const string &name) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
DeleteRobot(const string &name) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
DeleteTerrain(const string &name) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
DrawGL() (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GeometryPtr typedef (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GetAppearance(int id) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GetGeometry(int id) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GetID(const string &name, int link=-1) const (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GetName(int id) const (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GetRigidObject(const string &name) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GetRobot(const string &name) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GetRobotView(const string &name) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GetTerrain(const string &name) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
GetTransform(int id) const (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
InitCollisions() (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
IsRigidObject(int id) const RobotWorld
IsRobot(int id) const RobotWorld
IsRobotLink(int id) const RobotWorld
IsTerrain(int id) const RobotWorld
lights (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
LoadElement(const string &fn)RobotWorld
LoadRigidObject(const string &fn) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
LoadRobot(const string &fn) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
LoadTerrain(const string &fn) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
LoadXML(const char *fn) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
NumIDs() const (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
RayCast(const Ray3D &r, Vector3 &worldpt)RobotWorld
RayCastObject(const Ray3D &r, Vector3 &localpt) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
RayCastRobot(const Ray3D &r, int &body, Vector3 &localpt) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
RigidObjectID(int index) const (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
rigidObjects (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
RobotID(int index) const (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
RobotLinkID(int index, int link) const (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
robots (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
robotViews (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
RobotWorld() (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
SaveXML(const char *fn, const char *elementDir=NULL) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
SetGLLights() (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
SetTransform(int id, const RigidTransform &T) (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
TerrainID(int index) const (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
terrains (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
UpdateGeometry() (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld
viewport (defined in RobotWorld)RobotWorld