klampt.math.se3 module

Operations for rigid transformations in Klamp’t. All rigid transformations are specified in the form T=(R,t), where R is a 9-list specifying the entries of the rotation matrix in column major form, and t is a 3-list specifying the translation vector.

Primarily, this form was chosen for interfacing with C++ code. C++ methods on objects of the form T = X.getTransform() will return se3 element proper. Conversely, X.setTransform(*T) will set the rotation and translation of some transform.

Extracting the so3 portion of the transform is simply T[0]. Extracting the translation vector is simply T[1].

Applying an se3 element to a point p is apply(T,p). Applying it to a directional quantity d is either apply_rotation(T,d) or so3.apply(T[0],d).

To flatten into a single array, use klampt.model.getConfig(T), which is equivalent to T[0] + T[1]. To read and write to disk in a way that is compatible with other Klamp’t IO routines, use klampt.io.loader.writeSe3() and klampt.io.loader.readSe3().

klampt.math.se3.apply(T, point)[source]

Applies the transform T to the given point

klampt.math.se3.apply_rotation(T, point)[source]

Applies only the rotation part of T

klampt.math.se3.distance(T1, T2, Rweight=1.0, tweight=1.0)[source]

Returns a distance metric between the two transformations. The rotation distance is weighted by Rweight and the translation distance is weighted by tweight

klampt.math.se3.error(T1, T2)[source]

Returns a 6D “difference vector” that describes how far T1 is from T2. More precisely, this is the Lie derivative (w,v).


Returns a T corresponding to the 4x4 homogeneous transform mat


Returns a transformation T corresponding to the 3x3 rotation matrix mat


Returns a transformation T that translates points by t


Returns the 4x4 homogeneous transform corresponding to T


Returns the identity transformation.

klampt.math.se3.interpolate(T1, T2, u)[source]

Interpolate linearly between the two transformations T1 and T2.

klampt.math.se3.interpolator(T1, T2)[source]

Returns a function of one parameter u that interpolates linearly between the two transformations T1 and T2. After f(u) is constructed, calling f(u) is about 2x faster than calling interpolate(T1,T2,u).


Returns the inverse of the transformation.

klampt.math.se3.mul(T1, T2)[source]

Composes two transformations.


Returns the 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to T’s rotation


Returns the translation vector corresponding to T’s translation