Source code for klampt.vis.glviewport

    from OpenGL import GL,GLU
    _HAS_OPENGL = True
    _HAS_OPENGL = False

from . import camera
from ..math import so3,se3,vectorops
from ..robotsim import Viewport
import math
import warnings

[docs]class GLViewport: """ A class describing an OpenGL camera view. Attributes: x,y (int): upper left hand corner of the view in the OpenGL canvas, in screen pixels. w,h (int): width and height of the view, in screen pixels. screenDeviceScale (float): if not 1, multiply screen pixel coordinates by this to get OpenGL pixel coordinates (usually Mac Retina displays) orthogonal (bool): if true, does an orthogonal projection. (Not supported yet.) camera: an orbit camera controlling the target, zoom, and orientation of the "trackball" (see :class:`orbit`) fov (float): the camera field of view in x direction, in degrees clippingplanes (pair of floats): a pair containing the near and far clipping planes """ def __init__(self): self.orthogonal = False self.x,self.y = 0,0 self.w,self.h = 640,480 self.screenDeviceScale = 1 = camera.orbit() = 6.0 #x field of view in degrees self.fov = 30 #near and far clipping planes self.clippingplanes = (0.2,20)
[docs] def contains(self,x,y): return x >= self.x and y >= self.y and x < self.x + self.w and y < self.y + self.h
[docs] def setTransform(self,T,convention='standard'): """Deprecated soon: use set_transform""" self.set_transform(T,convention)
[docs] def getTransform(self,convention='standard'): """Deprecated soon: use get_transform""" return self.get_transform(convention)
[docs] def set_transform(self,T,convention='standard'): """Sets the pose of the camera, with T given in world coordinates. If convention = 'openGL', the Z axis of T is the *backward* direction of the camera, with Y pointing *up* and X pointing to the *right*. If convention = 'standard', the Z axis of T is the *forward* direction of the camera, with Y pointing *down* and X pointing to the *right* """ if convention == 'openGL': else: xzflip = [1,0,0, 0,-1,0, 0,0,-1][0],xzflip),T[1]))
[docs] def get_transform(self,convention='standard'): """Gets the pose of the camera, with T given in world coordinates. If convention = 'openGL', the Z axis of T is the *backward* direction of the camera, with Y pointing *up* and X pointing to the *right*. If convention = 'standard', the Z axis of T is the *forward* direction of the camera, with Y pointing *down* and X pointing to the *right* """ if convention == 'openGL': return else: T = xzflip = [1,0,0, 0,-1,0, 0,0,-1] return (so3.mul(T[0],xzflip),T[1])
[docs] def fit(self,center,radius): """Fits the viewport to an object filling a sphere of a certain center and radius""" = center = radius*2 zmin,zmax = self.clippingplanes if radius < self.clippingplanes[0]: zmin = radius*0.5 if radius*3 > self.clippingplanes[1]: zmax =radius*3.5 self.clippingplanes = (zmin,zmax)
[docs] def toViewport(self): """Deprecated soon: use to_viewport.""" return self.to_viewport()
[docs] def to_viewport(self): """Returns a Klampt C++ Viewport() instance corresponding to this view. This is used to interface with the Widget classes""" vp = Viewport() vp.x,vp.y,vp.w,vp.h = self.x,self.y,self.w,self.h vp.n,vp.f = self.clippingplanes vp.perspective = True aspect = float(self.w)/float(self.h) rfov = math.radians(self.fov) vp.scale = 1.0/(2.0*math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect)*aspect) vp.setRigidTransform(* return vp
[docs] def click_ray(self,x,y): """Returns a pair of 3-tuples indicating the ray source and direction in world coordinates for a screen-coordinate point (x,y)""" R,t = #from x and y compute ray direction u = float(x-(self.x + self.w/2))/self.w v = float((self.y + self.h/2) -y)/self.w aspect = float(self.w)/float(self.h) rfov = math.radians(self.fov) scale = 2.0*math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect)*aspect d = (u*scale,v*scale,-1.0) d = vectorops.div(d,vectorops.norm(d)) return (t,so3.apply(R,d))
[docs] def project(self,pt,clip=True): """Given a point in world space, returns the (x,y,z) coordinates of the projected pixel. z is given in absolute coordinates, while x,y are given in pixel values. If clip=True and the point is out of the viewing volume, then None is returned. Otherwise, if the point is exactly at the focal plane then the middle of the viewport is returned. """ ploc = se3.apply(se3.inv(,pt) if clip: if -ploc[2] <= self.clippingplanes[0] or -ploc[2] >= self.clippingplanes[1]: return None if abs(ploc[2]) < 1e-8: return (self.x+self.w/2,self.y+self.h/2,-ploc[2]) #d = (u*scale,v*scale,-1.0) #ploc.x = ploc.z*d.x #ploc.y = ploc.z*d.y aspect = float(self.w)/float(self.h) rfov = math.radians(self.fov) scale = 2.0*math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect)*aspect u = -ploc[0]/(ploc[2]*scale) v = -ploc[1]/(ploc[2]*scale) if clip and (abs(u) > 0.5 or abs(v) > 0.5): return None x = u*self.w + (self.x + self.w/2) y = (self.y + self.h/2) - v*self.w return (x,y,-ploc[2])
[docs] def setCurrentGL(self): """Deprecated soon: use set_current_GL""" warnings.warn("setCurrentGL will be deprecated in the next version of Klampt",DeprecationWarning) self.set_current_GL()
[docs] def set_current_GL(self): """Sets up the view in the current OpenGL context""" if not _HAS_OPENGL: raise RuntimeError("PyOpenGL is not installed, cannot use set_current_gl") # Projection GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_PROJECTION) GL.glLoadIdentity() aspect = float(self.w)/float(self.h) n,f = self.clippingplanes if*1.05 > f: #allow super zoomed-out views to work without adjusting far plane f =*1.05 GLU.gluPerspective (self.fov/aspect,aspect,n,f) # Initialize ModelView matrix GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_MODELVIEW) GL.glLoadIdentity() # View transformation mat = se3.homogeneous(se3.inv( cols = list(zip(*mat)) pack = sum((list(c) for c in cols),[]) GL.glMultMatrixf(pack)
[docs] def save_file(self,fn): """Saves to a viewport txt file. The file format is compatible with the RobotTest, RobotPose, and SimTest apps. """ f = open(str(fn),'w') f.write("VIEWPORT\n") f.write("FRAME %d %d %d %d\n"%(self.x,self.y,self.w,self.h)) f.write("PERSPECTIVE 1\n") aspect = float(self.w)/float(self.h) rfov = self.fov*math.pi/180.0 scale = 1.0/(2.0*math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect)*aspect) f.write("SCALE %f\n"%(scale,)) f.write("NEARPLANE %f\n"%(self.clippingplanes[0],)) f.write("FARPLANE %f\n"%(self.clippingplanes[1],)) f.write("CAMTRANSFORM ") mat = se3.homogeneous( f.write(' '.join(str(v) for v in sum(mat,[]))) f.write('\n') f.write("ORBITDIST %f\n"%(,)) f.close()
[docs] def load_file(self,fn): """Loads from a viewport txt file. The file format is compatible with the RobotTest, RobotPose, and SimTest apps. """ f = open(str(fn),'r') read_viewport = False mat = None for line in f: entries = line.split() if len(entries) == 0: continue kw = entries[0] args = entries[1:] if kw == 'VIEWPORT': read_viewport = True continue else: if not read_viewport: warnings.warn("File does not appear to be a valid viewport file, must start with VIEWPORT") break if kw == 'FRAME': self.x,self.y,self.w,self.h = [int(x) for x in args] elif kw == 'PERSPECTIVE': if args[0] != '1': warnings.warn("CANNOT CHANGE TO ORTHO MODE IN PYTHON VISUALIZATION") elif kw == 'SCALE': scale = float(args[0]) aspect = float(self.w)/float(self.h) #2.0*math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect)*aspect = 1.0/scale #math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect) = 0.5/(scale*aspect) #rfov*0.5/aspect = math.atan(0.5/(scale*aspect)) #rfov = 2*aspect*math.atan(0.5/(scale*aspect)) rfov = math.atan(0.5/(scale*aspect))*2*aspect self.fov = math.degrees(rfov) elif kw == 'NEARPLANE': self.clippingplanes = (float(args[0]),self.clippingplanes[1]) elif kw == 'FARPLANE': self.clippingplanes = (self.clippingplanes[0],float(args[0])) elif kw == 'CAMTRANSFORM': mat = [args[0:4],args[4:8],args[8:12],args[12:16]] for i,row in enumerate(mat): mat[i] = [float(x) for x in row] elif kw == 'ORBITDIST': = float(args[0]) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid viewport keyword "+kw) if mat is not None: f.close()