Source code for klampt.vis.glrobotprogram

"""Defines GLWorldPlugin and GLSimulationPlugin, which may be useful as base
classes for your own plugins.

from OpenGL.GL import *
from ..robotsim import WidgetSet,RobotPoser
from .glinterface import GLPluginInterface
from ..model import collide
from ..math import vectorops
from ..sim.simulation import SimpleSimulator
import sys

[docs]class GLWorldPlugin(GLPluginInterface): """A program that draws a WorldModel. This is a pretty bare plugin class, and users will want to override the GLPluginInterface methods to provide any reasonable functionality. Attributes: world (WorldModel): a world instance provided on construction. All elements in the world must be instantiated already. collider (WorldCollider): used for the click_world helper. """ def __init__(self,world): """Args: world (WorldModel): the world to draw """ GLPluginInterface.__init__(self) = world #Put your initialization code here #the current example creates a collision class, simulator, #simulation flag, and screenshot flags self.collider = collide.WorldCollider(world)
[docs] def display(self):
[docs] def click_world(self,x,y,want_points=False): """Helper: returns a list of objects sorted in order of increasing distance. This will be useful for handling mouse_click events. Args: x,y (int): the screen coordinates of a point being clicked want_points (bool, optional): if true, the return list contains the point of contact. Returns: (list): If want_points=False, a list of world objects. If want_points=True, a list of (world object, point) pairs """ #get the viewport ray (s,d) = self.view.click_ray(x,y) #run the collision tests collided = [] for g in self.collider.geomList: (hit,pt) = g[1].rayCast(s,d) if hit: dist =,s),d) collided.append((dist,g[0],pt)) if want_points: return [(g[1],g[2]) for g in sorted(collided)] else: return [g[1] for g in sorted(collided)]
[docs]class GLSimulationPlugin(GLWorldPlugin): """A program that runs a simulation given a world. Attributes: sim (SimpleSimulator): the simulator that this plugin will be using simulate (bool): set this to True to start simulating. dt (float): the timestep for each idle call. drawContacts (bool): set this to True to draw contact points drawSensors (bool): set this to True to draw sensors saveScreenshots (bool): set this to True if frames should be saved to disk. verbose (int, optional): set to 1 if you wish to get printouts of the event loop Subclasses should overload self.control_loop() and put whatever control loop you desire inside. Note: in this loop you should interact with self.sim.controller(0), not is simply a model and does not have a direct relation to the simulation. """ def __init__(self,world): """Args: world (WorldModel): the world to simulate """ GLWorldPlugin.__init__(self,world) self.sim = SimpleSimulator(world) self.simulate = False self.dt = 0.02 #turn this on to draw contact points self.drawContacts = False #turn this on to draw sensors self.drawSensors = False #turn this on to save screenshots self.saveScreenshots = False self.nextScreenshotTime = 0 self.screenshotCount = 0 self.verbose = 0 self.htmlSharePath = None def toggle_simulate(): self.simulate = not self.simulate print("Simulating:",self.simulate) def toggle_movie_mode(): self.saveScreenshots = not self.saveScreenshots print("Movie mode:",self.saveScreenshots) def toggle_draw_contacts(): self.drawContacts = not self.drawContacts if self.drawContacts: self.sim.enableContactFeedbackAll() def toggle_draw_sensors(): if self.drawSensors == False: self.drawSensors = True elif self.drawSensors == True: self.drawSensors = 'full' else: self.drawSensors = False def single_step(): print("Advancing by 0.01s") self.sim_step(0.01) self.add_action(toggle_simulate,'Toggle simulation','s') self.add_action(single_step,'Step simulation',' ',) #self.add_action(toggle_movie_mode,'Toggle movie mode','m') self.add_action(self.sim.toggleLogging,'Toggle simulation logging','l') self.add_action(toggle_draw_contacts,'Toggle draw contacts','c') self.add_action(toggle_draw_sensors,'Toggle draw sensors','v')
[docs] def initialize(self): #match window refresh rate self.dt = self.window.program.dt return GLWorldPlugin.initialize(self)
[docs] def display(self): """Override this to do custom drawing""" #This draws the simulated world in grey and the #commanded configurations in transparent green self.sim.drawGL() #draw contacts, if enabled if self.drawContacts: glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH) glColor3f(1,1,0) glLineWidth(1.0) glPointSize(5.0) forceLen = 0.1 #scale of forces maxid = for i in range(maxid): for j in range(i+1,maxid): points = self.sim.getContacts(i,j) if len(points) > 0: forces = self.sim.getContactForces(i,j) glBegin(GL_POINTS) for p in points: glVertex3f(*p[0:3]) glEnd() glBegin(GL_LINES) for p,f in zip(points,forces): glVertex3f(*p[0:3]) glVertex3f(*vectorops.madd(p[0:3],f,forceLen)) glEnd() glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) #draw sensors, if enabled if self.drawSensors: for i in range( c = self.sim.controller(i) j = 0 while j >= 0: s = c.sensor(j) if == '': j = -1 break if self.drawSensors == 'full': s.drawGL(s.getMeasurements()) else: s.drawGL() j += 1 return True
[docs] def control_loop(self): """Overload this to perform custom control handling.""" pass
[docs] def sim_step(self,dt=None): """Advance the simulation and update the GUI""" if dt is None: dt = self.dt if self.sim.getTime() == 0: self.sim.simulate(0) #Handle screenshots if self.saveScreenshots: #The following line saves movies on simulation time if self.sim.getTime() >= self.nextScreenshotTime: #The following line saves movies on wall clock time #if self.ttotal >= self.nextScreenshotTime: self.save_screen("image%04d.ppm"%(self.screenshotCount,)) self.screenshotCount += 1 self.nextScreenshotTime += 1.0/30.0; if self.htmlSharePath: self.htmlSharePath.animate() self.control_loop() self.sim.simulate(dt) self.refresh()
[docs] def idle(self): #Put your idle loop handler here #the current example simulates with the current time step self.dt if self.simulate: self.sim_step() return True
[docs] def mousefunc(self,button,state,x,y): #Put your mouse handler here #the current example prints out the list of objects clicked whenever #you right click if self.verbose: print("mouse",button,state,x,y) return GLPluginInterface.mousefunc(self,button,state,x,y)
[docs] def motionfunc(self,x,y,dx,dy): return GLPluginInterface.motionfunc(self,x,y,dx,dy)