Source code for klampt.vis.glcommon

"""Defines GLWidgetPlugin, GLMultiViewportProgram, and CachedGLObject, which 
are used by the core visualization module.  They may be useful for writing
your own GLPluginInterface classes, too.

from .glinterface import GLPluginInterface
from .glprogram import GLProgram,GLPluginProgram
import math
from OpenGL.GL import *
import weakref
import warnings

[docs]class GLWidgetPlugin(GLPluginInterface): """A GL plugin that sends user events to one or more Klamp't widgets. To use, add this to a GLPluginProgram and call addWidget to add widgets""" def __init__(self): from ..robotsim import WidgetSet GLPluginInterface.__init__(self) self.klamptwidgetbutton = 2 self.klamptwidgetmaster = WidgetSet() self.klamptwidgetdragging = False
[docs] def addWidget(self,widget): self.klamptwidgetmaster.add(widget)
[docs] def widgetchangefunc(self,event): """Called whenever a widget is clicked or dragged. event can be 'mousedown', 'mousedrag', 'mouseup'. Subclasses can use this to respond to widget click events""" pass
[docs] def widgethoverfunc(self): """Called whenever a widget changes appearance due to hover. Subclasses can use this to respond to widget click events""" pass
[docs] def display(self): self.klamptwidgetmaster.drawGL(self.viewport()) return False
[docs] def keyboardfunc(self,c,x,y): if len(c)==1: self.klamptwidgetmaster.keypress(c[0]) return False
[docs] def keyboardupfunc(self,c,x,y): return False
[docs] def mousefunc(self,button,state,x,y): if button == self.klamptwidgetbutton: if state == 0: #down if self.klamptwidgetmaster.beginDrag(x,self.view.h-y,self.viewport()): self.widgetchangefunc("mousedown") self.klamptwidgetdragging = True else: if self.klamptwidgetdragging: self.widgetchangefunc("mouseup") self.klamptwidgetmaster.endDrag() self.klamptwidgetdragging = False if self.klamptwidgetmaster.wantsRedraw(): self.refresh() return True return False
[docs] def motionfunc(self,x,y,dx,dy): if self.klamptwidgetdragging: self.klamptwidgetmaster.drag(dx,-dy,self.viewport()) self.widgetchangefunc("mousedrag") if self.klamptwidgetmaster.wantsRedraw(): self.refresh() return True else: self.klamptwidgetmaster.hover(x,self.view.h-y,self.viewport()) if self.klamptwidgetmaster.wantsRedraw(): self.widgethoverfunc() self.refresh() return False
[docs] def idlefunc(self): self.klamptwidgetmaster.idle() return True
[docs]class GLMultiViewportProgram(GLProgram): """A GLProgram that splits the window into several sub-views. Each view is a GLProgram or GLPluginInterface. """ def __init__(self): GLProgram.__init__(self) self.views = [] self.activeView = None self.dragging = False self.sizePolicy = 'fit' self.broadcast = False self.defaultSizes = [] #self.height = self.view.h
[docs] def initialize(self): if not GLProgram.initialize(self): return False for v in self.views: v.window = self.window if not v.initialize(): return False return True
[docs] def addView(self,view): if isinstance(view,GLPluginInterface): plugin = view pview = GLPluginProgram() pview.window = self.window pview.setPlugin(view) view = pview assert isinstance(view,GLProgram) self.views.append(view) #spoofs reshape, motion functions view.window = weakref.proxy(self) self.defaultSizes.append((view.view.w,view.view.h)) #print "Added a view, total",len(self.views),"size now",self.view.w,self.view.h return view
[docs] def removeView(self,view): view.window = None for i,p in enumerate(self.views): if p is view: self.views.pop(i) self.defaultSizes.pop(i) self.activeView = None return
[docs] def clearViews(self): for p in self.views: p.window = None self.views = [] self.defaultSizes = [] self.activeView = None
[docs] def updateActive(self,x,y): if not self.view.contains(x,y): return self.activeView = None for i,p in enumerate(self.views): if p.view.contains(x,y): #print "Selecting view",x,y,":",i self.activeView = i return return
[docs] def fit(self): if len(self.views) == 0: return rowlen = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(self.views)))) assert rowlen > 0 rowheights = [0]*int(math.ceil(float(len(self.views))/rowlen)) colwidths = [0]*rowlen for i,p in enumerate(self.views): col = i % rowlen row = int(i / rowlen) rowheights[row] = max(self.defaultSizes[i][1],rowheights[row]) colwidths[col] = max(self.defaultSizes[i][0],colwidths[col]) cumrowheights = [0] cumcolwidths = [0] for h in rowheights: cumrowheights.append(cumrowheights[-1]+h) for w in colwidths: cumcolwidths.append(cumcolwidths[-1]+w) if self.sizePolicy == 'fit': self.view.w = sum(colwidths) self.view.h = sum(rowheights) for i,p in enumerate(self.views): col = i % rowlen row = int(i / rowlen) p.view.x,p.view.y = (cumcolwidths[col],cumrowheights[row]) self.width = self.view.w self.height = self.view.h if self.window != None: self.window.reshape(self.view.w,self.view.h) else: #squeeze self.width = self.view.w self.height = self.view.h for i,p in enumerate(self.views): col = i % rowlen row = int(i / rowlen) p.view.x = float(self.view.w)*float(cumcolwidths[col])/float(cumcolwidths[-1]) p.view.y = float(self.view.h)*float(cumrowheights[row])/float(cumrowheights[-1]) p.view.w = float(self.view.w)*float(colwidths[col]) / float(cumcolwidths[-1]) p.view.h = float(self.view.h)*float(rowheights[row]) / float(cumrowheights[-1]) p.view.x = self.view.x+int(p.view.x) p.view.y = self.view.y+int(p.view.y) p.view.w = int(p.view.w) p.view.h = int(p.view.h) #print "View",i,"shape",(p.view.x,p.view.y,p.view.w,p.view.h) p.reshapefunc(p.view.w,p.view.h) if self.window != None: self.refresh()
[docs] def reshapefunc(self,w,h): if (w,h) != (self.view.w,self.view.h): self.view.w,self.view.h = w,h self.height = self.view.h self.sizePolicy = 'squash' return True
[docs] def displayfunc(self): anyTrue = False glClearColor(0,0,0,0) glScissor(0,0,self.view.w,self.view.h) glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); for p in self.views: try: if p.displayfunc(): anyTrue = True except Exception: warnings.warn("Error running displayfunc() for plugin {}".format(p.__class__.__name__)) raise return anyTrue
[docs] def display(self): anyTrue = False for p in self.views: try: if p.display(): anyTrue = True except Exception: warnings.warn("Error running display() for plugin {}".format(p.__class__.__name__)) raise return anyTrue
[docs] def display_screen(self): anyTrue = False for p in self.views: try: if p.display_screen(): anyTrue = True except Exception: print("Error running display_screen() for plugin",p.__class__.__name__) raise return anyTrue
[docs] def keyboardfunc(self,c,x,y): if self.broadcast: for p in self.views: p.keyboardfunc(c,x,y) return True self.updateActive(x,y) if self.activeView != None: return True if self.views[self.activeView].keyboardfunc(c,x,y) else False return False
[docs] def keyboardupfunc(self,c,x,y): if self.broadcast: for p in self.views: p.keyboardupfunc(c,x,y) return True self.updateActive(x,y) if self.activeView != None: return True if self.views[self.activeView].keyboardupfunc(c,x,y) else False return False
[docs] def mousefunc(self,button,state,x,y): if self.broadcast: for p in self.views: p.mousefunc(button,state,x,y) return True if state == 0: #button down self.updateActive(x,y) self.dragging = True else: self.dragging = False if self.activeView != None: return True if self.views[self.activeView].mousefunc(button,state,x,y) else False return False
[docs] def motionfunc(self,x,y,dx,dy): if self.broadcast: for p in self.views: p.motionfunc(x,y,dx,dy) return True if not self.dragging: self.updateActive(x,y) if self.activeView != None: return True if self.views[self.activeView].motionfunc(x,y,dx,dy) else False return False
[docs] def idlefunc(self): for p in self.views: p.idlefunc() return True
[docs] def refresh(self): """Spoofs the window's refresh function""" self.window.refresh()
[docs] def reshape(self,w,h): """Spoofs the window's reshape function""" raise NotImplementedError("Can't have a viewport reshaping a multi-viewport yet") self.sizePolicy = 'squash' return True
[docs] def draw_text(self,point,text,size=12,color=None): """Draws text of the given size and color at the given point. Usually called during display_screen.""" #if self.activeView == None: self.window.draw_text(point,text,size,color)
#the GL viewport should be setup already #else: # ox,oy = self.pluginOrigins[self.activeView] # self.window.draw_text(ox+x,oy+y,text,size,color)
[docs] def click_ray(self,x,y): #print "Getting click ray" if self.activeView == None: return self.window.click_ray(x,y) else: return self.views[self.activeView].click_ray(x,y)
[docs] def get_view(self): #print "Getting viewport..." if self.activeView == None: return self.window.get_view() else: return self.views[self.activeView].get_view()
[docs] def set_view(self,vp): #print "Getting viewport..." if self.activeView == None: return self.window.set_view(vp) else: return self.views[self.activeView].set_view(vp)
[docs]class CachedGLObject: """An object whose drawing is accelerated by means of a display list. The draw function may draw the object in the local frame, and the object may be transformed without having to recompile the display list. """ def __init__(self): = "" #OpenGL display list self.glDisplayList = None #marker for recursive calls self.makingDisplayList = False #parameters for render function self.displayListRenderArgs = None #other parameters for display lists self.displayListParameters = None #dirty bit to indicate whether the display list should be recompiled self.changed = False def __del__(self): self.destroy()
[docs] def destroy(self): """Must be called to free up resources used by this object""" if self.glDisplayList != None: global _CACHED_DELETED_LISTS,_CACHED_DISPLAY_LISTS if len(_CACHED_DELETED_LISTS) > 100: for dl in _CACHED_DELETED_LISTS: glDeleteLists(dl,1) _CACHED_DELETED_LISTS = list() else: _CACHED_DELETED_LISTS.append(self.glDisplayList) _CACHED_DISPLAY_LISTS.remove(self.glDisplayList) self.glDisplayList = None
[docs] def markChanged(self): """Marked by an outside source to indicate the object has changed and should be redrawn.""" self.changed = True
[docs] def draw(self,renderFunction,transform=None,args=None,parameters=None): """Given the function that actually makes OpenGL calls, this will draw the object. If parameters is given, the object's local appearance is assumed to be defined deterministically from these parameters. The display list will be redrawn if the parameters change. """ from ..math import se3 if args == None: args = () if self.makingDisplayList: renderFunction(*args) return if self.glDisplayList == None or self.changed or parameters != self.displayListParameters or args != self.displayListRenderArgs: self.displayListRenderArgs = args self.displayListParameters = parameters self.changed = False if self.glDisplayList == None: #print "Generating new display list", global _CACHED_WARN_THRESHOLD,_CACHED_DISPLAY_LISTS,_CACHED_DELETED_LISTS if len(_CACHED_DELETED_LISTS) > 0: self.glDisplayList = _CACHED_DELETED_LISTS[-1] _CACHED_DELETED_LISTS.pop(-1) else: self.glDisplayList = glGenLists(1) _CACHED_DISPLAY_LISTS.add(self.glDisplayList) if len(_CACHED_DISPLAY_LISTS) > _CACHED_WARN_THRESHOLD: print("GLCachedObject: Creating",len(_CACHED_DISPLAY_LISTS),"GL objects",self.glDisplayList,"watch me for memory usage...") _CACHED_WARN_THRESHOLD += 1000 #print "Compiling display list", if transform: glPushMatrix() glMultMatrixf(sum(list(zip(*se3.homogeneous(transform))),())) glNewList(self.glDisplayList,GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE) self.makingDisplayList = True try: renderFunction(*args) except GLError: import traceback print("Error encountered during draw, display list",self.glDisplayList) traceback.print_exc() self.makingDisplayList = False glEndList() if transform: glPopMatrix() else: if transform: glPushMatrix() glMultMatrixf(sum(list(zip(*se3.homogeneous(transform))),())) glCallList(self.glDisplayList) if transform: glPopMatrix()