Source code for klampt.vis.colorize

"""Colorize an object to show heatmaps, false color images, etc.

from OpenGL.raw.GL.VERSION.GL_1_1 import GL_NONE
from ..robotsim import *
from ..math import vectorops
    import numpy as np
except Exception:
    HAVE_NUMPY = False

[docs]def colorize(object,value,colormap=None,feature=None,vrange=None,lighting=None): """Colorizes an object according to some value. Useful for making heatmaps, false color images, etc. Can only be used with point clouds and triangle meshes. Examples: - ``colorize(point_cloud,'z','plasma')``: sets the point cloud to a rainbow colorization (the 'plasma' colormap in Matplotlib) depending on z. - ``colorize(trimesh,'nz')``: colorizes the trimesh according to the z component of each triangle normal. - ``colorize(trimesh,[v1_val,v2_val,...,vm_val])``: colorizes each vertex of the triangle mesh by the default colormap. (here m is the # of vertices) - ``colorize(trimesh,[t1_rgb,t2_rgb,...,tn_rgb])``: colorizes each triangle of the triangle mesh to an assigned color. (here n is the # of triangles) - ``colorize(trimesh,'index','random',feature='vertices')``: assigns random vertex colors. - ``colorize(trimesh,segments,'random')``: if clusters is a list of segment IDs (len(segments) = # triangles), this assigns a random color to each segment. - ``colorize(trimesh,segments,'random',lighting=[0,0,-1])``: similar to above, but each triangle is shaded as though the scene was lighted by a downward-facing directional light (noonday sun). Arguments: object: either an object with both an ``appearance()`` and ``geometry()`` method, a :class:`~klampt.robotsim.PointCloud`, a :class:`~klampt.robotsim.Geometry3D`, or an :class:`~klampt.robotsim.Appearance`. - In the first case, the associated appearance is updated. - For PointClouds, color attributes are added as an 'rgb' or 'rgba' channel, if color information is not already present. - For Geometry3Ds, the return value is an Appearance that can be used via Appearance.drawGL(object). - For Appearances, the face/vertex colors are assigned. Note that ``feature`` cannot be "auto". value (str or list): a named feature of the geometry or a list of values or RGB/RGBA colors. Valid named features include: - 'p' or 'position': assigns RGB color by position - 'n' or 'normal': assigns RGB color by normal (range [-1,1] if vrange=None) - 'x': assigns value by position x - 'y': assigns value by position y - 'z': assigns value by position z - 'nx': assigns value by normal x (range [-1,1] if vrange=None) - 'ny': assigns value by normal y (range [-1,1] if vrange=None) - 'nz': assigns value by normal x (range [-1,1] if vrange=None) - 'index': assigns value by feature index - Any point cloud feature name: assigns value by feature. If this is a list, its length should equal the number of features (either vertices or faces) in the object's geometry. colormap (str, optional): either a Matplotlib colormap identifier or 'random'. By default, 'viridis' is used. If 'random' is used, the value is discarded and instead random colors are assigned. feature (str, optional): if this cannot determine whether to use the vertices or faces of a triangle mesh, ``feature`` indicates which feature to use (either 'vertices' or 'faces'). vrange (pair, optional): if values are 1D, this maps the value range to u=(v-vrange[0])/(vrange[1]-vrange[0]) before passing to the colormap. If not provided, the range is determined automatically by the min/max of values. lighting (3-list or callable, optional): if a 3-list, this is interpreted as the direction of a directional light. The items are shaded as though the light were illuminating the scene. If it's a callable, this is a function ``f(p,n)`` of the position and normal of a point or triangle, which should return a value in the range [0,1] indicating the overall brightness of the item. """ if colormap is None: colormap = 'viridis' geometry = None geometrydata = None appearance = None try: geometry = object.geometry() except Exception: geometry = object if isinstance(geometry,Geometry3D): type = geometry.type() if geometry.empty(): return if type == 'TriangleMesh': geometrydata = geometry.getTriangleMesh() elif type == 'PointCloud': geometrydata = geometry.getPointCloud() elif type == 'Group': raise NotImplementedError("Can't colorize group objects yet") else: raise NotImplementedError("Invalid object type, can only colorize TriangleMesh and PointCloud objects") elif isinstance(geometry,PointCloud): geometrydata = geometry elif isinstance(geometry,TriangleMesh): geometrydata = geometry if isinstance(object,Appearance): appearance = object geometry = None geometrydata = None else: if geometrydata is None: raise ValueError("Need to provide an object with TriangleMesh or PointCloud data") if isinstance(geometrydata,PointCloud): feature = 'vertices' try: appearance = object.appearance() except Exception: if isinstance(geometrydata,PointCloud): #put result directly into pointcloud appearance = geometrydata else: appearance = Appearance() #figure out if the number of faces is appropriate if feature not in ['vertices','faces',None]: raise ValueError("Invalid feature specified") N = 0 if feature == 'vertices': N = len(geometrydata.vertices)//3 elif feature == 'faces': if not isinstance(geometrydata,TriangleMesh): raise ValueError("Triangle meshes are the only geometries that can use the 'faces' feature") N = len(geometrydata.indices)//3 #check if values needs transforming if isinstance(value,str): if feature == None: if not isinstance(colormap,str) or colormap != 'random' or isinstance(geometrydata,PointCloud): feature = 'vertices' N = len(geometrydata.vertices)//3 else: #random face colors feature = 'faces' N = len(geometrydata.indices)//3 value = 'index' if geometrydata is None: raise ValueError("Can't assign colors based on a named value to an Appearance") if value == 'index': value = list(range(N)) else: vname = value found = False if isinstance(geometrydata,PointCloud): if vname == 'nx': vname = 'normal_x' elif vname == 'ny': vname = 'normal_y' elif vname == 'nz': vname = 'normal_z' for i in range(geometrydata.numProperties()): if value == geometrydata.propertyNames[i]: found = True value = geometrydata.getProperties(i) break if found: assert value is not None assert len(value) == N,"Feature is "+feature+" with length "+str(N)+" but extracted values of size "+str(len(value)) else: if not hasattr(value,'__iter__'): raise ValueError("Provided an invalid value "+str(value)) #it's a list if feature == None: if isinstance(geometrydata,PointCloud): feature = 'vertices' N = geometrydata.numPoints() else: if len(value)*3 == len(geometrydata.indices): feature = 'faces' N = len(geometrydata.indices)//3 elif len(value)*3 == len(geometrydata.vertices): feature = 'vertices' N = len(geometrydata.vertices)//3 else: raise ValueError("The number of values (%d) does not match the number of vertices (%d) or faces (%d) of the mesh"%(len(value),len(geometrydata.vertices)//3),len(geometrydata.indices)//3) if len(value) != N: raise ValueError("The number of values does not match the number of features: %d != %d"%(len(value),N)) shading = None if isinstance(value,str) or lighting is not None: #need positions / normals -- compute them for the indicated features positions = np.array(geometrydata.vertices) positions = positions.reshape((positions.shape[0]//3,3)) normals = None if lighting is not None or value in ['n','normal','nx','ny','nz']: if isinstance(geometrydata,PointCloud): #get normals from point cloud from ..model import sensing normals = np.asarray(sensing.point_cloud_normals(geometrydata,estimation_viewpoint=[0,0,0])) else: if feature == 'vertices': #compute normals by averaging triangle vertices normals = np.zeros((N,3)) for i in range(0,len(geometrydata.indices),3): a,b,c = geometrydata.indices[i],geometrydata.indices[i+1],geometrydata.indices[i+2] n = vectorops.cross(positions[b]-positions[a],positions[c]-positions[a]) n = np.array(vectorops.unit(n)) normals[a] += n normals[b] += n normals[c] += n for i in range(normals.shape[0]): l = np.linalg.norm(normals[i]) if l > 0: normals[i] *= 1.0/l else: normals = np.zeros((N,3)) for i in range(0,len(geometrydata.indices),3): a,b,c = geometrydata.indices[i],geometrydata.indices[i+1],geometrydata.indices[i+2] n = vectorops.cross(positions[b]-positions[a],positions[c]-positions[a]) normals[i//3] = np.array(vectorops.unit(n)) if feature == 'faces': if lighting is not None or value in ['position','x','y','z']: #compute positions = triangle centroids assert not isinstance(geometrydata,PointCloud) tris = np.array(geometrydata.indices,dtype=np.uint32) tris = tris.reshape((tris.shape[0]//3,3)) tpositions = np.zeros((N,3)) for i,t in enumerate(tris): tpositions[i] = np.average(positions[t,:],axis=0) positions = tpositions if isinstance(value,str): if value == 'p' or value == 'position': pmin = positions.min(axis=0) pmax = positions.max(axis=0) assert pmin.shape == (3,) dim = (pmax-pmin).max() value = (positions - pmin[np.newaxis,:])/dim elif value == 'x': value = positions[:,0] elif value == 'y': value = positions[:,1] elif value == 'z': value = positions[:,2] else: if value not in ['n','normal','nx','ny','nz']: raise ValueError("Invalid named value "+value) vrange = [-1,1] if value == 'n' or value == 'normal': value = (normals + 1.0)*0.5 elif value == 'nx': value = normals[:,0] elif value == 'ny': value = normals[:,1] elif value == 'nz': value = normals[:,2] else: assert False,"Code should never be reached" assert value is not None assert len(value) == N,"Got the wrong values? feature = %s, positions size %d, value size %d, N=%d"%(feature,positions.shape[0],len(value),N) if lighting is not None: if hasattr(lighting,'__iter__'): if len(lighting) != 3: raise ValueError("Lighting vector needs to be a 3-vector") shading =,np.asarray(lighting)) shading[shading < 0] = 0 shading[shading > 1] = 1 shading = 0.75*shading + 0.25 assert np.all(shading >= 0) and np.all(shading <= 1) else: if not callable(lighting): raise ValueError("Lighting argument needs to be a 3-vector or callable") shading = np.array([lighting(p,n) for p,n in zip(positions,normals)]) #now map values to colors colors = None if colormap == 'random': colors = np.random.rand(N,3) elif hasattr(value[0],'__iter__'): colors = np.asarray(value) if colors.shape[1] not in [3,4]: raise ValueError("Value array must be a 1-D list, Nx3 array, or Nx4 array") else: #assign a colormap if vrange is None: vrange = (min(value),max(value)) if vrange[0] == vrange[1]: val = vrange[0] vrange = (val - 0.5,val + 0.5) from matplotlib import cm cm_interpolator = cm.get_cmap(colormap) value = np.asarray(value) interp = (value - vrange[0])*(1.0/(vrange[1]-vrange[0])) colors = cm_interpolator(interp) if shading is not None: colors[:,:3] = shading[:,np.newaxis]*colors[:,:3] #finally, assign colors to object if isinstance(appearance,PointCloud): #set the point cloud colors directly hascolor = -1 prop = None for i in range(appearance.numProperties()): if appearance.propertyNames[i] in ['rgb','rgba','r']: hascolor = i prop = appearance.propertyNames[i] break if hascolor < 0: hascolor = appearance.numProperties() if colors.shape[1] == 3: prop = 'rgb' appearance.addProperty(prop) else: prop = 'rgba' appearance.addProperty(prop) if prop == 'r': assert appearance.propertyNames[hascolor+1] == 'g' assert appearance.propertyNames[hascolor+2] == 'b' appearance.setProperties(hascolor,colors[:,0].tolist()) appearance.setProperties(hascolor+1,colors[:,1].tolist()) appearance.setProperties(hascolor+2,colors[:,2].tolist()) elif prop == 'rgb': r = (colors[:,0]*255.0).astype(np.uint32) g = (colors[:,1]*255.0).astype(np.uint32) b = (colors[:,2]*255.0).astype(np.uint32) rgb = np.bitwise_or.reduce((np.left_shift(r,16),np.left_shift(g,8),b)) appearance.setProperties(hascolor,rgb.tolist()) elif prop == 'rgba': r = (colors[:,0]*255.0).astype(np.uint32) g = (colors[:,1]*255.0).astype(np.uint32) b = (colors[:,2]*255.0).astype(np.uint32) if colors.shape[1] == 3: a = np.full(colors.shape[0],255,dtype=np.uint8) else: a = (colors[:,3]*255.0).astype(np.uint32) rgba = np.bitwise_or.reduce((np.left_shift(r,16),np.left_shift(g,8), np.left_shift(a,24),b)) appearance.setProperties(hascolor,rgba.tolist()) if isinstance(geometry,Geometry3D): #write it back to the geometry geometry.setPointCloud(appearance) else: #assign appearance features have_alpha = (colors.shape[1]==4) temp = Appearance() if feature == 'vertices': temp.setColors(Appearance.VERTICES,colors.flatten(),have_alpha) else: temp.setColors(Appearance.FACES,colors.flatten(),have_alpha) appearance.set(temp) appearance.refresh() if object is geometry: return appearance return object