Source code for klampt.model.create.primitives

"""Utilities for creating geometric primitives (and world entities made out
of them).

from klampt import *

[docs]def box(width,depth,height,center=None,R=None,t=None,world=None,name=None,mass=float('inf'),type='TriangleMesh'): """Makes a box with dimensions width x depth x height. The box is centered at (0,0,0) by default. Args: width,depth,height (float): x,y,z dimensions of the box center (list of 3 floats, optional): if None (typical), the *geometry* of the box is centered at 0. Otherwise, the *geometry* of the box is shifted relative to the box's local coordinate system. R,t (se3 transform, optional): if given, the box's world coordinates will be rotated and shifted by this transform. world (WorldModel, optional): If given, then the box will be a RigidObjectModel or TerrainModel will be created in this world name (str, optional): If world is given, this is the name of the object. Default is 'box'. mass (float, optional): If world is given and this is inf, then a TerrainModel will be created. Otherwise, a RigidObjectModel will be created with automatically determined inertia. type (str, optional): the geometry type. Defaults to 'TriangleMesh', but also 'GeometricPrimitive' and 'VolumeGrid' are accepted. Returns: Geometry3D, RigidObjectModel, or TerrainModel: A representation of the box. If a world is given, then either a RigidObjectModel or TerrainModel is added to the world and returned. """ if center is None: center = [0,0,0] prim = GeometricPrimitive() prim.setAABB([center[0]-width*0.5,center[1]-depth*0.5,center[2]-height*0.5],[center[0]+width*0.5,center[1]+depth*0.5,center[2]+height*0.5]) geom = Geometry3D(prim) if type != 'GeometricPrimitive': geom = geom.convert(type) if world is None: if R is not None and t is not None: geom.setCurrentTransform(R,t) return geom #want a RigidObjectModel or TerrainModel if name is None: name = 'box' if mass != float('inf'): bmass = Mass() bmass.setMass(mass) bmass.setCom(center) bmass.setInertia([mass*(depth**2+height**2)/12,mass*(width**2+height**2)/12,mass*(width**2+height**2)/12]) robj = world.makeRigidObject(name) robj.geometry().set(geom) robj.setMass(bmass) if R is not None and t is not None: robj.setTransform(R,t) return robj else: tobj = world.makeTerrain(name) if R is not None and t is not None: geom.transform(R,t) tobj.geometry().set(geom) return tobj
[docs]def sphere(radius,center=None,R=None,t=None,world=None,name=None,mass=float('inf'),type='TriangleMesh'): """Makes a sphere with the given radius Args: radius (float): radius of the sphere center (list of 3 floats, optional): if None (typical), the *geometry* of the sphere is centered at 0. Otherwise, the *geometry* of the sphere is shifted relative to the sphere's local coordinate system. R,t (se3 transform, optional): if given, the sphere's world coordinates will be rotated and shifted by this transform. world (WorldModel, optional): If given, then the sphere will be a RigidObjectModel or TerrainModel will be created in this world name (str, optional): If world is given, this is the name of the object. Default is 'sphere'. mass (float, optional): If world is given and this is inf, then a TerrainModel will be created. Otherwise, a RigidObjectModel will be created with automatically determined inertia. type (str, optional): the geometry type. Defaults to 'TriangleMesh', but also 'GeometricPrimitive' and 'VolumeGrid' are accepted. Returns: Geometry3D, RigidObjectModel, or TerrainModel: A representation of the sphere. If a world is given, then either a RigidObjectModel or TerrainModel is added to the world and returned. """ if center is None: center = [0,0,0] prim = GeometricPrimitive() prim.setSphere(center,radius) geom = Geometry3D(prim) if type != 'GeometricPrimitive': geom = geom.convert(type) if world is None: if R is not None and t is not None: geom.setCurrentTransform(R,t) return geom #want a RigidObjectModel or TerrainModel if name is None: name = 'sphere' if mass != float('inf'): bmass = Mass() bmass.setMass(mass) bmass.setCom(center) bmass.setInertia([0.4*mass*radius**2]) robj = world.makeRigidObject(name) robj.geometry().set(geom) robj.setMass(bmass) if R is not None and t is not None: robj.setTransform(R,t) return robj else: tobj = world.makeTerrain(name) if R is not None and t is not None: geom.transform(R,t) tobj.geometry().set(geom) return tobj