Source code for klampt.model.create.pile

"""Utility functions for making arrangments / piles of objects.

Main functions are :func:`make_object_arrangement` and

from klampt import *
from klampt.math import vectorops,so3,se3
from klampt.model import collide
import random
import math

def _get_bound(objects):
    """Obtains the tight outer bounds of the object(s) at their current transforms, in world coordinates."""
    if hasattr(objects,'__iter__'):
        bbs = [_get_bound(o) for o in objects]
        if len(bbs) == 1:
            return bbs[0]
        return collide.bb_union(*bbs)
        return objects.geometry().getBBTight()

[docs]def xy_randomize(obj,bmin,bmax): """Randomizes the xy position and z orientation of an object inside of a bounding box bmin->bmax. Assumes the bounding box is large enough to hold the object in any orientation. """ R,t = obj.getTransform() R = so3.mul(so3.rotation([0,0,1],random.uniform(0,math.pi*2)),R) t[0] = 0 t[1] = 0 obj.setTransform(R,t) obmin,obmax = obj.geometry().getBB() t[0] = random.uniform(bmin[0]-obmin[0],bmax[0]-obmax[0]) t[1] = random.uniform(bmin[1]-obmin[1],bmax[1]-obmax[1]) obj.setTransform(R,t)
[docs]def xy_jiggle(world,objects,fixed_objects,bmin,bmax,iters,randomize=True, verbose=0): """Jiggles the objects' x-y positions within the range bmin - bmax, and randomizes orientation about the z axis until the objects are collision free. A list of fixed objects (fixed_objects) may be given as well. Objects for which collision-free resolutions are not found are returned. """ if randomize: for obj in objects: xy_randomize(obj,bmin,bmax) object_geometries = [o.geometry() for o in objects] fixed_geometries = [o.geometry() for o in fixed_objects] inner_iters = 10 while iters > 0: numConflicts = [0]*len(objects) for (i,j) in collide.self_collision_iter(object_geometries): numConflicts[i] += 1 numConflicts[j] += 1 for (i,j) in collide.group_collision_iter(object_geometries,fixed_geometries): numConflicts[i] += 1 amax = max((c,i) for (i,c) in enumerate(numConflicts))[1] cmax = numConflicts[amax] if cmax == 0: #conflict free return [] if verbose: print(cmax,"conflicts with object",objects[amax].getName()) other_geoms = [o.geometry() for o in objects[:amax]+objects[amax+1:]+fixed_objects] nc = 0 for it in range(inner_iters): xy_randomize(objects[amax],bmin,bmax) nc = sum([1 for p in collide.group_collision_iter([objects[amax].geometry()],other_geoms)]) if nc < cmax: break iters-=1 if verbose: print("Now",nc,"conflicts with object",objects[amax].getName()) numConflicts = [0]*len(objects) for (i,j) in collide.self_collision_iter(object_geometries): numConflicts[i] += 1 numConflicts[j] += 1 for (i,j) in collide.group_collision_iter(object_geometries,fixed_geometries): numConflicts[i] += 1 removed = [] while max(numConflicts) > 0: amax = max((c,i) for (i,c) in enumerate(numConflicts))[1] cmax = numConflicts[amax] if verbose: print("Unable to find conflict-free configuration for object",objects[amax].getName(),"with",cmax,"conflicts") removed.append(amax) #revise # of conflicts -- this could be faster, but whatever... numConflicts = [0]*len(objects) for (i,j) in collide.self_collision_iter(object_geometries): if i in removed or j in removed: continue numConflicts[i] += 1 numConflicts[j] += 1 for (i,j) in collide.group_collision_iter(object_geometries,fixed_geometries): if i in removed: continue numConflicts[i] += 1 return removed
[docs]def make_object_arrangement(world,container,objects,container_wall_thickness=0.01,max_iterations=100,remove_failures=False): """For a given container and a list of objects in the world, places the objects inside the container with randomized x-y locations and z orientations so that they are initially collision free and on the bottom of the container. Args: world (WorldModel): the world containing the objects and obstacles container: the container RigidObject / Terrain in world into which objects should be spawned. Assumed axis-aligned. objects (list of RigidObject): a list of RigidObjects in the world, at arbitrary locations. They are placed in order. container_wall_thickness (float, optional): a margin subtracted from the container's outer dimensions into which the objects are spawned. max_iterations (int, optional): the maximum number of iterations used for sampling object initial poses remove_failures (bool): if True, then instead of returning None on failure, the objects that fail placement are removed from the world. Returns: WorldModel: if successful, the positions of objects in world are modified and world is returned. On failure, None is returned. .. note:: Since world is modified in-place, if you wish to make multiple worlds with piles of the same objects, you should use world.copy() to store the configuration of the objects. You may also wish to randomize the object ordering using random.shuffle(objects) between instances. """ container_outer_bb = _get_bound(container) container_inner_bb = (vectorops.add(container_outer_bb[0],[container_wall_thickness]*3),vectorops.sub(container_outer_bb[1],[container_wall_thickness]*3)) collision_margin = 0.0025 for object in objects: #make sure the bottom of the object touches the bottom of the container obb = _get_bound(object) zmin = obb[0][2] R,t = object.getTransform() t[2] = container_inner_bb[0][2] - zmin + collision_margin object.setTransform(R,t) failures = xy_jiggle(world,objects,[container],container_inner_bb[0],container_inner_bb[1],max_iterations,verbose=1) if len(failures) > 0: if remove_failures: removeIDs = [objects[i].index for i in failures] for i in sorted(removeIDs)[::-1]: world.remove(world.rigidObject(i)) else: return None return world
[docs]def make_object_pile(world,container,objects,container_wall_thickness=0.01,randomize_orientation=True, visualize=False,verbose=0): """For a given container and a list of objects in the world, drops the objects inside the container and simulates until stable. Args: world (WorldModel): the world containing the objects and obstacles container: the container RigidObject / Terrain in world into which objects should be spawned. Assumed axis-aligned. objects (list of RigidObject): a list of RigidObjects in the world, at arbitrary locations. They are placed in order. container_wall_thickness (float, optional): a margin subtracted from the container's outer dimensions into which the objects are spawned. randomize_orientation (bool or str, optional): if True, the orientation of the objects are completely randomized. If 'z', only the z orientation is randomized. If False or None, the orientation is unchanged visualize (bool, optional): if True, pops up a visualization window to show the progress of the pile verbose (int, optional): if > 0, prints progress of the pile. Returns: tuple: (world,sim), containing - world (WorldModel): the original world - sim (Simulator): the Simulator instance at the state used to obtain the stable placement of the objects. .. note:: If you wish to make multiple worlds with piles of the same objects, you may wish to randomize the object ordering using ``random.shuffle(objects)`` between instances. """ container_outer_bb = _get_bound(container) container_inner_bb = (vectorops.add(container_outer_bb[0],[container_wall_thickness]*3),vectorops.sub(container_outer_bb[1],[container_wall_thickness]*3)) spawn_area = (container_inner_bb[0][:],container_inner_bb[1][:]) collision_margin = 0.0025 """ sim = Simulator(world) sim.setSetting("maxContacts","20") sim.setSetting("adaptiveTimeStepping","0") Tfar = (so3.identity(),[0,0,-100000]) for object in objects: R,t = object.getTransform() object.setTransform(R,Tfar[1]) sim.body(object).setTransform(*Tfar) sim.body(object).enable(False) if verbose: print("Spawn area",spawn_area) """ """ if visualize: from klampt import vis from klampt.model import config import time oldwindow = vis.getWindow() if oldwindow == None: vis.createWindow() oldwindow = vis.getWindow() newwindow = vis.createWindow("make_object_pile dynamic visualization") vis.setWindow(newwindow) visworld = world.copy() vis.add("world",visworld) vis.addText("time","Time: 0",position=(20,20)) config.setConfig(visworld,config.getConfig(world)) """ for index in range(len(objects)): #always spawn above the current height of the pile if index > 0: objects_bound = _get_bound(objects[:index]) if verbose: print("Existing objects bound:",objects_bound) zshift = max(0.0,objects_bound[1][2] - spawn_area[0][2]) spawn_area[0][2] += zshift spawn_area[1][2] += zshift object = objects[index] R0,t0 = object.getTransform() object.setTransform(R0,[0,0,0]) obb = _get_bound(object) zmin = obb[0][2] feasible = False for sample in range(1000): R,t = R0[:],t0[:] if randomize_orientation == True: R = so3.sample() t[2] = spawn_area[1][2] - zmin + collision_margin + 0.2 object.setTransform(R,t) xy_randomize(object,spawn_area[0],spawn_area[1]) if verbose: print("Sampled position of",object.getName(),object.getTransform()[1]) if not randomize_orientation: _,t = object.getTransform() object.setTransform(R,t) #object spawned, now settle feasible = True break """ sobject = sim.body(object) sobject.enable(True) sobject.setTransform(*object.getTransform()) res = sim.checkObjectOverlap() if len(res[0]) == 0: feasible = True #get it low as possible without overlapping R,t = object.getTransform() for lower in range(100): sobject.setTransform(R,vectorops.add(t,[0,0,-(lower+1)*0.01])) res = sim.checkObjectOverlap() if len(res[0]) != 0: if verbose: print("Terminated lowering at",lower,"cm lower") sobject.setTransform(R,vectorops.add(t,[0,0,-lower*0.01])) res = sim.checkObjectOverlap() break sim.updateWorld() break """ if not feasible: if verbose: print("Failed to place object",object.getName()) return None """ if visualize: vis.lock() config.setConfig(visworld,config.getConfig(world)) vis.unlock() time.sleep(0.1) """ if verbose: print("Beginning to simulate") from klampt.sim import settle for i,obj in enumerate(objects): if i > 0: objects_bound = _get_bound(objects[:i]) zothers = objects_bound[1][2] else: zothers = container_inner_bb[0][2] R,t = obj.getTransform() obj.setTransform(R,[0,0,0]) obb = _get_bound(obj) zmin = obb[0][2] t[2] = zothers - zmin + collision_margin obj.setTransform(R,t) print("Simulating object",obj.getName()) xform,touched = settle.settle(world,obj,debug=visualize) obj.setTransform(*xform) return (world,None) """ #start letting everything fall for firstfall in range(10): sim.simulate(0.01) if visualize: vis.lock() config.setConfig(visworld,config.getConfig(world)) vis.unlock() time.sleep(0.01) maxT = 5.0 dt = 0.01 t = 0.0 wdamping = -0.01 vdamping = -0.1 while t < maxT: settled = True maxw = 0 maxv = 0 for object in objects: sobject = sim.body(object) if not collide.bb_contains((container_outer_bb[0][:2],container_outer_bb[1][:2]),object.getTransform()[1][:2]): if verbose: print("Object",object.getName(),"fell out of container area") continue if object.getTransform()[1][2] + 1 < container_outer_bb[0][2]: if verbose: print("Object",object.getName(),"fell out of container area") continue w,v = sobject.getVelocity() maxw = max(maxw,vectorops.norm(w)) maxv = max(maxv,vectorops.norm(v)) sobject.applyWrench(vectorops.mul(v,vdamping),vectorops.mul(w,wdamping)) if vectorops.norm(w) + vectorops.norm(v) > 1e-4: #settled settled=False break if settled: break if visualize: t0 = time.time() sim.simulate(dt) if visualize: vis.lock() vis.addText("time","Time: %.3f"%(t,),position=(20,20)) vis.addText("velocities","Ang vel %.3f, vel %.3f"%(maxw,maxv),position=(20,35)) config.setConfig(visworld,config.getConfig(world)) vis.unlock() time.sleep(max(0.0,dt-(time.time()-t0))) t += dt if visualize: vis.setWindow(oldwindow) return (world,sim) """