Source code for

"""Definitions of frictional point contacts, contact maps, basic wrench space
calculation subroutines, and performing equilibrium testing.

from . import ik
from ..math import vectorops,so3,se3
from .. import robotsim
from ..robotsim import RobotModel,RobotModelLink,RigidObjectModel,TerrainModel

[docs]def idToObject(world,ID): """Helper: takes a WorldModel ID and converts it into an object.""" assert(ID >= 0 and ID < world.numIDs()) if ID < world.numTerrains(): return world.terrain(ID) ID -= world.numTerrains() if ID < world.numRigidObjects(): return world.rigidObject(ID) ID -= world.numRigidObjects() for i in range(world.numRobots()): if ID==0: return world.robot(i) ID -= 1 if ID < world.numRobotLinks(i): return world.robotLink(i,ID) ID -= world.numRobotLinks(i) raise RuntimeError("Internal error in idToObject, invalid ID?")
[docs]class ContactPoint: """A point contact between two rigid bodies, object1 and object2. Attributes: x (list of 3 floats): the contact point in world coordinates. n (list of 3 floats): the normal pointing from object1 into object 2. kFriction (float): the friction coefficient. object1, object2 (optional): the objects in contact. """ def __init__(self,x=None,n=None,kFriction=0.): if x is None: x = [0.,0.,0.] if n is None: n = [0.,0.,1.] self.x = x self.n = n self.kFriction = kFriction self.object1 = None self.object2 = None
[docs] def reflect(self): """Flips the contact point to switch the base object from object1 to object2""" p = ContactPoint(self.x,[-ni for ni in self.n],self.kFriction) p.object2,p.object1 = self.object1,self.object2 return p
[docs] def transform(self,xform): """Given a rigid transform xform given as an se3 element, transforms the contact point.""" self.x = se3.apply(xform,self.x) self.n = so3.apply(xform[0],self.n)
[docs] def tolist(self): """Returns a 7-list representing this contact point, for use in the stability testing routines.""" return list(self.x) + list(self.n) + [self.kFriction]
[docs] def fromlist(self,v): """Reads the values x,n, and kFriction from the 7-list v.""" if len(v) != 7: raise ValueError("ContactPoint can only be converted from a 7-element list") self.x = v[0:3] self.n = v[3:6] self.kFriction = v[6]
[docs]class Hold: """A container for both contact points and an IK constraint on a robot's link. Can represent face-face, point-point, or edge contact. Similar to the Hold class in the C++ RobotSim library. Hypothetically, can also represent sliding contact. Attributes: link (int): the link index ikConstraint (IKObjective): the constraint (see klampt.robotsim.IKObjective or klampt.ik.objective) contacts (list of ContactPoint): the contacts used in the hold. (see """ def __init__(self): = None self.ikConstraint = None self.contacts = []
[docs] def setFixed(self,link,contacts): """Creates this hold such that it fixes a robot link to match a list of contacts (in world space) at its current transform. Args: link: a robot link or rigid object, currently contacting the environment / object at contacts contacts (list of :class:`ContactPoint`): the fixed contact points, given in world coordinates. """ assert isinstance(link,(RobotModelLink,RigidObjectModel)),"Argument must be a robot link or rigid object" = link.index T = link.getTransform() Tinv = se3.inv(T) self.ikConstraint = ik.objective(link,local=[se3.apply(Tinv,c.x) for c in contacts],world=[c.x for c in contacts]) self.contacts = contacts[:]
[docs] def transform(self,xform): """Given a rigid transform xform given as an se3 element, transforms the hold's contacts and ik constraint in-place.""" for c in self.contacts: c.transform(xform) self.ikConstraint.transform(*xform)
def _flatten(contactOrHoldList): if isinstance(contactOrHoldList,ContactPoint): return [contactOrHoldList.tolist()] elif isinstance(contactOrHoldList,Hold): return [c.tolist() for c in contactOrHoldList.contacts] else: return sum([_flatten(c) for c in contactOrHoldList],[])
[docs]def forceClosure(contactOrHoldList): """Given a list of ContactPoints or Holds, tests for force closure. Return value is True or False. Formulates the wrench matrix W of all contacts, including edges of the friction cones. If Hull(W) contains the zero vector in its interior, then the contacts are said to be in force closure. """ return robotsim.forceClosure(_flatten(contactOrHoldList))
[docs]def comEquilibrium(contactOrHoldList,fext=(0,0,-1),com=None): """Given a list of ContactPoints or Holds, an external gravity force, and a COM, tests for the existence of an equilibrium solution. Specifically, an equilibrium exists when the following equations are met: .. math:: \\begin{eqnarray} fext & = \\sum_i f_i \\\\ 0 &= \\sum_i f_i \\times (p_i - com) \\\\ f_i & \\in FC_i \end{eqnarray} where :math:`f_i`, :math:`p_i`, and :math:`FC_i` are the force, position, and the friction cone of the i'th contact point. If com == None, this tests whether there exists any equilibrium com, and returns True/False. If com != None, this returns either None if there is no solution, or otherwise returns a list of contact forces. """ return robotsim.comEquilibrium(_flatten(contactOrHoldList),fext,com)
[docs]def supportPolygon(contactOrHoldList): """Given a list of ContactPoints or Holds, returns the support polygon. The support polygon is given by list of tuples (ax,ay,b) such that the contraint ax*x+ay*y <= c holds for all (x,y) in the support polygon. An empty support polygon is given by the result [(0,0,-1)]. A complete support polygon is given by the result []. """ return robotsim.supportPolygon(_flatten(contactOrHoldList))
[docs]def equilibriumTorques(robot,holdList,fext=(0,0,-9.8),internalTorques=None,norm=0): """ Solves for the torques / forces that keep the robot balanced against gravity. Specifically, solves for :math:`(\\tau,f)` in the equation: .. math:: G(q;fext) + \\tau_{int} = \\tau + \\sum_i J_i(q)^T f_i where :math:`G(q;fext)` is the generalized gravity, :math:`\\tau_{int}` are the internal torques, and :math:`J_i(q)` is the Jacobian of the i'th contact point. All forces are required to be in their friction cones. Args: robot (RobotModel): the robot, posed in its current configuration holdList (list of Hold): a list of Holds. fext (list of 3 floats, optional): the external force (e.g., gravity) internalTorques (list, optional): if given, a list of length ``robot.numDofs`` giving internal torques. For example, setting this to ``robot.accelToTorques(ddq)`` can incorporate dynamics into the solver. norm (float, optional): the torque norm to minimize. If 0, minimizes the l-infinity norm (default). If 1, minimizes the l-1 norm. If 2, minimizes the l-2 norm (experimental, may not get good results) Returns: tuple or None: A pair (t,f) giving the joint torques and a list of frictional contact forces, if a solution exists. The return value may be None if no solution exists. """ links = sum([[]*len(h.contacts) for h in holdList],[]) if internalTorques is None: res = robotsim.equilibriumTorques(robot,_flatten(holdList),links,fext,norm) else: res = robotsim.equilibriumTorques(robot,_flatten(holdList),links,fext,internalTorques,norm) if res is None: return res f = res[1] return (res[0],[f[i*3:i*3+3] for i in range(len(f)//3)])
[docs]def contactMap(contacts,fixed=None): """Given an unordered list of ContactPoints, computes a canonical dict from (obj1,obj2) pairs to a list of contacts on those objects. The resulting dict is also regularized so that objects are sorted in increasing getID(), so that (obj1,obj2) is not duplicated as (obj2,obj1). If fixed is provided, all objects for which fixed(x) returns true will be set to None. The most common example, which fixes terrains, is:: lambda x: x is None or isinstance(x,TerrainModel) """ worlds = set() robots = set() objects = set() #check which worlds, robots, and objects are used for c in contacts: assert( ==,"Contacts need to be in the same world" worlds.insert( assert(len(worlds)<=1),"Only one world is supported" if len(worlds)==0: return dict() for c in contacts: if hasattr(c.object1,'robot'): assert(hasattr(c.object1,'robotIndex')),"Contact pairs must be RobotModelLink's" robots.insert(c.object1.robot) elif hasattr(c.object1,'object'): objects.insert(c.object1.object) if hasattr(c.object2,'robot'): assert(hasattr(c.object2,'robotIndex')),"Contact pairs must be RobotModelLink's" robots.insert(c.object2.robot) elif hasattr(c.object2,'object'): objects.insert(c.object2.object) #first sort out all the collision pairs paircontacts = dict() for c in contacts: reflect = False #treat all non RigidObjectModel or RobotModelLink objects as fixed o1 = c.object1 if not fixed(c.object1) else None o2 = c.object2 if not fixed(c.object2) else None if hasattr(o1,'getID'): if hasattr(o2,'getID'): if o2.getID() < o1.getID(): reflect=True elif o2.getID() == o1.getID(): raise RuntimeError("Contacts specified on object to itself") elif hasattr(o2,'getID'): reflect = True if o1 == o2: raise RuntimeError("Contact specified between an object and itself") if reflect: paircontacts.getdefault((o2,o1),[]).append(c.reflect()) else: paircontacts.getdefault((o1,o2),[]).append(c) return paircontacts
[docs]def geometryContacts(geom1,geom2,padding1,padding2=0,maxcontacts=0,kFriction=1): """Similar to ``geom1.contacts(geom2,padding1,padding2,maxcontacts)``, but returns a list of :class:`ContactPoint`, where the point (x) of each contact is placed in the center of the overlap region. The friction coefficient of each contact (kFriction) is set to kFriction. Note: Contact normals may be set to (0,0,0) if they cannot be computed properly, such as when two meshes intersect. """ res = geom1.contacts(geom2,padding1,padding2,maxcontacts) cps = [] for i,(p1,p2,n) in enumerate(zip(res.points1,res.points2,res.normals)): x = vectorops.interpolate(p1,p2,0.5) n = [v for v in n] cps.append(ContactPoint(x,n,kFriction)) cps[-1].object1 = geom1 cps[-1].object2 = geom2 return cps
[docs]def worldContactMap(world,padding,kFriction=1,collider=None): """Given a WorldModel, returns a contact map representing all current contacts (distance >= 0 and <= padding). Args: world (WorldModel): the world padding (float or function): if float, a constant padding, otherwise a function f(object) that returns the padding for an object. kFriction (float or function, optional): if float, a constant friction. Otherwise, a function f(object1,object2) that returns the friction for a pair of objects. collider (WorldCollider, optional): if given, only the pairs of objects whose collisions are enabled will be checked. Note: Contact normals may be set to (0,0,0) if they cannot be computed properly, such as when two meshes intersect. """ fpadding = padding ffriction = kFriction if not callable(padding): fpadding = lambda obj:padding if not callable(kFriction): ffriction = lambda obj1,obj2:kFriction from .collide import WorldCollider if collider is None: collider = WorldCollider(world) cmap = dict() for (i,j) in collider.collisionTests(bb_reject=False): obj1,geom1 = i obj2,geom2 = j pad1 = fpadding(obj1) pad2 = fpadding(obj2) clist = geometryContacts(geom1,geom2,pad1,pad2) if len(clist) > 0: kf = ffriction(obj1,obj2) for c in clist: c.kFriction = kf cmap[(obj1,obj2)] = clist return cmap
[docs]def simContactMap(sim): """Given a :class:`Simulation`, returns a contact map representing all current contacts (among bodies with collision feedback enabled). """ cmap = dict() w = for a in range(w.numIDs()): for b in range(a): c = sim.getContacts(a,b) if len(c) > 0: for ci in c: assert len(ci) == 7,"Internal error in Simulation.getContacts()?" #figure out the objects corresponding to a and b oa = idToObject(w,a) ob = idToObject(w,b) clist = [ContactPoint(ci[0:3],ci[3:6],ci[6]) for ci in c] cmap[(oa,ob)] = clist return cmap
[docs]def contactMapIKObjectives(contactmap): """Given a contact map, computes a set of non-conflicting IKObjective's or GeneralizedIKObjective's that enforce all simultaneous contact constraints. Usually called in conjunction with contactMap with the following sequence:: objectives = contactMapIKObjectives(contactMap(contacts,lambda x:x==None or isinstance(x,TerrainModel))) """ objectives = [] for ((o1,o2),clist) in contactmap.items(): assert o1 != None x1loc = [o1.getLocalPosition(c.x) for c in clist] if o2 is not None and not isinstance(o2,TerrainModel): x2loc = [o2.getLocalPosition(c.x) for c in clist] objectives.append(ik.objective(o1,o2,local=x1loc,world=x2loc)) else: x2 = [c.x for c in clist] objectives.append(ik.objective(o1,local=x1loc,world=x2)) return objectives
[docs]def contactMapHolds(contactmap): """Given a contact map, computes a set of non-conflicting Holds that enforce all simultaneous contact constraints. Usually called in conjunction with contactMap with the following sequence:: objectives = contactMapHolds(contactMap(contacts,lambda x:x==None or isinstance(x,TerrainModel))) """ holds = [] for ((o1,o2),clist) in contactmap.items(): assert o1 != None if not isinstance(o1,RobotModelLink): raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve Holds for contact map not containing robot links") h = Hold() = o1.index h.contacts = clist x1loc = [o1.getLocalPosition(c.x) for c in clist] if o2 is not None and not isinstance(o2,TerrainModel): x2loc = [o2.getLocalPosition(c.x) for c in clist] h.ikConstraint = ik.objective(o1,o2,local=x1loc,world=x2loc) else: x2 = [c.x for c in clist] h.ikConstraint = ik.objective(o1,local=x1loc,world=x2) holds.append(h) return holds
[docs]def skew(x): """Returns the skew-symmetric cross-product matrix corresponding to the matrix x""" try: import numpy except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("skew(x) needs numpy") assert(len(x) == 3) xhat = numpy.zeros((3,3)) xhat[0,1] = -x[2] xhat[1,0] = x[2] xhat[0,2] = x[1] xhat[2,0] = -x[1] xhat[1,2] = -x[0] xhat[2,1] = x[0] return xhat
[docs]def invMassMatrix(obj): """Returns the inverse of obj's generalized mass matrix:: [H 0 ]-1 [0 mI] about the origin.""" try: import numpy except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("invMassMatrix(obj) needs numpy") Hinv = numpy.zeros((6,6)) if obj == None or isinstance(obj,TerrainModel): #infinite inertia return Hinv if isinstance(obj,RobotModel): return obj.getMassMatrixInv() m = obj.getMass() minv = 1.0/m.mass Hinv[3,3]=Hinv[4,4]=Hinv[5,5]=minv #offset the inertia matrix about the COM H = numpy.array((3,3)) H[0,:] = numpy.array(m.inertia[0:3]) H[1,:] = numpy.array(m.inertia[3:6]) H[2,:] = numpy.array(m.inertia[6:9]) H -= skew(*skew(*m.mass Hinv[0:3,0:3] = numpy.inv(H) return Hinv
[docs]def wrenchMatrices(contactMap): """Returns a map from contact pairs (o1,o2) to pairs of rigid-body wrench matrices (W1,W2) corresponding to each pair of objects in the contact map. Let the pair (o1,o2) have n contacts. The matrix W1 is a 6 x 3n mapping from contact force vectors applied on o2 to torque and force at the origin of o1. The columns [3i,...,3i+2] correspond to the force at the i'th point in contactMap[(o1,o2)]. Rows 0-2 correspond to torque about the origin, while 3-5 correspond to force. W2 is similar, but is the jacobian regarding the force on o1. """ try: import numpy except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("wrenchMatrices(contactMap) needs numpy") res = dict() for ((o1,o2),clist) in contactMap: w1 = numpy.zeros((6,3*len(clist))) w2 = numpy.zeros((6,3*len(clist))) for (i,c) in enumerate(clist): arm = numpy.array(c.x) if o1 != None: arm -= numpy.array(o1.getTransform()[1]) #skew symmetric product matrix w1[0:3,3*i:3*i+3] = skew(arm) w1[3:6,3*i:3*i+3] = -numpy.eye(3) for (i,c) in enumerate(clist): arm = numpy.array(c.x) if o1 != None: arm -= numpy.array(o1.getTransform()[1]) #negative skew symmetric product matrix w2[0:3,3*i:3*i+3] = -skew(arm) w2[3:6,3*i:3*i+3] = numpy.eye(3) res[(o1,o2)]=(w1,w2)