Source code for

"""Easy I/O with resources stored on disk and visual editing.

Use the :meth:``,
:meth:``, and
:meth:`` functions to retrieve / store / edit
resources dynamically.

:meth:`` and :meth:`` launch
a file browser (available in Qt only).

By default, resources are stored in the ``resources/`` subdirectory of the
current working directory.
Use :meth:`` and
:meth:`` to change where resources are
stored  Alternatively, the ``directory=[DIRNAME]`` keyword
argument can be provided to get, set, load, and save.

.. warning::

    Don't use ``from import *``, because this will
    override the built-in set class.

Example usage can be seen in Klampt-examples/Python/demos/

from . import loader
from ..model import trajectory
from ..model import multipath
from ..model import types
from .. import robotsim
from ..math import vectorops,se3,so3
import os
import time
from ..robotsim import WorldModel,RobotModel,RobotModelLink,RigidObjectModel,IKObjective
from ..model.subrobot import SubRobotModel
from import ContactPoint
from import Hold
from .. import vis
from ..vis import editors
from ..vis.backends import vis_gl

global _directory
global _editTemporaryWorlds
global _thumbnail_window
_directory = 'resources'
_thumbnail_window = None

import collections

class _LRUCache:
    def __init__(self, capacity):
        self.capacity = capacity
        self.cache = collections.OrderedDict()

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            value = self.cache.pop(key)
            self.cache[key] = value
            return value
        except KeyError:

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        except KeyError:
            if len(self.cache) >= self.capacity:
        self.cache[key] = value
_editTemporaryWorlds = _LRUCache(10)

[docs]def getDirectory(): """Returns the current resource directory.""" return _directory
[docs]def setDirectory(value): """Sets the current resource directory.""" global _directory _directory = value
def _ensure_dir(f): d = os.path.dirname(f) if len(d)==0: return if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) def _get_world(world): if isinstance(world,str): #a single argument, e.g., a robot file global _editTemporaryWorlds try: return _editTemporaryWorlds[world] except KeyError: w = WorldModel() if not w.readFile(world): raise RuntimeError("Error loading world file "+world) _editTemporaryWorlds[world] = w return w return world
[docs]def knownExtensions(): """Returns all known resource file extensions""" return list(loader.extensionToType.keys())
[docs]def knownTypes(): """Returns all known resource types""" return list(loader.typeToExtension.keys())+['WorldModel','MultiPath','Point','Rotation','Matrix3','ContactPoint']
[docs]def visualEditTypes(): """Returns types that can be visually edited""" return ['Config','Configs','Trajectory','Vector3','Point','RigidTransform','Rotation','WorldModel']
[docs]def get(name,type='auto',directory=None,default=None,doedit='auto',description=None,editor='visual',world=None,referenceObject=None,frame=None): """Retrieve a resource of the given name from the current resources directory. If the resource does not already exist, an edit prompt will be shown, and the result from the prompt will be saved to disk under the given name. Resources may be of type Config, Configs, IKGoal, Hold, Stance, MultiPath, Trajectory/LinearPath, and ContactPoint, or any of the basic Klampt object types, geometry types, and math types. Resources can also be edited using ``klampt_browser`` and RobotPose. Args: name (str): the resource name. If type='auto', this is assumed to have a suffix of a file of the desired type. The name can also be nested of the form 'group/subgroup/name.type'. type (str): the resource type, or 'auto' to determine it automatically. directory (str, optional): the search directory. If None, uses the current resource directory. default (optional): the default value if the resource does not exist on disk. If None, some arbitrary default value will be inferred. doedit: if 'auto', if the resource does not exist on disk, an edit prompt will be displayed. If False, an RuntimeError will be raised if the resource does not exist on disk. If True, the user will be given an edit prompt to optionally edit the resource before this call returns. description (str, optional): an optional text description of the resource, for use in the edit prompt. editor (str): either 'visual' or 'console', determining whether to use the visual OpenGL or console editor. world (WorldModel, optional): for a visual editor, this world will be shown along with the item to edit. If this is a string it points to a file that will be loaded for the world (e.g., a world XML file, or a robot file). referenceObject (optional): to give visual reference points, one or more RobotModels, ObjectModels, Geometry3D's, or RobotModelLink's may be designated to follow the edited object. Currently works with Config's / Configs' / Trajectories / rigid transforms / rotations / points. frame (optional): for rigid transforms / rotations / points, the reference frame in which the quantity is represented. This is an element of se3, or an ObjectModel, or a RobotModelLink, or a string indicating a named rigid element of the world. Returns: Klampt object or None: If the named resource exists, loads and returns a Klampt object. If the object doesn't exist and ``doedit=True`` and the user presses OK on the editor, then the object will be saved as the resource ``name``. Otherwise, ``default`` will be returned. """ if name==None: if doedit==False: raise RuntimeError("Can't get() an anonymous resource without launching editor") success,newvalue = edit(name,value=default,type=type,description=description,editor=editor,world=world,referenceObject=referenceObject,frame=frame) if not success: print("Cancel pressed, returning None") return None else: print("Ok pressed, returning anonymous resource") return newvalue if directory==None: directory = getDirectory() if type == 'auto': type = loader.filenameToType(name) value = None fn = os.path.join(directory,name) try: try: value = loader.load(type,fn) except IOError: raise except Exception as e: import traceback print("Unable to read object from file "+fn) print("Traceback: ") traceback.print_exc() raise IOError() if value==None: raise IOError("Unable to load from file "+fn) if doedit==True: success,newvalue = edit(name,value=value,type=type,description=description,editor=editor,world=world,referenceObject=referenceObject,frame=frame) if success: print("Ok pressed, saving resource to",name) value = newvalue set(name,value,type=type,directory=directory) else: print("Cancel pressed, not saving resource to disk") return value return value except IOError as e: if doedit!=False: print("Resource",fn,"does not exist, launching editor...") success,newvalue = edit(name,value=default,type=type,description=description,editor=editor,world=world,referenceObject=referenceObject,frame=frame) if success: print("Ok pressed, saving resource to",name) value = newvalue set(name,value=value,type=type,directory=directory) else: print("Cancel pressed, not saving resource to disk") return value elif default is not None: return default else: print("IO error") print(e) raise RuntimeError("Resource "+name+" does not exist") return
[docs]def set(name,value,type='auto',directory=None): """Saves a resource to disk under the given name. Args: name (str): the file name. Please make sure to get the right file extension. .json files are also OK for many types. value: a Klamp't resource (see list of compatible types in get()) type (str, optional): The resource type. If 'auto', the type is determined by the file extension. If this fails, the type is determined by the value. Returns: bool: True on success, False otherwise """ if type == 'auto': try: type = loader.filenameToType(name) except Exception: type = types.objectToTypes(value) if isinstance(type,(list,tuple)): type = type[0] if directory==None: directory = getDirectory() fn = os.path.join(directory,name) _ensure_dir(fn) if type == 'xml': #loader can now save some xml files return,'auto',fn) #if hasattr(value,'saveFile'): # return value.saveFile(fn) #raise NotImplementedError("TODO: save other xml files from Python API") else: return,type,fn)
[docs]class FileGetter: def __init__(self,title="Open file"): self.title = title = '' self.filetypes = [] self.result = None
[docs] def getOpen(self): from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog defaultpattern = None patternlist = [] for (desc,exts) in self.filetypes: if defaultpattern is None: defaultpattern = exts[0] pattern = desc + " (" pattern = pattern + ' '.join("*"+ext for ext in exts) + ")" patternlist.append(pattern) patternlist.append("All files (*.*)") if defaultpattern is None: defaultpattern = '.txt' #print("Pattern list:",patternlist) patterns = ";;".join(patternlist) self.result = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, self.title,'/untitled'+defaultpattern, patterns) print("Result from open dialog",self.result) if isinstance(self.result,tuple): self.result = self.result[0]
[docs] def getSave(self): from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog defaultpattern = None patternlist = [] for (desc,exts) in self.filetypes: if defaultpattern is None: defaultpattern = exts[0] pattern = desc + " (" pattern = pattern + ' '.join("*"+ext for ext in exts) + ")" patternlist.append(pattern) patternlist.append("All files (*.*)") if defaultpattern is None: defaultpattern = '.txt' #print("Pattern list:",patternlist) patterns = ";;".join(patternlist) self.result = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, self.title,'/untitled'+defaultpattern, patterns) print("Result from save dialog",self.result) if isinstance(self.result,tuple): self.result = self.result[0]
[docs]def load(type=None,directory=None): """Pops up a dialog that asks the user to load a resource file of a given type. Args: type (str, optional): The Klampt type the user should open. If not given, all resource file types are shown in the dialog as options. directory (str, optional): if given, overrides the current resources directory. Returns: tuple or None: a (filename,value) pair if OK is pressed, or None if the operation was canceled """ fg = FileGetter('Open resource') = directory if directory==None: = getDirectory() if type is not None: extensions=[v for v in loader.typeToExtensions[type]] extensions.append('.json') fg.filetypes.append((type,extensions)) def make_getfilename(glbackend): fg.getOpen() return None #These gymnastics are necessary because Qt can only be run in a single thread, and to be compatible #with the visualization you need to use the customUI functions old_window = vis.getWindow() global _thumbnail_window if _thumbnail_window is None: _thumbnail_window = vis.createWindow("") vis.setWindow(_thumbnail_window) vis.customUI(make_getfilename) vis.dialog() vis.customUI(None) vis.setWindow(old_window) if len(fg.result) == 0: return None fn = str(fg.result) return fn,get(fn,('auto' if type is None else type),'',doedit=False)
[docs]def save(value,type='auto',directory=None): """Pops up a dialog that asks the user to save a resource to a file of the correct type. Args: value: a Klamp't object that has a resource type type (str, optional): The Klampt type the user should open. If 'auto', the type is auto-detected. directory (str, optional): if given, overrides the current resources directory. Returns: str or None: the file saved to, if OK is pressed, or None if the operation was canceled. """ fg = FileGetter('Save resource') = directory if directory==None: = getDirectory() if type == 'auto': typelist = types.objectToTypes(value) if isinstance(typelist,str): typelist = [typelist] else: typelist = [type] for type in typelist: extensions=[v for v in loader.typeToExtensions[type]] extensions.append('.json') print("Available extensions for objects of type",type,":",extensions) fg.filetypes.append((type,extensions)) def make_getfilename(glbackend): fg.getSave() return None #These gymnastics are necessary because Qt can only be run in a single thread, and to be compatible #with the visualization you need to use the customUI functions old_window = vis.getWindow() global _thumbnail_window if _thumbnail_window is None: _thumbnail_window = vis.createWindow("") vis.setWindow(_thumbnail_window) vis.customUI(make_getfilename) vis.dialog() vis.customUI(None) vis.setWindow(old_window) if len(fg.result) == 0: return None if set(str(fg.result),value,type,''): return str(fg.result) return None
class _ThumbnailPlugin(vis_gl.GLVisualizationPlugin): def __init__(self,world): vis_gl.GLVisualizationPlugin.__init__(self) = world self.done = False self.rendered = 0 self.image = None def display(self): self.rendered += 1 vis_gl.GLVisualizationPlugin.display(self) def idle(self): vis_gl.GLVisualizationPlugin.idle(self) if self.rendered >= 2 and not self.done: from OpenGL.GL import glReadPixels,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE view = self.window.program.view screenshot = glReadPixels( view.x, view.y, view.w, view.h, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) try: from PIL import Image self.image = Image.frombuffer("RGBA", (view.w, view.h), screenshot, "raw", "RGBA", 0, 0) except ImportError: try: import Image self.image = Image.frombuffer("RGBA", (view.w, view.h), screenshot, "raw", "RGBA", 0, 0) except ImportError: self.image = screenshot self.done = True return True
[docs]def thumbnail(value,size,type='auto',world=None,frame=None): """Retrieves an image of the given item, resized to the given size. Args: value: a resource type. size (pair of ints): the (width,height) of the thumbnail, in pixels. type (str, optional): the type of value world (WorldModel, optional): if given, the resource will be drawn with this world in the background. If the resource needs an associated object (e.g., Config, Configs, Trajectory), the object will be drawn with that given object. frame (se3 element, optional): not supported yet. Will eventually let you draw Points or RigidTransforms relative to some reference frame. Returns: Image or bytes: A PIL Image if PIL is available, or just a raw RGBA memory buffer otherwise. """ global _thumbnail_window world = _get_world(world) if isinstance(value,WorldModel): world = value value = None if type == 'auto' and value is not None: typelist = types.objectToTypes(value) if isinstance(typelist,(list,tuple)): type = typelist[0] else: type = typelist if type == None: raise ValueError("Un-recognized type") if type=='Config' and world is None and len(value)==3: type = 'Vector3' if type in ['Config','Configs','Trajectory','IKGoal']: if world is None: raise ValueError("Need a world to draw a thumbnail of type "+type) if frame != None: if type not in ['RigidTransform','Vector3','Matrix3']: raise ValueError("Can't accept frame argument for objects of type "+type) old_window = vis.getWindow() if _thumbnail_window is None: _thumbnail_window = vis.createWindow("") vis.setWindow(_thumbnail_window) assert not vis.shown() vp = vis.getViewport() vp.w,vp.h = size if vp.w < 256 or vp.h < 256: vp.w = vp.w *256 / min(vp.w,vp.h) vp.h = vp.h *256 / min(vp.w,vp.h) vis.setViewport(vp) vp = vis.getViewport() plugin = _ThumbnailPlugin(world) if world: plugin.add("world",world) if value is not None: if type == 'Config': world.robot(0).setConfig(value) else: plugin.add("item",value) plugin.autoFitCamera() vis.setPlugin(plugin) plugin.rendered = 0 while not plugin.done: time.sleep(0.1) vis.setPlugin(None) vis.setWindow(old_window) if (vp.w,vp.h) != size and plugin.image.__class__.__name__=='Image': try: from PIL import Image plugin.image.thumbnail(size,Image.ANTIALIAS) except ImportError: try: import Image plugin.image.thumbnail(size,Image.ANTIALIAS) except ImportError: # if this happens then # plugin.image is just a raw RGBA memory buffer pass return plugin.image
[docs]def console_edit(name,value,type,description=None,world=None,frame=None): print("*********************************************************") print() print("Editing resource",name,"of type",type) print() if description!=None: print(description) print() if frame!=None: if hasattr(frame,'getName'): print("Reference frame:",frame.getName()) else: print("Reference frame:",frame) print() print("*********************************************************") print("Current value:",value) print("Do you wish to change it? (y/n/q) >", end=' ') choice = '' while choice not in ['y','n','q']: choice = input()[0].lower() if choice not in ['y','n','q']: print("Please enter y/n/q indicating yes/no/quit.") print(">", end=' ') if choice=='y': print("Enter the new desired value below. You may use native text,") print("JSON strings, or file(fn) to indicate a file name.") print("New value >", end=' ') import json data = input() if data.startswith('{') or data.startswith('['): jsonobj = json.loads(data) try: obj = loader.fromJson(jsonobj,type) return True,obj except Exception: print("Error loading from JSON, press enter to continue...") input() return False,value elif data.startswith('file('): try: obj = get(data[5:-1],type,doedit=False) if obj==None: return False,value return True,obj except Exception: print("Error loading from file, press enter to continue...") input() return False,value else: try: obj =,data) return True,obj except Exception: print("Error loading from text, press enter to continue...") input() return False,value elif choice=='n': print("Using current value.") print("*********************************************************") return False,value elif choice=='q': return False,None
[docs]def edit(name,value,type='auto',description=None,editor='visual',world=None,referenceObject=None,frame=None): """Launches an editor for the given value. Args: name (str): the displayed name of the edited value. Can be None, in which case 'Anonymous' is displayed. value: the value to be edited. Can be None, in which case 'type' must be specified and a default value is created. type (str): the type string of the value to be edited. Usually can be auto-detected from value. description (str, optional): a descriptive string, displayed to the person editing. editor (str): either 'visual' or 'console'. If 'visual', will display a GUI for visually editing the item. If 'console', the user will have to type in the value. world (WorldModel or str, optional): either a WorldModel instance or a string specifying a world file. This is necessary for visual editing. referenceObject (optional): a RobotModel or other object to which the value "refers to". For configurations and trajectories, this is the object that will be moved by the trajectory. In the case of a RigidTransform value, this can be an object or a list of objects that will be transformed by the transform. frame (optional): for Vector3, Matrix3, Point, Rotation, and RigidTransform types, the returned value will be given relative to this reference frame. The reference frame can be either an element of se3, a RigidObjectModel, a RobotModelLink, or a string indicating a named rigid element of the world. Returns: tuple: A pair (save, result) containing: * save (bool): True if the user pressed OK, False if Cancel or the close box were chosen. * result: the edited value. """ if name == None and type=='auto': raise RuntimeError("Cannot do an anonymous edit without the 'type' argument specified") if name == None: name = 'Anonymous' if type == 'auto': type = types.objectToTypes(value) if type is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not autodetect type of object "+name) if isinstance(type,(list,tuple)): type = type[0] if editor=='visual' and vis.init('PyQt') is None: print("PyQt is not available, defaulting to console editor") editor = 'console' world = _get_world(world) if isinstance(frame,str): try: oframe = world.rigidObject(frame) frame = oframe except RuntimeError: try: if isinstance(referenceObject,RobotModel): oframe = frame = oframe else: oframe = world.robot(0).link(frame) frame = oframe except RuntimeError: try: oframe = world.terrain(frame) frame = oframe except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError('Named frame "'+frame+'" is not a valid frame') if type in ['Config','Configs','Trajectory']: if world==None and referenceObject==None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot visually edit a "+type+" resource without a world/referenceObject argument") if referenceObject==None and world.numRobots() > 0: referenceObject = world.robot(0) if value is None: value = types.make(type,referenceObject) if value == None: raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to edit objects of type "+type) def attach(objects,editor): #attach visualization items to the transform if isinstance(objects,RobotModelLink): assert objects.index >= 0 r = objects.robot() descendant = [False]*r.numLinks() descendant[objects.index] = True for i in range(r.numLinks()): p = if p >= 0 and descendant[p]: descendant[i]=True for i in range(r.numLinks()): if descendant[i]: editor.attach(,se3.mul(se3.inv(objects.getTransform()), elif hasattr(objects,'getTransform') or hasattr(objects,'getCurrentTransform'): editor.attach(objects) elif hasattr(objects,'__iter__') and len(objects) > 0: editor.attach(objects[0]) if hasattr(objects[0],'getTransform'): T0 = objects[0].getTransform() elif hasattr(objects[0],'getCurrentTransform'): T0 = objects[0].getCurrentTransform() else: T0 = None for o in objects[1:]: if hasattr(o,'getTransform'): To = o.getTransform() elif hasattr(o,'getCurrentTransform'): To = o.getCurrentTransform() else: To = None if To is None or T0 is None: raise ValueError("Can't attach referenceObjects that have no transform defined?") editor.attach(o,se3.mul(se3.inv(T0),To)) if editor == 'console': return console_edit(name,value,type,description,world,frame) elif editor == 'visual': if type == 'Config': assert isinstance(referenceObject,(RobotModel,SubRobotModel)),"Can currently only edit Config values with a RobotModel reference object" return,value,description,world,referenceObject)) elif type == 'Configs': assert isinstance(referenceObject,(RobotModel,SubRobotModel)),"Can currently only edit Configs values with a RobotModel reference object" return,value,description,world,referenceObject)) elif type == 'Trajectory': if len(value.milestones)==0 or len(value.milestones[0])>3: assert hasattr(value,'robot') or isinstance(referenceObject,(RobotModel,SubRobotModel)),"Can currently only edit N>3 Trajectory values with a RobotModel reference object" editor = editors.TrajectoryEditor(name,value,description,world,referenceObject) else: editor = editors.TrajectoryEditor(name,value,description,world) attach(referenceObject,editor) return elif type == 'SE3Trajectory': editor = editors.TrajectoryEditor(name,value,description,world) attach(referenceObject,editor) return elif type == 'Vector3' or type == 'Point': if hasattr(frame,'getTransform'): frame = frame.getTransform() return,value,description,world,frame)) elif type == 'RigidTransform' or type == 'Rotation': if type == 'RigidTransform' and isinstance(frame,RigidObjectModel): return,value,description,world,frame)) if type == 'Rotation': #convert from so3 to se3 value = [value,[0,0,0]] Tref = frame if hasattr(frame,'getTransform'): Tref = frame.getTransform() editor = editors.RigidTransformEditor(name,value,description,world,Tref) if type == 'Rotation': editor.disableTranslation() attach(referenceObject,editor) #Run! if type == 'Rotation': #convert from se3 to so3 return[0] else: return elif type == "GeometricPrimitive": Tref = frame if hasattr(frame,'getTransform'): Tref = frame.getTransform() editor = editors.GeometricPrimitiveEditor(name,value,description,world,Tref) return elif type == 'WorldModel': return,value,description)) else: raise RuntimeError("Visual editing of objects of type "+type+" not supported yet") else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for argument 'editor', must be either 'visual' or 'console'")