Source code for

"""Functions for loading/saving Klampt' objects to disk in the same format
as the Klampt C++ bindings / JSON formats.

Can read/write objects using the general purpose reader/writer functions
'read(type,text)' and 'write(x,type)'.

Can load/save objects using the general purpose loader/saver functions
'load(type,fileName)' and 'save(x,type,fileName)'.  The load functions also
support URLs

Json serialization/deserialization are handled using the :func:`toJson` and
:func:`fromJson` functions.

Module summary

High level interface

.. autosummary::


.. autosummary::

from ..robotsim import *
from ..math import so3,vectorops
from import ContactPoint, Hold
from ..model.trajectory import Trajectory,HermiteTrajectory,SO3Trajectory,SE3Trajectory
from ..model import types
import os
import warnings

extensionToTypes = {'.config':['Config'],
"""dict mapping file extensions to lists of compatible Klampt types."""

unsupportedJsonTypes = ['Geometry3D','TriangleMesh','PointCloud','GeometricPrimitive','VolumeGrid',
"""List of Klampt types that cannot currently be exported to JSON"""

typeToExtensions = dict()
"""dict mapping Klamp't types to lists of compatible file extensions."""
for (k,v) in list(extensionToTypes.items()):
    for t in v:
        if t in typeToExtensions:
            typeToExtensions[t] = [k]

[docs]def filenameToTypes(name): """Returns the Klampt types possibly represented by the given filename's extension. """ fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(name) if fileExtension in extensionToTypes: return extensionToTypes[fileExtension] else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine type of object from filename "+name)
[docs]def filenameToType(name): """Returns one Klampt type represented by the given filename's extension. If the file is a dynamic type (.xml or .json), just 'xml' or 'json' is returned because the type will need to be determined after parsing the file. If the type is ambiguous (like .obj), the first type in extensionToTypes is returned. Returns: str: The Klamp't type """ fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(name) if fileExtension == '.xml': return 'xml' #dynamic loading elif fileExtension == '.json': return 'json' #dynamic loading elif fileExtension in extensionToTypes: ftypes = extensionToTypes[fileExtension] if len(ftypes) > 1 and fileExtension not in ['.path'] and (ftypes[0] != 'Geometry3D' and len(ftypes) > 2): warnings.warn("loader.filenameToType(): filename {} is ambiguous, matches types {}".format(name,', '.join(ftypes))) return ftypes[0] else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine type of object from filename "+name)
[docs]def writeVector(q): """Writes a vector to a string in the length-prepended format 'n v1 ... vn'""" return str(len(q))+'\t'+' '.join(str(v) for v in q)
[docs]def readVector(text): """Reads a length-prepended vector from a string 'n v1 ... vn'""" items = text.split() if len(items) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty text") if int(items[0])+1 != len(items): raise ValueError("Invalid number of items") return [float(v) for v in items[1:]]
[docs]def writeVectorRaw(x): """Writes a vector to a string in the raw format 'v1 ... vn'""" return ' '.join(str(xi) for xi in x)
[docs]def readVectorRaw(text): """Reads a vector from a raw string 'v1 ... vn'""" items = text.split() return [float(v) for v in items]
[docs]def writeVectorList(x): """Writes a list of vectors to string""" return '\n'.join(writeVector(xi) for xi in x)
[docs]def readVectorList(text): """Reads a list of endline-separated vectors from a string""" items = text.split() vectors = [] pos = 0 while pos < len(items): n = int(items[pos]) vectors.append([float(v) for v in items[pos+1:pos+1+n]]) pos += 1+n return vectors
[docs]def writeMatrix(x): """Writes a matrix to a string in the format m n x11 x12 ... x1n ... xm1 xm2 ... xmn """ return '\n'.join([str(len(x))+' '+str(len(x[0]))]+[writeVectorRaw(xi) for xi in x])
[docs]def readMatrix(text): """Reads a matrix from a string in the format m n x11 x12 ... x1n ... xm1 xm2 ... xmn """ items = text.split() if len(items) < 2: raise ValueError("Invalid matrix string") m,n = int(items[0]),int(items[1]) if len(items) != 2 + m*n: raise ValueError("Invalid number of matrix elements, should be %d, instead got %d"%(m*n,len(items)-2)) k = 2 x = [] for i in range(m): x.append([float(v) for v in items[k:k+n]]) k += n return x
[docs]def writeSo3(x): """Writes an so3 element, i.e., rotation matrix, to string in the same format as written to by Klampt C++ bindings (row major).""" assert len(x)==9,"Argument must be an so3 element" return '\t'.join([' '.join([str(mij) for mij in mi ]) for mi in so3.matrix(x)])
[docs]def readSo3(text): """Reads an so3 element, i.e., rotation matrix, from string in the same format as written to by Klampt C++ bindings (row major).""" items = text.split() if len(items) != 9: raise ValueError("Invalid element of SO3, must have 9 elements") return so3.inv([float(v) for v in items])
[docs]def writeSe3(x): """Writes an se3 element, i.e., rigid transformation, to string in the same format as written to by Klampt C++ bindings (row major R, followed by t).""" return writeSo3(x[0])+'\t'+writeVectorRaw(x[1])
[docs]def readSe3(text): """Reads an se3 element, i.e., rigid transformation, to string in the same format as written to by Klampt C++ bindings (row major R, followed by t).""" items = text.split() if len(items) != 12: raise ValueError("Invalid element of SE3, must have 12 elements") return (so3.inv([float(v) for v in items[:9]]),[float(v) for v in items[9:]])
[docs]def writeMatrix3(x): """Writes a 3x3 matrix to a string""" return writeSo3(so3.from_matrix(x))
[docs]def readMatrix3(text): """Reads a 3x3 matrix from a string""" return so3.matrix(readSo3(text))
def writeContactPoint(cp): """Writes a contact point's members x,n,kFriction""" return ' '.join(str(v) for v in cp.tolist())
[docs]def readContactPoint(text): """Reads a contact point from a string 'x1 x2 x3 n1 n2 n3 kFriction'""" items = text.split() if len(items)!=7: raise ValueError("Invalid number of items, should be 7") return ContactPoint([float(v) for v in items[0:3]],[float(v) for v in items[3:6]],float(items[6]))
[docs]def writeContactPoint(cp): """Writes a contact point to a string 'x1 x2 x3 n1 n2 n3 kFriction'""" return ' '.join([str(v) for v in list(cp.x)+list(cp.n)+[cp.kFriction]])
[docs]def readIKObjective(text): """Reads an IKObjective from a string in the Klamp't native format ``link destLink posConstraintType [pos constraint items] ... rotConstraintType [rot constraint items]`` where link and destLink are integers, posConstraintType is one of * N: no constraint * P: position constrained to a plane * L: position constrained to a line * F: position constrained to a point and rotConstraintType is one of * N: no constraint * T: two-axis constraint (not supported) * A: rotation constrained about axis * F: fixed rotation The [pos constraint items] contain a variable number of whitespace- separated items, dependending on posConstraintType: * N: 0 items * P: the local position xl yl zl, world position x y z on the plane, and plane normal nx,ny,nz * L: the local position xl yl zl, world position x y z on the line, and line axis direction nx,ny,nz * F: the local position xl yl zl and world position x y z The [rot constraint items] contain a variable number of whitespace- separated items, dependending on rotConstraintType: * N: 0 items * T: not supported * A: the local axis xl yl zl and the world axis x y z * F: the world rotation matrix, in moment (aka exponential map) form mx my mz (see so3.from_moment()) """ items = text.split() if len(items) < 4: raise ValueError("Not enough items to unpack") link = int(items[0]) destlink = int(items[1]) ind = 2 posType = None posLocal = None posWorld = None posDirection = None rotType = None rotWorld = None rotAxis = None #read pos constraint posType = items[ind] ind += 1 if posType=='N': #no constraint pass elif posType=='P' or posType=='L': posLocal = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 posWorld = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 posDirection = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 elif posType=='F': posLocal = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 posWorld = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 else: raise ValueError("Invalid pos type "+posType+", must be N,P,L or F") rotType = items[ind] ind += 1 if rotType=='N': #no constraint pass elif rotType=='T' or rotType=='A': rotAxis = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 rotWorld = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 elif rotType=='F': rotWorld = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 else: raise ValueError("Invalid rot type "+rotType+", must be N,T,A or F") if posLocal: posLocal = [float(v) for v in posLocal] if posWorld: posWorld = [float(v) for v in posWorld] if posDirection: posDirection = [float(v) for v in posDirection] if rotAxis: rotAxis = [float(v) for v in rotAxis] if rotWorld: rotWorld = [float(v) for v in rotWorld] obj = IKObjective() obj.setLinks(link,destlink); if posType=='N': obj.setFreePosConstraint() elif posType=='F': obj.setFixedPosConstraint(posLocal,posWorld) elif posType=='P': obj.setPlanePosConstraint(posLocal,posDirection,,posWorld)) else: obj.setLinearPosConstraint(posLocal,posWorld,posDirection) if rotType == 'N': obj.setFreeRotConstraint() elif rotType == 'F': #fixed constraint R = so3.from_moment(rotWorld) obj.setFixedRotConstraint(R) elif rotType == 'A': obj.setAxialRotConstraint(rotAxis,rotWorld) else: raise NotImplementedError("Two-axis rotational constraints not supported") return obj
[docs]def writeIKObjective(obj): return obj.saveString()
[docs]def readHold(text): """Loads a Hold from a string""" lines = parseLines(text) if lines[0] != 'begin hold': raise ValueError('Invalid hold begin text') if lines[-1] != 'end': raise ValueError('Invalid hold end text') h = Hold() posLocal = None posWorld = None localPos0 = None rotAxis = None rotWorld = None iktype = 0 for l in lines[1:-1]: items = l.split() if items[1] != '=': raise ValueError("Invalid line format") if items[0] == 'link': = int(items[2]) elif items[0] == 'contacts': ind = 2 while ind < len(items): h.contacts.append(readContactPoint(' '.join(items[ind:ind+7]))) ind += 7 elif items[0] == "position": posLocal = [float(v) for v in items[2:5]] posWorld = [float(v) for v in items[5:8]] elif items[0] == "axis": rotAxis = [float(v) for v in items[2:5]] rotWorld = [float(v) for v in items[5:8]] elif items[0] == "rotation": rotWorld = [float(v) for v in items[2:5]] elif items[0] == "ikparams": localPos0 = [float(v) for v in items[2:5]] rotWorld = [float(v) for v in items[5:8]] iktype = 1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid item "+items[0]) if iktype == 0: h.ikConstraint = IKObjective() if posLocal==None: raise ValueError("Hold must have some point constraint") if rotWorld==None: h.ikConstraint.setFixedPoint(,posLocal,posWorld) elif rotAxis==None: R = so3.from_moment(rotWorld) t = vectorops.sub(posWorld,so3.apply(R,posLocal)) h.ikConstraint.setFixedTransform(,R,t) else: raise NotImplementedError("Can't do axis rotation yet") h.ikConstraint.setAxisRotation(,posLocal,posWorld,localAxis,worldAxis) else: raise NotImplementedError("other ik specifications not done yet") h.setupIKConstraint(localPos0,rotWorld) return h
[docs]def writeHold(h): """Writes a Hold to a string""" text = "begin hold\n" text += " link = "+str("\n" text += " contacts = "; text += " \\\n ".join([writeContactPoint(c) for c in h.contacts]) text += "\n" localPos, worldPos = h.ikConstraint.getPosition() text += " position = "+" ".join(str(v) for v in localPos)+" \\\n" text += " "+" ".join(str(v) for v in worldPos)+"\n" #TODO: write ik constraint rotation if h.ikConstraint.numRotDims()==3: #fixed rotation m = so3.moment(h.ikConstraint.getRotation()) text += "rotation = "+" ".join(str(v) for v in m)+"\n" elif h.ikConstraint.numRotDims()==1: locAxis,worldAxis = h.ikConstraint.getRotationAxis() text += "axis = "+" ".join(str(v) for v in locAxis)+" \\\n" text += " "+" ".join(str(v) for v in worldAxis)+"\n" text += "end" return text
[docs]def writeGeometricPrimitive(g): return g.saveString()
[docs]def readGeometricPrimitive(text): g = GeometricPrimitive() if not g.loadString(text): raise RuntimeError("Error reading GeometricPrimitive from string") return g
[docs]def readIntArray(text): """Reads a length-prepended vector from a string 'n v1 ... vn'""" items = text.split() if int(items[0])+1 != len(items): raise ValueError("Invalid number of items") return [int(v) for v in items[1:]]
[docs]def readStringArray(text): """Reads a length-prepended vector from a string 'n v1 ... vn'""" items = text.split() if int(items[0])+1 != len(items): raise ValueError("Invalid number of items") return items[1:]
[docs]def parseLines(text): """Returns a list of lines from the given text. Understands end-of-line escapes '\\n'""" lines = text.strip().split('\n') esclines = [] esc = False for l in lines: if esc: esclines[-1] = esclines[-1]+l else: esclines.append(l) if len(l)>0 and l[-1]=='\\': esclines[-1] = esclines[-1][:-1] esc = True else: esc = False return esclines
readers = {'Config':readVector, 'Vector':readVector, 'Configs':readVectorList, 'Vector3':readVectorRaw, 'Matrix':readMatrix, 'Matrix3':readMatrix3, 'Rotation':readSo3, 'RigidTransform':readSe3, 'IKObjective':readIKObjective, 'IKGoal':readIKObjective, 'Hold':readHold, 'GeometricPrimitive':readGeometricPrimitive, 'IntArray':readIntArray, 'StringArray':readStringArray, } writers = {'Config':writeVector, 'Vector':writeVector, 'Configs':writeVectorList, 'Vector3':writeVectorRaw, 'Matrix':writeMatrix, 'Matrix3':writeMatrix3, 'Rotation':writeSo3, 'RigidTransform':writeSe3, 'IKObjective':writeIKObjective, 'IKGoal':writeIKObjective, 'Hold':writeHold, 'GeometricPrimitive':writeGeometricPrimitive, 'IntArray':writeVector, 'StringArray':writeVector, }
[docs]def autoType(obj,validTypes): """Returns a type string for the Klamp't object obj, restricted to the set of validTypes. If there are multiple interpretations, the first type in objectToTypes that matches a valid type is returned. Args: obj: A Klamp't-compatible object validTypes: a set or dict of possible valid types Returns: str or None: The type of the object, or None if no valid type was found """ otypes = types.objectToTypes(obj) if isinstance(otypes,list): for otype in otypes: if otype in validTypes: return otype return None else: #only one type return otypes
[docs]def write(obj,type): """General-purpose write of an arbitrary Klampt object to a str. Args: obj: A Klampt object type (str): Either the Klamp't type, 'json', or 'auto'. If 'auto', the type will be auto-detected from the object. Returns: str: The encoding of the object. """ global writers if type == 'auto': type = autoType(obj,writers) if type is None: raise ValueError("Can't determine a writable type for object of type "+obj.__class__.__name__) elif type == 'json': import json return json.dumps(toJson(obj)) if type not in writers: raise ValueError("Writing of objects of type "+type+" not supported") return writers[type](obj)
[docs]def read(type,text): """General-purpose read of an arbitrary Klampt object from a str. Args: type (str): Either the Klamp't type, or 'json'. Future versions may support 'xml' but this is not supported right now. 'auto' may not be specified. text (str): A string containing the object data. Returns: Klamp't object """ global readers if type == 'json': import json jsonobj = json.loads(text) return fromJson(jsonobj) if type not in readers: raise ValueError("Reading of objects of type "+type+" not supported") return readers[type](text)
[docs]def loadWorldModel(fn): w = WorldModel() if not w.loadFile(fn): raise IOError("Error reading WorldModel from "+fn) return w
[docs]def loadGeometry3D(fn): g = Geometry3D() if not g.loadFile(fn): raise IOError("Error reading Geometry3D from "+fn) return g
[docs]def loadTrajectory(fn): value = Trajectory() value.load(fn) return value
[docs]def loadMultiPath(fn): from ..model import multipath value = multipath.MultiPath() value.load(fn) return value
[docs]def loadDynamicXML(fn): #XML types may only be a WorldModel or MultiPath value = WorldModel() res = value.readFile(fn) if res: return value try: return loadMultiPath(fn) except Exception as e: raise
loaders = {'Trajectory':loadTrajectory, 'LinearPath':loadTrajectory, 'MultiPath':loadMultiPath, 'Geometry3D':loadGeometry3D, 'WorldModel':loadWorldModel, 'xml':loadDynamicXML } savers = {'Trajectory':lambda x,, 'LinearPath':lambda x,, 'MultiPath':lambda x,, 'Geometry3D':lambda x,, 'WorldModel':lambda x,fn:x.writeFile(fn), }
[docs]def save(obj,type,fn): """General-purpose save of an arbitrary Klampt object to a file. This also works with RobotModel, RigidObjectModel, and TerrainModel (which don't work with load). Args: obj: a Klamp't object. type (str): the Klampt type, 'json', or 'auto' fn (str): a file name Returns: bool: True if successful. """ global savers,writers if hasattr(obj,'saveFile'): return obj.saveFile(fn) if type == 'auto': savers_and_writers = list(savers.keys()) + list(writers.keys()) type = autoType(obj,savers_and_writers) if type is None: raise ValueError("Can't determine a savable type for object of type "+obj.__class__.__name__) elif type == 'json': import json with open(fn,'w') as f: json.dump(toJson(obj),f) return True if type in savers: return savers[type](obj,fn) elif type in writers: with open(fn,'w') as f: f.write(writers[type](obj)+'\n') return True else: raise ValueError("Saving of type "+type+" is not supported")
[docs]def load(type,fn): """General-purpose load of an arbitrary Klampt object from a file or URL. An exception is raised if there is an error loading or parsing the file. Possible exception types include IOError, ValueError, and HTTPError. Args: type (str): a Klamp't type, 'json', or 'auto' fn (str): a filename. Returns: Klamp't object """ if type == 'auto': type = filenameToType(fn) global loaders,readers cppurl = False if type == 'WorldModel' or (type == 'Geometry3D' and fn.find('ros://') >= 0): #these two types handle URLs in C++ API cppurl = True if not cppurl and fn.find('://') >= 0: import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse src = None data = None try: src = urllib.request.urlopen(fn) data = print(" Download %s HTTP response code %s, size %d bytes"%(fn,src.getcode(),len(data))) finally: if src: src.close() if type in loaders: #need to write to temporary file import os import tempfile local_filename = None fileName, suffix = os.path.splitext(fn) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False,suffix=suffix) as tmp_file: local_filename = print(" saving data to temp file",local_filename) tmp_file.write(data) tmp_file.flush() res = loaders[type](local_filename) os.remove(local_filename) elif type in readers or type == 'json': res = readers[type](data) else: raise ValueError("Loading of type "+type+" is not supported") return res if type in loaders: return loaders[type](fn) elif type in readers or type == 'json': text = None with open(fn,'r') as f: text = ''.join(f.readlines()) return read(type,text) else: raise ValueError("Loading of type "+type+" is not supported")
[docs]def toJson(obj,type='auto'): """Converts from a Klamp't object to a JSON-compatible structure. The resulting structure can be converted to a JSON string using ``json.dumps()`` in the Python builtin ``json`` module. Not all objects are supported yet, notably geometry-related objects and world entities. Args: obj: A Klamp't object. type (str, optional): the type of the object (see :mod:`~klampt.model.types`) If 'auto' (default), the type of the object is inferred automatically. """ if type == 'auto': if isinstance(obj,(list,tuple)): if all([isinstance(v,(bool,int,float)) for v in obj]): type = 'Vector' else: if len(obj)==2 and len(obj[0])==9 and len(obj[1])==3: type = 'RigidTransform' else: isconfigs = True for item in obj: if not all([isinstance(v,(bool,int,float)) for v in item]): isconfigs = False if isconfigs: type = 'Configs' else: raise TypeError("Could not parse object "+str(obj)) elif isinstance(obj,(bool,int,float,str)): type = 'Value' elif obj.__class__.__name__ in ['ContactPoint','IKObjective','Trajectory','MultiPath','GeometricPrimitive','TriangleMesh','ConvexHull','PointCloud','VolumeGrid','Geometry3D']: type = obj.__class__.__name__ elif isinstance(obj,Trajectory): #some subclasses of Trajectory may be used here too type = obj.__class__.__name__ else: raise TypeError("Unknown object of type "+obj.__class__.__name__) if type in ['Config','Configs','Vector','Matrix','Vector2','Vector3','Matrix3','Point','Rotation','Value','IntArray','StringArray']: return obj elif type == 'RigidTransform': return obj elif type == 'ContactPoint': return {'x':obj.x,'n':obj.n,'kFriction':obj.kFriction} elif type == 'Trajectory' or type == 'LinearPath': return {'times':obj.times,'milestones':obj.milestones} elif type.endswith('Trajectory'): return {'type':type,'times':obj.times,'milestones':obj.milestones} elif type == 'IKObjective' or type == 'IKGoal': res = {'type':type,'link'} if obj.destLink() >= 0: res['destLink'] = obj.destLink() if obj.numPosDims()==3: res['posConstraint']='fixed' res['localPosition'],res['endPosition']=obj.getPosition() elif obj.numPosDims()==2: res['posConstraint']='linear' res['localPosition'],res['endPosition']=obj.getPosition() res['direction']=obj.getPositionDirection() elif obj.numPosDims()==1: res['posConstraint']='planar' res['localPosition'],res['endPosition']=obj.getPosition() res['direction']=obj.getPositionDirection() else: #less verbose to just eliminate this #res['posConstraint']='free' pass if obj.numRotDims()==3: res['rotConstraint']='fixed' res['endRotation']=so3.moment(obj.getRotation()) elif obj.numRotDims()==2: res['rotConstraint']='axis' res['localAxis'],res['endRotation']=obj.getRotationAxis() elif obj.numRotDims()==1: raise NotImplementedError("twoaxis constraints are not implemented in Klampt") else: #less verbose to just eliminate this #res['rotConstraint']='free' pass return res elif type == 'TriangleMesh': inds = list(obj.indices) inds = [inds[i*3:i*3+3] for i in range(len(inds)//3)] verts = list(obj.vertices) verts = [verts[i*3:i*3+3] for i in range(len(verts)//3)] return {'type':type,'indices':inds,'vertices':verts} elif type == 'PointCloud': verts = list(obj.vertices) verts = [verts[i*3:i*3+3] for i in range(len(verts)//3)] res = {'type':type,'vertices':verts} propNames = list(obj.propertyNames) if len(propNames) > 0: res['propertyNames'] = propNames if len(verts) * len(propNames) > 0: n = len(verts) k = len(propNames) props = list( props = [props[i*k:i*k+k] for i in range(n)] res['properties'] = props #TODO: settings return res elif type == 'VolumeGrid': res = {'type':type} res['bmin'] = [obj.bbox[i] for i in range(3)] res['bmax'] = [obj.bbox[i] for i in range(3,6)] res['dims'] = list(obj.dims) res['values'] = list(obj.values) return res elif type == 'ConvexHull': points = [[obj.points[i],obj.points[i+1],obj.points[i+2]] for i in range(0,len(obj.points),3)] return {'type':type,'points':points} elif type == 'Geometry3D': data = None gtype = obj.type() if gtype == 'GeometricPrimitive': data = toJson(obj.getGeometricPrimitive(),gtype) elif gtype == 'TriangleMesh': data = toJson(obj.getTriangleMesh(),gtype) elif gtype == 'PointCloud': data = toJson(obj.getPointCloud(),gtype) elif gtype == 'ConvexHull': data = toJson(obj.getConvexHull(),gtype) elif gtype == 'VolumeGrid': data = toJson(obj.getVolumeGrid(),gtype) elif gtype == 'Group': data = [toJson(obj.getElement(i)) for i in range(obj.numElements())] return {'type':type,'datatype':gtype,'data':data} elif type in writers: return {'type':type,'data':write(obj,type)} else: raise ValueError("Unknown or unsupported type "+type)
[docs]def fromJson(jsonobj,type='auto'): """Converts from a JSON structure to a Klamp't object of the appropriate type. Note: a JSON structure can be created from a JSON string using the ``json.loads()`` function in the Python builtin ``json`` module. Not all objects are supported yet, notably geometry-related objects and world entities. Args: jsonobj: A JSON structure (i.e., one coming from :func:`toJson`) type (str, optional): the type of the object (see :mod:`~klampt.model.types`) If 'auto' (default), the type of the object is inferred automatically. """ if type == 'auto': if isinstance(jsonobj,(list,tuple)): return jsonobj elif isinstance(jsonobj,(bool,int,float,str)): return jsonobj elif isinstance(jsonobj,dict): if 'type' in jsonobj: type = jsonobj["type"] elif 'times' in jsonobj and 'milestones' in jsonobj: type = 'Trajectory' elif 'x' in jsonobj and 'n' in jsonobj and 'kFriction' in jsonobj: type = 'ContactPoint' else: raise TypeError("Unknown JSON object of type "+jsonobj.__class__.__name) if type in ['Config','Configs','Vector','Matrix','Matrix3','Rotation','Value','IntArray','StringArray']: return jsonobj elif type == 'RigidTransform': return jsonobj elif type == 'ContactPoint': return ContactPoint(jsonobj['x'],jsonobj['n'],jsonobj['kFriction']) elif type == 'Trajectory' or type == 'LinearPath': return Trajectory(jsonobj['times'],jsonobj['milestones']) elif type == 'HermiteTrajectory': return HermiteTrajectory(jsonobj['times'],jsonobj['milestones']) elif type == 'SO3Trajectory': return SO3Trajectory(jsonobj['times'],jsonobj['milestones']) elif type == 'SE3Trajectory': return SO3Trajectory(jsonobj['times'],jsonobj['milestones']) elif type == 'IKObjective' or type == 'IKGoal': link = jsonobj['link'] destlink = jsonobj['destLink'] if 'destLink' in jsonobj else -1 posConstraint = 'free' rotConstraint = 'free' localPosition = endPosition = None direction = None endRotation = None localAxis = None if 'posConstraint' in jsonobj: posConstraint = jsonobj['posConstraint'] if 'rotConstraint' in jsonobj: rotConstraint = jsonobj['rotConstraint'] if posConstraint == 'planar' or posConstraint == 'linear': direction = jsonobj['direction'] if posConstraint != 'free': localPosition = jsonobj['localPosition'] endPosition = jsonobj['endPosition'] if rotConstraint != 'free': endRotation = jsonobj['endRotation'] if rotConstraint == 'axis' or rotConstraint == 'twoaxis': localAxis = jsonobj['localAxis'] if posConstraint == 'free' and rotConstraint == 'free': #empty return IKObjective() elif posConstraint != 'fixed': raise NotImplementedError("Can't do non-fixed position constraints yet in Python API") if rotConstraint == 'twoaxis': raise NotImplementedError("twoaxis constraints are not implemented in Klampt") if rotConstraint == 'free': obj = IKObjective() if destlink >= 0: obj.setRelativePoint(link,destlink,localPosition,endPosition) else: obj.setFixedPoint(link,localPosition,endPosition) return obj elif rotConstraint == 'axis': obj = IKObjective() h = 0.1 lpts = [localPosition,vectorops.madd(localPosition,localAxis,h)] wpts = [endPosition,vectorops.madd(endPosition,endRotation,h)] if destlink >= 0: obj.setRelativePoints(link,destlink,lpts,wpts) else: obj.setFixedPoints(link,lpts,wpts) return obj elif rotConstraint == 'fixed': obj = IKObjective() R = so3.from_moment(endRotation) t = vectorops.sub(endPosition,so3.apply(R,localPosition)) obj.setFixedTransform(link,R,t) return obj else: raise ValueError("Invalid IK rotation constraint "+rotConstraint) elif type == 'TriangleMesh': inds = sum(jsonobj['indices'],[]) verts = sum(jsonobj['vertices'],[]) mesh = TriangleMesh() mesh.indices.resize(len(inds)) mesh.vertices.resize(len(verts)) for i,v in enumerate(inds): mesh.indices[i] = v for i,v in enumerate(verts): mesh.vertices[i] = v return mesh elif type == 'PointCloud': pc = PointCloud() verts = sum(jsonobj['vertices'],[]) pc.vertices.resize(len(verts)) for i,v in enumerate(verts): pc.vertices[i] = v if 'propertyNames' in jsonobj: propNames = jsonobj['propertyNames'] pc.propertyNames.resize(len(propNames)) for i,v in enumerate(propNames): pc.propertyNames[i] = v if 'properties' in jsonobj: props = sum(jsonobj['properties']) for i,v in enumerate(props):[i] = v #TODO: settings return pc elif type == 'VolumeGrid': vg = VolumeGrid() bbox = jsonobj['bmin'] + jsonobj['bmax'] vg.bbox.resize(6) for i,v in enumerate(bbox): vg.bbox[i] = v vg.dims.resize(3) for i,v in enumerate(jsonobj['dims']): vg.dims[i] = v values = jsonobj['values'] vg.values.resize(len(values)) for i,v in enumerate(values): vg.values[i] = v return vg elif type == 'ConvexHull': ch = ConvexHull() points = sum(jsonobj['points']) ch.points.resize(len(points)) for i,v in enumerate(points): ch.points[i] = v return ch elif type == 'Geometry3D': gtype = jsonobj['datatype'] if gtype == '': return Geometry3D() return Geometry3D(fromJson(jsonobj['data'],gtype)) elif type in readers: return read(type,jsonobj["data"]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown or unsupported type "+type)